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Do you have a favourite all-time sneeze memory?


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I was just wondering if any of you have an all-time favourite sneeze memory that you hold close and cherish, bringing it out of memory storage often just to relive and enjoy it.

Mine happened when I was 10 at my younger sister's dance show. It was the summer and a really hot day and I remember a mature lady having the mother of all allergy sneezing fits. Her sneezes were huge and drawn out singles and the fit seemed to last for the whole show. She would try to cover them with a handkerchief but they were just roars and could be heard over the music. I remember not being able to look away and I felt so tingly. I love that memory even though now I prefer male sneezes. As a kid, I didn't care who sneezed :)

Anyone else?

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Not my favorite, necessarily, but certainly one of the most dramatic happened roughly eight years ago while my mom and I were shopping in Ikea.  My mom was standing in line at the checkout, and one of the employees -- I think she was a bagger -- was overtaken by a powerful sneeze.  As I recall, this employee was young and slightly overweight, with short, dark hair; her sneeze was not obnoxious-sounding; it was simply very big, and seemed to have come on very suddenly.  After she sneezed she was blessed by, probably, everyone present, including my mom; even I said "bless you," and I was standing the farthest away from her of anyone.  She said a general "thank you," and didn't sneeze again.  Afterward, I wondered whether she was embarrassed at all.  

Edited by Luisa39
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5 hours ago, htkid1 said:

I was just wondering if any of you have an all-time favourite sneeze memory that you hold close and cherish, bringing it out of memory storage often just to relive and enjoy it.

Mine happened when I was 10 at my younger sister's dance show. It was the summer and a really hot day and I remember a mature lady having the mother of all allergy sneezing fits. Her sneezes were huge and drawn out singles and the fit seemed to last for the whole show. She would try to cover them with a handkerchief but they were just roars and could be heard over the music. I remember not being able to look away and I felt so tingly. I love that memory even though now I prefer male sneezes. As a kid, I didn't care who sneezed :)

Anyone else?

So, this woman didn't leave the room at any time during her sneezing fit?  Did anyone comment afterward that her fit had disrupted the show?

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The memory that comes to mind is the one that made me realize that I REALLY like sneezes, back before I knew about my fetish.

It was in high school during class. The girl that always sat next to me had a cold that day. I've seen her sneeze plenty of times before, but that day she was....phenomenal. She spent most of her time in class, that day, sneezing in long fits of about 20 sneezes in a row (roughly guessing) although it could've easily been more than that. The best part though, is that she thought it was kind of funny that she was so sneezy that day. She would turn to me and giggle after every fit, and she would whisper to me when she felt more sneezes coming. That day was so magical. Especially because she was a pretty, somewhat popular girl while I was a quiet, awkward kid. I remember I kept looking away though during her fits because I was so paranoid that people were gonna notice that I'm too interested in her sneezes. 

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I don't have a great memory, but my most favorite one in recent years happened this past spring with one of my classmates. He and I had like three classes together, so we saw each other multiple times a day, and one day he showed up with a terrible cold. I'm usually a little turned off by cold sneezes IRL (germophobe tendencies win out), but I don't know if it was the specific sound of his or what, but they were absolutely stunning. 

We had a software programming class in the afternoon, and he sneezed throughout the whole two and a half hour class. They were loud, powerful sneezes that made everyone around him jump, and even he seemed surprised by some of them! He would also moan every once and a while and say "[Winged], I'm dying," and I would awkwardly stutter something back and he would just sniffle pitifully and try to go back to his work.

Mmmm :wub: Makes me all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it. I was livetexting the lab to @Sen Beret and @AnonyMouse at the time too, which made it even better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a few. One happened in grade school when a girl who usually sneezed in triples [achoo-choo.....achoo] suddenly fired off ten in a row without stopping. [uncovered; sneezy face in full view] The second one was in high school. I've mentioned it before; the amazon girl across the street was playing catch with a friend when she sneezed 8 perfect rapid fire sneezes. [so adorable:D] The third was also in high school. The boy I had a crush on at the time treated me to a spectacular fit wearing nothing but a jock strap. There were 6 or 7, I'm not sure. 3 doubles with a few seconds pause between each pair.  #1 and #2 were heard but not seen. He was behind a sea of boys. #3and #4; the sea of boys parted and there he was: sneezy face seen in profile [head back, lips parted]  #5and #6 [and possibly #7, I'm not sure] heard but not seen; he was back behind the sea of boys. At this point I had to dress quickly.[wink, wink]:watsup: 

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Hmmm, I have lots of special sneezes from over the years that I drag out of the old memory banks to replay whenever I want to. ? Some that stick out more than others belonged to some wonderful men I used to work with, and one that I still do work with. I used to work with this one guy, I called him Hot Head Cashier (because he was hot, and a Head Cashier, not a "hothead" lol), and his sneezes were practically tailor made for me!!! I loved everything about them, the sound, everything he did before and afterwards. And lots of nights we worked together, I was always treated to a really nice show. I relive his sneezes pretty frequently, just because they were some of the best I have ever witnessed.

And then there is my dear friend J that I work with. He is sweet to always announce his for me. But let's just say, our first special night together, he sneezed while we were cuddling, which is one that I will never, ever forget!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Let's see. A few weeks ago I was sitting in class, and me and my best friend where talking. He was showing me something on his laptop, I can't remember what, but I was staring at the computer with half my attention and the other half was paying attention to him, when he suddenly doubled forward and half stiffled a sneeze. And it sounded amaznig. I just froze :) I'll remember it forever, because it was just amazing.

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