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H.B. (F, 1/?!)


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The sun was blazing, unburdened by clouds and utterly alone in an expanse of cold blue. Below the horizon lay a massive field of grass, interrupted every now and then by bursts of color like fireworks in a green sky. She felt drawn to the purple blooms, their bright, heavy petals the rarest jewels in the sunlight. They brushed against her limbs, the soft but grainy contact making her shiver. Pollen caked her body, thick but delicate enough to slough off in clouds of shimmering gold with every tiny, precise movement of her body. She pushed further into the inviting caress of the blossom, blissfully unaware of the world until he boomed an order from overhead.

You must keep moving...

The words and the sky seemed one in the same, buzzing with the same frequencies to create a pleasant mergence, a seamless connection. She was warm, weary, and drunk on nectar, but she knew she had to continue.

With waning effort she lifted herself above the field and its flowers, at first just enough to feel the full warmth of the sun against her body. On any other day the light gave her energy; all it did now was illuminate the golden sheen covering her limbs and weigh her down with its oppressive heat. She felt herself drifting against her will, slowly sinking to her knees in the dirt.


he commanded, but she slumped forward and held still like an animal hiding. The world itself seemed to stop until she rose with a single, vigorous breath, apparently loud enough to startle a nearby rabbit out of hiding.

The subsequent sneeze and the movement from the creature seemed to stir up more pollen from the surrounding flowers and grasses. With no handkerchief and no chance of stifling against the rising tide of breath in her chest, she sneezed again into the open air, causing the weeds before her to shudder violently.

This brought another short burst of relief, followed by a tickle even stronger than the first two. She tried to suppress the next one, but it emerged more aggressively than its predecessors, spraying the front of her arms as they rose just a moment too late.

Each sneeze seemed to sharpen her mental clarity, like a small system reboot. Fighting to keep her eyes from closing as another sneeze threatened to overcome her, she glanced around, trying to piece together the context of her situation. She was in a field. She was fully, albeit strangely dressed, which was always preferable to the alternative. She could identify a couple of landmarks that indicated she was about mile from home. What she could not identify was any reason for her being out here.

Unable to fight it much longer, she dropped her defenses against the almost painfully itchy sensation as it spread its tendrils through every nerve. The tickle felt strongest in her nose, making her breath catch with the unexpected fierceness of the invasion. Just when she thought a sneeze was imminent the tension released without fanfare, her breath flooding out in a shuddering exhale. It was back again as suddenly as it left, torturous but skirting just below the threshold of a much needed release. Even the sun couldn't push her over the edge.

She was so consumed by the unobtainable sneeze that she hardly noticed the buzzing in her ear. It wasn't until the insect drifted into her line of sight that she became aware of the bee. It fluttered its wings at an amazing speed, making the air around it sparkle with pollen. Transfixed, she forgot about the sneeze for a moment, even as she was showered with the delicate grains that caused her so much agony.

Black is coming.

A branch snapped, causing her to jump. There was a wooded area behind her and she knew without looking that someone was following her. The bee floated up but not away from her, hovering just above her like a curious drone. She gulped in a breath and struggled to her feet, adrenaline powering her forward.

This isn't this isn't really this isn't real, she told herself, the mantra that sometimes forced her out of her self-made falsehoods, but then she heard him curse behind her, his voice just as real as her own frantic breathing.

"Shit! Goddamn bee!"

In that moment she knew her friend bought her two extra seconds to run.

Edited by AnonyMouse
tide rof nosaeR
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This is so beautifully written and I am intrigued by the setting and can't wait to learn more about what is going on here.

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Well I'm certainly intrigued. This already works perfectly well as a little oneshot, but I hope you will write more. I'm curious to see what happens, and this is just really well written.

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7 hours ago, AnonyMouse said:

The sun was blazing, unburdened by clouds and utterly alone in an expanse of cold blue. Below the horizon lay a massive field of grass, interrupted every now and then by bursts of color like fireworks in a green sky. She felt drawn to the purple blooms, their bright, heavy petals the rarest jewels in the sunlight. They brushed against her limbs, the soft but grainy contact making her shiver. Pollen caked her body, thick but delicate enough to slough off in clouds of shimmering gold with every tiny, precise movement of her body. She pushed further into the inviting caress of the bloom, blissfully unaware of the world until he boomed an order from overhead.

This is so beautiful. It's like poetry. Such a captivating beginning.

7 hours ago, AnonyMouse said:

Unable to fight it much longer, she dropped her defenses against the almost painfully itchy sensation as it spread its tendrils through every nerve. The tickle felt strongest in her nose, making her breath catch with the unexpected fierceness of the invasion. Just when she thought a sneeze was imminent the tension released without fanfare, her breath flooding out in a shuddering exhale. It was back again as suddenly as it left, torturous but skirting just below the threshold of a much needed release. Even the sun couldn't push her over the edge.

So hot. Gaaah, so hot! I really love when beautiful language meets allergy torture. ^_^ 


And I'm really intrigued to know more about this story, it's such an original concept and the images and feelings are so vivid, I feel like I'm right there. Great writing!

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Goddamn that was unbelievable! You've definitely got my full attention with this one.... Your writing is absolutely gorgeous, and I'm so interested to learn more about this story... Please continue :D

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