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Most times sneezing without inducing?


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Hey guys just a quick question, what's the most you all have sneezed without inducing? For me personally, my record is only six, which I've only done twice (which happened twice within a one day span, strangely), though I really wish I could naturally do more sometimes ?. Anyway just curious to know your responses!

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I normally only sneeze once, but when I started developing seasonal allergies a few years ago I would get fits of up to fifteen or twenty in like a five minute period. Thankfully now I know to expect that April will be a bitch and take meds in advance, because while it sounds like fun, I personally did not enjoy it at all haha. 

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Easily 15+ in a fit. Particularly during allergy season once I start I can't stop, so annoying and embarrassing if there are people around.

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I never induce, but once in my life that I can remember I sneezed three times in a row.  Otherwise, twice in a row is my limit, and even that's a rarity. 

Edited by Luisa39
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The most I can remember is 11 in a row. That's after changing a cat's litterbox. I know some people can sneeze an unbelievable amount of times!

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I think I got up to 21 once while I was in the shower, and another time up to 16. Both times happened about 10 to 15 minutes after I woke up, and were both during allergy season.

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most time I sneezed withou inducing was 13 times non stop, caused by allergies and it was so embarrassing for me, because my boyfriend was with me and it was the first time I sneezed in front of him.

Normally I sneeze 4 or 5 times in a row, but 13 was my personal record :-)

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I sneezed thirteen times in a row from a cold once. I have never and hopefully will never have a cold that bad ever again. Otherwise, even if I already am sneezy, I need something to help push me over the edge, like a strong scent or sunlight, to reach that kind of number. The thing about that cold fit was that it's the only time in my life that I didn't have any time between sneezes and I couldn't stop for the life of me. When I reached ten I thought "what if I NEVER stop??!!" :lol: 

Normally I'm a single or double sneezer, but I've found that I sneeze more the older I get. Instead of maybe four or five times a week naturally, I sneeze at least twice that number now. Scary...

Edited by Chanel_no5
It was 13, not 16. I did think it sounded like a lot in a rapid fit, but I was sure it was 16. Oh well. Notes are good for something. :P
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The most i ever sneezed was 16 (8 in a row has the second place). I usually sneeze between 1-3 times in a row, so i didn't know what happened all of a sudden. It was in Germany, around friends, working in a garden. I was already sneezy that day because of the pollen (my allergies act up badly only a few days in spring). And this time was one of those bad days with streaming eyes and sneezing often. But in this fit i couldn't stop. I was working on something with someone else but because i couldn't stop i excused myself and went to the toilet. Just to be alone. I felt so embarrassed. But it was an unique experience.

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Seven or so... It caught me by surprise, I wasn't around anything that makes me sneeze at that time. Kind of wish it would happen again... :rollhmm:

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My biggest fit would have to be around five sneezes within a 3 minute period. I know that doesn't sound like much but that was a big "fit" for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Once while in the shower, I managed to get 8 sneezes over the course of 10-15 min. But other than that, all my sneezes have been singles except for the occasional double and maybe a few triples. It makes me sad because I wish I could have fits without inducing!

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Every so often, I'll sneeze about 5 times. It's very random, and nowhere near as much as some people, but it feels good. :)

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Well 95% of the time it's only once, but there's rare occasions when I start sneezing and I don't stop until I've sneezed about 6-8 times but that hardly happens. 

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The most I've sneezed in a row without inducing is 6. I had a cold and it was right when I woke up and turned on my light. I usually sneeze once and sometimes twice so 5 on my own was very different but nice. 

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