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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Teasingly Allergic (no actual sneezing, self, female)


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So, I'm still slightly in denial about this because I kind of refuse to be allergic, but... hyacinths just don't agree with me, or maybe it's the other way around. I was at the grocery store to pick up some stuff, and right at the entrance they had put up several shelves of hyacinths in pink, white and purple. Very aesthetic. Smells very nice.

Also made my throat itch almost immediately. This is a development I do not appreciate; normally I need to be around them for at least an hour or so to notice anything is going on, but this got to my throat (or rather palate) within a minute. Maybe because of how many they were or how long they had been there, I don't know and I don't care. It was a matter of "WHAT THE F...?? NO!"

Another couple of minutes and my nose started tickling and I was starting to feel a bit congested. By the time I stood in the checkout line, there was a slight itch inside my ears, and the tickle in my nose was starting to play hide-and-sneeze with me. I didn't actually sneeze though (thank God for mental block, I would have died from embarrassment if I had sneezed in public), and once I got outside it calmed down again. Not that it vanished right away, but I no longer felt like "yeah, I might actually have to sneeze...".

A bit over an hour later all those symptoms have disappeared, but my eyes are stinging instead.

Can I just say I'm grateful that hyacinths isn't a flower commonly on display except around Christmas? I do not like this. I mean, I probably deserve it, but that doesn't mean I like it. <_<


Edited by Chanel_no5
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Aww, no, I'm sorry! For some reason I thought that you were the type of person who might enjoy having actual allergies...? :lol: But that doesn't appear to be the case, and I totally understand! I wouldn't like having any either. So again, sorry! At least it's something really specific, which probably makes it easier to avoid, right?

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Oh God no! Allergies are wonderful, beautiful, delicious things... ON OTHER PEOPLE! :lol: There's the whole vulnerability/weakness thing for me when it comes to allergies, and I'm a weak enough person as it is. Only tough, strong and accomplished people need apply for it. :lol: 

But yeah, it's very specific, the reaction calms down as soon as I get away from them (which makes me wonder if it's an actual allergy in the first place, it seems like allergies take much longer to calm down than this) and the cheapest over the counter brand antihistamine works perfectly, so I don't have much to complain about. Other than the very fact. *mutters* It's not supposed to happen to me!

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It had been so long since I actually sneezed around another person, because of that mental block, that I thought I had kicked it altogether and it would never happen again.  But I went to a party where there were a couple of really cute dogs last night, and I didn't think I was particularly allergic to dogs, but I had to run to the bathroom and hide, or my very impressive streak would have been broken.  So I'm with you--allergies are very exciting as a witness and much less so as a participant.

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Ugh, this is me ALL THE TIME in the spring. I feel like such a wimp for being so miserable but I also feel like there's some karma involved :lol: we reap what we sow I guess 

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1 hour ago, Winged said:

I feel like such a wimp for being so miserable but I also feel like there's some karma involved :lol: we reap what we sow I guess 

Yes, I suppose, but on the other hand, you could argue that enjoying allergies in others is not quite as sadistic if we actually get a dose of it ourselves every once in a while...? But I'm not gonna lie, I HATE it myself and that alone makes me want others to be allergic even more. Fine, right now I toy with it out of free will, but I dislike not having a choice. I prefer to make my own decisions, thank you very much. :lol: 

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As someone who has had ( manageable) allergies her whole life ( Tree pollen) I can't imagine why the thought of having allergies makes you so mad? Try some Allegra? It's not that big of a deal lol

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5 hours ago, Mwsapphire said:

As someone who has had ( manageable) allergies her whole life ( Tree pollen) I can't imagine why the thought of having allergies makes you so mad?

Because allergies itself is a fetish to me? It is a sexual thing that turns me on in certain people or turns me off when it occurs in people I am not attracted to. I am not attracted to me. I have no traits or appearance features that I find attractive myself. I enjoy seeing people with attractive traits and features suffer from allergies. It turns me on sexually. It makes me angry when it happens to me. It's as if I am forced to put on a certain attire that somebody else finds sexually attractive and I myself am downright turned off by. 

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36 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Because allergies itself is a fetish to me? It is a sexual thing that turns me on in certain people or turns me off when it occurs in people I am not attracted to. I am not attracted to me. I have no traits or appearance features that I find attractive myself. I enjoy seeing people with attractive traits and features suffer from allergies. It turns me on sexually. It makes me angry when it happens to me. It's as if I am forced to put on a certain attire that somebody else finds sexually attractive and I myself am downright turned off by. 

This perfectly explains why I am so upset to have woken up with a cold this morning, and why I'm in complete denial and trying to hide it as much as possible. I very rarely get sick. I spent all yesterday evening making a character in a fic suffer with a cold (and it was my first fic, too), so it feels exactly like karma. But I hate hate hate this happening to me, so I completely understand where you're coming from, and thank you for articulating it in a way which has made me understand something about myself that I never quite grasped before.

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7 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Because allergies itself is a fetish to me? It is a sexual thing that turns me on in certain people or turns me off when it occurs in people I am not attracted to. I am not attracted to me. I have no traits or appearance features that I find attractive myself. I enjoy seeing people with attractive traits and features suffer from allergies. It turns me on sexually. It makes me angry when it happens to me. It's as if I am forced to put on a certain attire that somebody else finds sexually attractive and I myself am downright turned off by. 

Geez, I'm sorry. I didnt mean to upset you I was just wondering why it seemed like such a big deal even though your allergies seem so severe? I think I can understand that it's just never been an issue for me personally, so I didn't think it was possible to have this sort of resentment? I usually hide getting a cold to avoid being overly fussed over, but I don't mind people noticing I have allergies.


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14 minutes ago, Mwsapphire said:

Geez, I'm sorry. I didnt mean to upset you I was just wondering why it seemed like such a big deal even though your allergies seem

No, I'm sorry, I realised after I posted that it sounded like I was snapping, but when I went back to edit someone had already quoted the post so it would be there anyway. But yes, that is the deal. The fetish is a vulnerability/weakness thing for me, and I don't want to be vulnerable myself, I feel like I'm weak and vulnerable enough as it is in every aspect of life, I don't need that too. Allergies are very sexy in other people (the right "type" of people), but not to have myself. It's more the fact itself than the discomfort that frustrates me; I can take available antihistamines and be rid of the symptoms, but that doesn't change the fact that I have it.


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