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The dying detective (Sherlock BBC) - part 16/16 - COMPLETE


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I will certainly read ACD's The Dying Detective; it's on my list and now at the top at your recommendation.

Also, YAY! I think this is a great start I can't wait to read more. :D You already have the suspense going. 

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This is a great idea!  I know this story in the original, written form and in the older TV adaptation with Jeremy Brett.

Edited by Luisa39
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There's a new trailer?! O.O Anywhoo, nice update! I love how you write John and Sherlock's interactions. It's so spot-on! :D 

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13 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

He was insane, really.



13 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Anger was a familiar feeling, which he had always managed to master (he had to admit military training helped a lot), but he had never experienced it as often as he did since he shared a flat with Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective, high-functioning sociopath – and pain in the arse.



13 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Sherlock, he sighed, I think your experiment just melted the table.

Probably not the first or last time!


4 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Sherlock had spoiled too many of his dates with his frantic attempts to reach him (and when he was in London, he would eventually, come to the restaurant if John didn’t answer).

He can be a bit needy.


4 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Actually, I asked Lestrade. Mycroft is pouting.

Poor Mycroft


4 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

You’re absolutely irresistible when you speak like that, the physician laughed.



4 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

You are really a nuisance, do you know it?



A smile played on the detective’s lips.



- Yes, I excel at that. It is a natural gift.


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I go missing for a day and I have so much to catch up on. What a terrible problem to have. :nohappy:

Great up dates. I am enjoying Sherlock's descent into illness and John helplessly watching over Skype. Does that make me a horrible person? :razz:

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I love this. It's intriguing! And poor Sherlock. I love how annoyed John is with Sherlock not being reasonable and going back and forth between feeling sorry for him and feeling like he deserves it for being a jerk. Very John. And Very Sherlock to be so stubborn.

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Oh poor John having to witness all those uncovered sneezes from Sherlock. I know he is mentally planning to pick up lots of Lysol before going back to the flat. 

17 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

It’s flu season, I caught it, that’s all. You know, like normal human beings.

Damn it! Why doesn't anybody listen to me? Get your flu shot!--I imagine this is what really went through John's head after that comment. :D 

Sherlock seems quite miserable. Is it time for someone to come take care of him? Not that said person is going to have an easy time of it. 

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Ha! Loved the back and forth over the texting and Skype. :razz:

But poor Sherlock being so ill and poor John being so far away. So who does John call? Mycroft? Lestrade? I don't think Sherlock can wait for John to get home. :nosad:

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Oh my god. This part has hit my feels like no other. Oh god. Like the blood at the end..I'm going to die. Poor Sherlock. John needs to get over there omg. Cries. You wrote this so well. I felt they were super in character which is hard to find good fics where it's believable. But my heart died at how Sherlock is just like stop worrying but he's in rough shape I can't take it. Ahhh. Thanks for another great part. I'm just gonna lose it waiting for more. You've got me super concerned with the end haha haaallppp 



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6 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

There will be some sneezy Mycroft a bit later in this story, just for you!

Really?! Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy! :clapping: You know how to make a girl happy. :D 

6 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Five minutes later, there was no news from Mycroft. This in itself was not normal.

Okay. I don't like this. This is a bit not good. :( 

6 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Three instructions for Sherlock in case of medical problem: no morphine, no blood test if he is awake, and, if possible, no psychological test. There was a slight pause, which could have be mistaken for hesitation, if Mycroft Holmes was capable of hesitating, and then: And please, unless it is absolutely necessary, do not take him to hospital.

:nosad: Nope. Not good AT ALL! :bawl:

(And this is where I would have Greg walk in and call them all drama queens. Mary would then show up with a syringe full of Versed and sedate Sherlock so they could cart him off to the hospital.) 

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6 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

I didn’t want to worry you, Sherlock added in a whisper.

Awww, Poor Sherlock.


6 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

When he saw Sherlock’s glare of disbelief on the other side of the screen, his roommate thought that a little conversation about priorities (people before facts and things) could prove useful.



6 hours ago, Aliena H. said:

Then he waited for the inevitable answer. Mycroft always answered immediately when John contacted him. He even suspected the elder Holmes to have a phone dedicated to himself, Lestrade and Mrs Hudson, turned on twenty-four hours a day, to receive the calls and texts from the only consulting detective in the world’s three official baby-sitters.

He would...


6 hours ago, Aliena H. said:



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