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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Illness in Regular Fiction vs. In Fetish Work


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Hey! ^_^

This is another one of those threads I've been meaning to start for ages now. And I wasn't sure how to phrase it in the title, because my main area of interest is written fiction, but I guess the point I'm trying to make extends to shows and movies and everything else, too. So I just referred to it more broadly by calling it "fiction".

Anyway, I've noticed a long time ago that coming across illness/ sneezing/ any of the stuff I like in books never fails to give me this special sort of thrill. :wub: I find myself staring at words or sentences for seconds, pausing, rereading the part, remembering it even years later... And it's always so... exciting to me? :lol: Especially since it's usually really unexpected?

The things is, though... these references to on-topic stuff in fiction tend to be... brief. They are hardly ever descriptive. Of course, sneezes aren't usually spelled out. Sometimes, it's just a single sentence, like "He sneezed", and it won't say anything at all about the sound or quality of the act. And yet... I find myself so fascinated, I will literally reread that single sentence like ten times.

So clearly, in many ways, fiction that was written by one of us is much more enjoyable. And I love it, I really do. A lot of the people on here are such amazing writers (or artists) and manage to capture the exact details that get to me. :blush: And I am honestly so thankful for all the content on here.

However, and this is my point, on-topicness within non-fetish work still has this special appeal for me that I can't even really describe. Unsuspectingly coming across even a single good sentence or paragraph in a book I was already enjoying for completely unrelated reasons just gives me this extra sort of kick...? :inlove: And it's kinda funny how for work that was produced by one of us, I have these clear preferences and I can even get kind of picky. But then, if I simply see the word "fever" or "sneeze" in a book, my heart starts racing automatically! And I really wonder why I react so strongly to it. I guess... it just really intrigues me when somebody who is not part of our community even acknowledges that yes, illness is a thing that happens to people, and yes, I am aware of the concept of colds, and yeah, I am also aware that people sneeze sometimes? I mean, I feel ridiculous saying it like that, but does anybody know what I mean? Vanillas referring to these things just brings this extra layer of awesome to it somehow?

And it's not about professional vs non-professional writing, either. If I'm reading a longer fanfic that clearly wasn't written by one of us and illness comes up, I experience something similar. I guess sometimes I really like the innocence of the outside perspective, if that makes sense?

I would never want to have to choose between the two, though. Because, honestly, don't get me wrong, fetish work is totally awesome and I wouldn't want to go without it! <3 Still, though, the special appeal of illness-related content from outsiders remains...

How do you feel about this? Does anybody even know what I mean? :lol:

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Yes, I understand what you mean, Sophie. It's that hoping for a sick episode in a show; hoping that a character gets sick in a book I read - that's my wish every time; and when it happens, it's like... :surprise:Becasuse, it's so rare that things like that happen in movies, books or even games. It's like finding a gem in a sandbox.

And yes - I'm much more "picky" while reading fetish fiction. There, I look for my special preferences and ignore most of the other stories. That's just because you already know what awaits you - this is no surprise anymore. So, here I find myself more looking for "the good stories around" the sneezing. The complete reverse way so to say... And let's just say - there are some damn good stories around the sneezing on this page. That's why I'm still so happy I found this place 3,5 years ago. :)

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I totally agree. Whenever I pick up a book, it's that internal hope that there is some sort of sickness, but only happens rarely. So when it does happen it's like Oh my god! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Just to have someone without the fetish to add a sneeze into the story-line just makes me giggle. I even find myself pressing info for a new episode just to see if it's possibly a sneezy episode. While when you come to somewhere like here, and have hundreds to thousands of sneeze stories, you're more in a stage to where your just fascinated by how many people are like you. Every story I have come across on here has been more the Great!!:Pounce:

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Yes, I absolutely know what you mean! (Except I'm more of an allergy person, so it's moreso allergy-related words that tend to get me all excited.)  It's such a thrill finding sneeze-related words and scenerios in everyday non-fetish fiction.  It's like a treasure hunt -you never know what you're going to find. :) Sometimes you may run across something that's pretty great, or you may get lucky and find something completely AMAZING. And actually, to be honest- despite how much I love reading fiction that was written by one of us, there are times that I actually prefer non-fetish fiction that just happens to have sneezing in it,  over fic that was written specifically for 'us'. There's just something so... I don't know. Innocent about it? Intriguing? That's not quite what I'm trying to say...I don't know. There's an appeal that I can't quite put my finger on, but it's pretty amazing, IMO.


1 hour ago, Sophie<3 said:

The things is, though... these references to on-topic stuff in fiction tend to be... brief. They are hardly ever descriptive. Of course, sneezes aren't usually spelled out. Sometimes, it's just a single sentence, like "He sneezed", and it won't say anything at all about the sound or quality of the act. And yet... I find myself so fascinated, I will literally reread that single sentence like ten times.

Sometimes, I actually prefer that lack of detail surrounding the sneezing, because I really love to fill in the blanks in my own mind, as far as what is going on with the character -how the character looks, sounds etc. -instead of having every little detail being mapped out, the way we tend to do when we write sneezefic. But again, I'm not saying anything against that, because sometimes I really do love that as well. But like hedgehog said, it can sometimes make it more difficult to find fics to suit our exact, unique preferences. But really, that matters not, beuause there are sooo many amazing writers on here, and such a goldmine of fic to be found- I can't even say how lucky I feel to be even a tiny little part of that :happysmiley:

Edited by gingerdean
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Yes, I definitely know what you mean. Anytime a character gets sick in a book I get excited(even though I prefer allergies). I'll re-read that part over and over again. :D Even if the book doesn't have all the sneezy details I love, it still makes my heart flutter a little. I guess, for me, it's because illness is unexpected in vanilla books, so it gives it a bit more value. Don't get me wrong, I love the stories posted here! But reading about sickness/allergies in vanilla books is just...I don't know...on a different level. I still remember reading a  book, when I was 10, that had a main character who sneezed a lot throughout the book because she had dust allergies . Her best friend would count her sneezes to keep a record. Her highest was like 11. I don't even remember the rest of what happens in that book. :lol:

Edited by TwinklingStars053
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I'm not really into illness unless sneezing is heavily involved. I've read several books with sneezing in them, though rarely do I ever read a book with sneezing from a character whose sneezes I'd be interested in. But that's always nice. :)

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I definitely know what you mean! I think with novels and such, because it's so unexpected it seems so much more precious. The purpose of fetish work is to incorporate stuff like this, whereas in a novel it's really exciting, because you're not reading it with the expectation that it'll be in there!

Although, I also feel like it can be a little like that with fetish work. I feel like there's quite a big difference between fetish works which are written with the fetish content at the centre of the story, and ones which sort of incorporate it along the way. Obviously, both are great! But I do have a weakness for fetish fiction which reads like non-fetish fiction and has very understated fetish elements. :blush:

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I think I like it more in a regular story where the plot isn't fetish-related at all, because then the sneeze is more unexpected, and it makes it feel more like you're actually a part of the story and get the privilege to see one of the characters sneeze randomly as if it were just a normal circumstance in real life where something just irritated their nose and they had to sneeze it out. (That's such a long sentence, but it makes sense, right?) Since I'm such a Potterhead and read all the books, I reread both Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone as well as Chamber of Secrets recently. I realized at one part in Sorcerer's Stone, Hagrid mentioned that he wanted to get Harry an owl since cats make him (Hagrid) sneeze. In Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Ron were sneaking through the castle, and the following sentence was, "Thankfully, Snape sneezed at almost exactly the moment Ron swore." I loved both so much (especially the latter since Snape is my favorite character) that I read them both so many times (the second so much that I have it memorized word for word now :lol:). I think it's different with fetish-related stories since the sneezing is basically guaranteed, so you know it's going to happen at some point and it doesn't surprise you when it does. I have nothing against sneeze-fics (I've actually written some myself and am working on one currently), as I still love them and binge-read some every couple days, but I just prefer seeing a character sneeze in a non-fetish-related story where the sneezing isn't expected. (Writing all this about sneezing just made me sneeze without being able to make it completely silent for the first time in a while. So glad I'm all the way on the opposite side of the house as everyone else with my door closed, so I doubt anyone heard)

Edited by I love Alan Rickman
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2 hours ago, I love Alan Rickman said:

I think it's different with fetish-related stories since the sneezing is basically guaranteed, so you know it's going to happen at some point and it doesn't surprise you when it does. I have nothing against sneeze-fics (I've actually written some myself and am working on one currently), as I still love them and binge-read some every couple days, but I just prefer seeing a character sneeze in a non-fetish-related story where the sneezing isn't expected.

YES! I absolutely know that! It's like "He/She REALLY sneezed! OMG! I have to read it again." I love sneeze-fics so much but especially if a unexpected sneeze happens in a book (like you mentioned in Harry Potter) it is so great! I think I don't prefer one or the other - both makes me happy :D 

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