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My Bandmate Had a Cold At The Christmas Party & It Was Everything I Hoped It Would Be!

Ali Marie

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This observation took place on Saturday so forgive the delay but I've honestly needed time to process the whole thing because it's almost too perfect.

Our band's Front Man, whom I call The Rock & Roll God came to our band's Christmas party/concert (which was being hosted by our guitarist, not the front man.) while he was still in the middle of a very bad cold. At one point, I heard him tell our Bassist, "I want to stay with you guys but I'm feeling defeated." And that was actually quite obvious. His usual quirky, hyper, fun-loving attitude was lacking. He & I actually have a tendency to do a lot of platonic cuddling, so as I went in for a second hug, I was disappointed to have him look down at me & simply say, "I don't want to get too close, I'm a little Under The Weather." (Love that phrase! Anyone else?)

Now onto the good stuff...

Rock God & our bassist were waiting around for our guitarist to show up outside the theater, accompanied by me & my friend who drove me there. From the corner of my eye, I see Mr. Rock God spin away & bring one inked up arm over his face. It's was a very wet sounding HUH-IHH'HUUUUGGGHHH!!!  Almost immediately afterward, he muttered "Bless me. I'll bless myself." Self-Blessers make me cringe but his was obviously done in a joking manner, so I let it slide. It also took me by surprise because Mr. Rock God doesn't bless any of us. 

(Ironic, isn't it? :naughty:) In fact, it almost seems like he straight up ignores it if anyone sneezes. 

Once I came back down to earth from the heavenly experience, our guitarist had finished cleaning up the stage & had come to shower me with soft little platonic head kisses & I barely had time to prepare myself for Rock God's second sneeze, which sounded even wetter than the first--it had a raspberry sound tacked onto the very end. It was sort of like "HUH-IHH'HUUUUPPPFFF!!!" How I survived that I don't even know because raspberry sneezes are totally a guilty pleasure of my Fetish.  

So the bassist pushes me in my wheelchair down the street to where my friend parked her car & asks Mr. Rock God "How ya feelin'?" To which he responds, "Close to death." I was a little disappointed again because The Rock & Roll God usually pushes my wheelchair & instead, he was walking with my friend a few feet behind. I assumed he probably didn't want to push me because he thought we would be too close to each other. (There was an arms length between he & my friend as they walked together.)

But the disappointment over my pushing predicament turns to utter frustration as I hear Rock God talking to my friend about all the traffic caused by the downtown Christmas light oglers. "We couldn't even get through th--HUUH-IIIH'HUUUGGGGHHHH!!!" His voice rose in pitch at the beginning, which I adore in Male sneezes but interrupted speech? YES, PLEASE!!! :drool: About thirty seconds later as he kept talking, there came another. "So we to--HUH-IIIH'HUUUGGGGHHHH!!!"

I let actually out an involuntary "Oh!" at intensity of the sneeze because it was just too precious. I managed to sneak a peek over my shoulder for the last sneeze, which he managed to muffle into a HUUH-NXGST!!! But only because he completely stopped walking & doubled over at the waist. It was an absolute vision to see that dark head of curls dipped forward as he sneezed all over his tattoo-sleeved arm! He them closed off the the topic of his sneezes by saying--with much fatigue, "I'm allergic...To life." He probably thought I was an idiot for laughing so hard at such a stupid joke.

At that moment my only thoughts were, "Why could he have been behind me??? Why couldn't I have been closer to that???" The desperation & misery behind those sneezes was just unreal! So selfish of me. For shame.

Well, I cooled my jets during the remaining duration over our trek to the car. But thank goodness that our bassist has the hots for my friend! He wanted to take a stroll around the block with her, so The Rock God & I got some alone time in the car to talk about the upcoming recording schedule. "I may or may not call you in for rehearsal tomorrow," He said. "I don't want to get you sick again." He laughed, obviously a little embarrassed, remembering the last time he accidentally shared his cold with me. "It depends on if I have fever tomorrow. I don't feel chilled or anything right now. We'll see." I was seriously debating on whether or not to check the temperature of his forehead right there...But I resisted. :hypocrite:

After a few more minutes to talk business & witnessing only a few sniffles nose wipes to the back of the hand, the bassist & my friend returned from their walk. As we two pairs split back up into our original travel companions, Mr. Rock God finally gave me a sincere hug that didn't seem overly cautious or like he was pre-occupied with his fear of spreading germs & I took that opportunity to feel the back of his neck for fever. "You a little feel warm," I told him. "Get yourself to bed & let your wife take care of you."  

Cons of the night: No platonic cuddling.

Pros of the night: Christmas party, Duh!

Sneezes from the Rock & Roll God.

Desperate sneezes with interrupted speech.

Tolerable Self-Blessing


Nose Wiping.

General Sick Talk.



Not bad. Not bad at all...:P




Edited by Alexandra Marie
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Wowowowow there's just something about band mates sneezing that gets me all flustered! I'm extremely jealous!! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cons of the night: No platonic cuddling.

Pros of the nightChristmas party, Duh!

Sneezes from the Rock & Roll God.

Desperate sneezes with interrupted speech.

Tolerable Self-Blessing


Nose Wiping.

General Sick Talk.


Good Stuff. Nice story. 

Edited by AquaEyes
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