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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Anyone on here not cool with family sneezes but fine with their own kids?


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Heya :) I'm aware this has been brought up before, but I was just wondering what people's experiences were? I don't have kids. I hate family members' sneezing, it grosses me out and is really unpleasant. I've heard lots of members on here who are parents say they don't have an issue with their kids' sneezing, though. Just wondering, parents who don't feel grossed out by kid sneezing, how are you with your family? Was this something that got better with time, or did you always know it would be alright? Me for example, I'm less affected by family sneezing now than when I was younger as I've kind of trained myself. 

Sorry to tire everyone out, I know I've broached this topic before but it's something that worries me a bit and everyone on here has always been so supportive in the past, I just wanted to see if anyone had any comments on this matter. 




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I don't have kids, but a common thing seems to be that for the first ten years or so, the parents would be indifferent to the kids' sneezes, and once the kid is a teenager, then the family revulsion starts to kick in, but the fetishist still hates it when their parents sneeze. I'd imagine finding your kids' sneezes repulsive and rage-inducing might make certain parenting situations, such as taking care of sick kids, rather difficult. But yeah, everyone's different. 

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10 hours ago, Bondi said:

I don't have kids, but a common thing seems to be that for the first ten years or so, the parents would be indifferent to the kids' sneezes, and once the kid is a teenager, then the family revulsion starts to kick in, but the fetishist still hates it when their parents sneeze. I'd imagine finding your kids' sneezes repulsive and rage-inducing might make certain parenting situations, such as taking care of sick kids, rather difficult. But yeah, everyone's different. 

I don't think so,I think your kids just never register. I have a 7 y/o brother, the only thing that bugs me is that he doesnt cover his mouth. Also,what if your kid has a sneezing or similar fetish ? Lets say..coughing, and you have asthma? They're just as likely to be uncomfortable as you. 

I mean,on the topic of family sneezes, I always wonder , maybe you make someone in your family with a particular fetish uncomfortable? Maybe....you love to wear high heels , and you have a brother with a foot fetish? And he probably goes to the foot fetish forum and writes "Ugh,my sister always wore pumps and it was always sooo awkward." (You, as a general term)

Thats why I feel like you can't go nuts over your kids sneezing, there has to be some way around it. If its a problem, maybe try some sort of therapy?  I really dont think its a big deal to mention it. (This goes to anybody). My reculsion to family sneezes has waned over the years, and I really hope it doesnt mess with my abilty to kids...

(didnt meant to single anyone out,I just meant all of us as a whole,I'' half asleeo and this was typed on my phone so if its incoherant I'm sorry)

Edited by Mwsapphire
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Although I don't have kids of my own, I've taught the same kids for a couple of years now, which is to say I've seen pretty much each and every one of them sick at some point. Them sneezing or being sick doesn't bother me like my family's sneezing does (and I have a kid brother the same age as some of my students). I'm not completely sure why, but it doesn't bother me at all. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an extremely adverse reaction to anyone I am related to sneezing.  I also have a little boy, his sneezes are cute, they don't even register.

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My daughter's sneezes have no effect on me other then concern for her health.

When other family members sneeze... actually I don't have a strong reaction, if a female or child it is indifference, if a guy it's a mild turn off but not like "AAAH MAKE IT STOOOP!!!".

My main thought for most family members is only concern for their health, very "normal" probly what most people feel.


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