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The Unwell Oncologist 2/2 (House: House/Wilson) Secret Santa for Elektra


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(For Elektra: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  I was unsure how to progress with your Secret Santa so I hope that this is enjoyed.  I also will try my hand at an original ficlet once this is done and dusted for you as well.)


The Unwell Oncologist


House came home from a grueling (read: he was only interrupted once during his nap) day at work to find Wilson partially sprawled on his couch and in the midst of what was likely a prolonged bout of coughing.  The oncologist was wheezing audibly, and the diagnostician frowned.  He had hoped to come home and find that his friend had improved somewhat since he had seen him this morning.  However, it was clear there had been little to no improvement thus far.

Finally, Wilson was able to get the coughing under control and took deep breaths as best as he could while House grabbed the stethoscope off the coffee table and listened to his lungs.  This had been the routine since Wilson came down with the flu a few days ago.  Despite being pumped thoroughly with Tamiflu, Dayquil and Nyquil, Wilson just couldn’t seem to shake the illness off. 

House listened to the wheezing, his brow furrowed.  He had filled a prescription for an inhaler just in case, and was glad that he had made the effort since it sounded like Wilson now had bronchitis to add to his list of woes.  He then checked Wilson’s ears and took his temperature.  “Ears are clear, temperature still 100 degrees.  Do you feel any better?”  

With a wheezy inhale, Wilson turned away from House and sneezed in response.  “Bless you.  I’ll take that as a no.”  House handed a handful of tissues to Wilson, who was waiting with eyes glazed over with the anticipation of sneezing again.   After another moment he was rewarded.  Huuuuh-ssshhhew!   Haaaa-issssihew!

After sneezing, Wilson blew his nose and just looked miserable and wretched.   House rolled his eyes. 

 “Are you done?” 

“Thanks so much for caring,” Wilson rasped out hoarsely.

“I do care, I’ve cared all week for you.  Making you tea and soup and bringing you drugs. Speaking of which.” House limped over to where he had tossed his rucksack when he came in and spent a moment digging about in it.

“Yes, I know having to be the provider must be so frustrating for you, instead of me enabling your sorry ass,” Wilson hissed, his voice croaking at the effort of being louder than a whisper.

For once House was at a loss for words, so he tossed the pharmacy bag at Wilson and then headed into the kitchen to retrieve a beer for himself.  He decided to make sure he continued to cater to the ill doctor, on the chance that he might find himself in need of being taken care of at some point in the near future.  “I take it you know what to do with that,” he said, his head now in the fridge.

There was the sound of the inhaler being shaken and then used as Wilson tried to ease his ailments.

House reluctantly poured a glass of orange juice for Wilson and headed back into the living room.   He sat down on the bit of couch that wasn’t occupied by Wilson or his blankets and tissues and handed him the juice, which Wilson drained immediately, his throat dry from the coughing and the inhaler usage.  He set the glass done among the detritus of the remedies employed for his illness, leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes.  The effort of siting up for the past few minutes had drained him and left him weary.

The reprieve was brief as Wilson could feel a prickling sensation within his sinuses.  He opened his eyes long enough to snatch a handful of tissues and press them to his nose before he sneezed violently.   H’ssssihew!  This then led him into a further stint of coughing, tears trickling down his face from the harshness of his wracking, barking cough.

He could hear House talking to him, but he couldn’t make out what was being said.  He was aware of House’s hand on his back as the bout of coughing finally eased off.  At least he wasn’t wheezing as much, he idly thought to himself.  Wilson reached for a bottle of water that was on the table and took a small sip, unwilling to succumb to a repeat performance. He took a second one and felt the spasm within his throat ease off.

Breathing carefully, he wiped his eyes with the tissue still in his hand.  And then, tired as he was, he ventured a look at House.

Edited by cally
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I am making it a goal of mine to participate in the secret santa at some point in my life, but in the meantime I am really enjoying reaping the benefits of you lovely, generous writers. I love this! Not enough House fics these days if you ask me. Something about sick doctors is just so delicious! I love how House is taking care Wilson and telling himself it's for selfish reasons to have the care reciprocated at some point, but we all know he really cares about his friend. :-) I'd love to read more! 

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Thank you Cally! I've just read my gift today :) You say you were unsure about how to proceed, was it the choice of fanfic, or my indications that weren't clear? I'm sorry if that was confusing or anything, it's my first time and I find indicating my own likes and dislikes...well...not so easy lol

I love Wilson's retort, soooo true! And yes, agreeing with spirke, but I also can't see House patting Wilson's back without a very good and selfish reason to do so heheh. Thank you again Cally!

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I always love reading your stories, even House. :razz: Wilson seems completely miserable. I hope he gets better soon so he's not subjected much longer to House's tender mercies.

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Oh, hooray! I feel like we've not had any House fics for ages, and it's one of my favourites. Glad to see this pop up. Great job.

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Poor Wilson. I love caring House. I always loved it. It's so cute! And I like how you describe the interaction between the two men :D 

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  • 5 months later...

Oh my goodness, I was quite certain I had posted the follow up piece to this- months ago.  I was looking for something else, came across this and saw that I had not.  I am SO sorry @Elektra!  My sincerest apologies! 

On 26/12/2016 at 5:57 AM, spirkestielgirl87 said:


I am making it a goal of mine to participate in the secret santa at some point in my life, but in the meantime I am really enjoying reaping the benefits of you lovely, generous writers


You should!  Thank you and thanks for reading!

On 02/01/2017 at 8:47 PM, Elektra said:

Thank you Cally! I've just read my gift today :) You say you were unsure about how to proceed, was it the choice of fanfic, or my indications that weren't clear? I'm sorry if that was confusing or anything, it's my first time and I find indicating my own likes and dislikes...well...not so easy lol

I love Wilson's retort, soooo true! And yes, agreeing with spirke, but I also can't see House patting Wilson's back without a very good and selfish reason to do so heheh. Thank you again Cally!

I think I was just worried about getting it wrong!  I'm glad it was enjoyed and again, I am so sorry!  I must have got caught up in my thesis corrections and thought I'd posted it when I obviously hadn't!

On 04/01/2017 at 3:31 AM, Sanguine Cheerful Worrier said:

I always love reading your stories, even House. :razz: Wilson seems completely miserable. I hope he gets better soon so he's not subjected much longer to House's tender mercies.

Well, thank you!  He should be back to covering House's clinic hours soon! :lol: 

On 04/01/2017 at 9:30 AM, camillapapen said:

Oh, hooray! I feel like we've not had any House fics for ages, and it's one of my favourites. Glad to see this pop up. Great job.

Thank you!  I'm glad you enjoyed! 

On 05/01/2017 at 9:50 PM, Red said:

Poor Wilson. I love caring House. I always loved it. It's so cute! And I like how you describe the interaction between the two men :D 

Well, it's awkwardly caring House! :lol:  He does try, in his own way!

On 11/01/2017 at 7:06 PM, frenchposie said:

Love this. Its perfect

Thank you!



And part 2 . . .

House had a bemused expression on his face, which didn’t change as he began to recount his tale, mildly put out that he had to wait until now to share this tidbit of gossip. That was not to mention how annoying it was that Wilson wasn’t around to cover his clinic hours so he could nap, play video games or watch his soap opera.

 “So, clinic duty was less boring than usual today.”  House took a long pull on his beer and waited for a response.

 “Hmmm?  Why? Was Cuddy wearing a push up bra?” Wilson asked snarkily.  Being stuck housebound and unwell was boring and unproductive and he could imagine the amount of paperwork that was piling up on his desk.  Not to mention the clinic hours others had to cover.  Trying to ignore the rising panic over his workload, Wilson sniffled and sat up slightly, trying to look interested in House’s story.

 “No.”  House paused, reflecting on the image of Cuddy for a moment.  “But I’m sure she wasn’t wearing any underwear,” he said deadpan.

Wilson laughed until he coughed.  House handed him a bottle of water off of the coffee table and waited until Wilson’s breathing was back under control.  Unfortunately, for Wilson, it changed in the wrong direction.  He quickly reached for the tissues and sneezed rather violently.  He wiped his nose, sighed and cleared his throat once he was sure he was done.

“I don’t suppose any bets were placed?” Wilson asked, fairly certain of the answer he would receive.  Before he could hear the reply, he began to cough again; a rackingly painful sound that was harder and harder to listen to.  House, terrible at giving comfort, awkwardly patted Wilson on the back until he was done coughing.

House continued on as if an appallingly unwell oncologist hadn’t interrupted him.  He pulled a face, as if to say, “me?”  “Now, would I, a highly regarded diagnostician, do such a thing,” he asked in mock horror.

Wilson thought about retorting, but didn’t trust his voice not to crack and lead to another vicious and uncomfortable bout of coughing.  Instead, he made himself more comfortable on the couch, his head resting on House’s good leg.   House grumbled something about Wilson not getting any snot on his jeans. He then reached for the remote, turned the television on, and clicked over to AMC.  And if his fingers skated across Wilson’s head and back occasionally it was just to check his temperature, nothing more.  Wilson smiled and relaxed into the contact and started to feel just a little bit better. 


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Aww, I love sneezy Wilson and sweet incompetent-but-trying caretaker House. Thank you for the update! It's making me want to go back and rewatch House again, which I totally don't have time for...

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  • 2 weeks later...

No way!! Thank you @cally !! I didn't want to push (already feeling so guilty for not  posting my second part for my own santa forgive me @Snowydays! Soon, vacations, maybe then...I will finally manage to write again) , but I'm so glad you thought of me!

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