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In the Airport (M)


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The holidays are upon us! :) And with them comes travel, with all its joys and burdens. No doubt you can see where this is headed ;)

One can scarcely travel during any time, but especially the winter, without encountering a wealth of sniffles and sneezes, and my experience was no different. It was late in the evening and I had been waiting at my gate for the past five hours or so thanks to an outrageous delay (I won't go into that rant, but it wasn't for weather and was for a rather stupid reason), and definitely a tad fed up, as was everyone else. So naturally when the call  to get ready for boarding came at last, there was much celebration. The people in my section of the boarding line were all conversing with each other in great relief as we waited, and this is where the good bit comes in...

The man next to me was traveling on last minute business, and so was dressed in a very nice suit. He was young, and though I'm terrible with ages, I wouldn't place his age much beyond 30. His hair was brown and a tad longer than you'd usually see on a businessman traditionally, but it suited him very well. Clean-shaven. He explained to me and the woman next to me that the delay had caused him to miss a business dinner that night, but between the three of us he was glad since he was feeling a tad "under the weather" (what a beautiful phrase lol). After I composed myself again after hearing that remark, I listened intently to his voice and could definitely detect some hoarseness and congestion, though nothing too major. While the three of us were speaking, his phone rang and sure enough it was business-related, so he spent the rest of the time before boarding on that call trying to straighten things out.  

But fear not, it didn't stop there! His seat was on the left of the aisle, one row up from mine at the window, so I could see him well. While I didn't look in his direction a lot during the actual flight since I was reading, I did catch a glimpse of him when the attendant came around to take drink orders. She brought him a cup of hot water and he took it from her, crumpled tissue in hand. I made a mental note of that. 

Now, the part you've been waiting for. By the time the pilot announced our final descent, I was done with my book and so I just looked around the cabin. We were flying at night and so many people were looking out the window and taking pictures of the moon, Business Man included. Suddenly, as he was snapping pictures, he dropped his phone into his lap and jerked forward with a sneeze into the v-part of the hand (you know, between the thumb and forefinger?). Even above the airplane noise I could hear it, a soft "he-SHUH". He sneezed three more times, and was seemingly better prepared this time, sneezing now into the elbow of his very nice suit. Then, he took out his crumpled tissue and gave his nose a gurgling blow. 

Flash forward to the taxi to the gate now, and Business Man fished out something from his pocket, presumably a pill, because he popped his head back and took a sip of water. Immediately after, he dug urgently around in his pocket, but he was too late. Hands occupied in searching his pockets, he sneezed uncovered but toward his chest, another "he'SHUH". After the first one, he had a whopping total of five more sneezes all into his well-used tissue, each one louder and wetter than the first. He blew his nose again, but didn't put the tissue back away. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed heavily. 

So as you can see, the delayed flight didn't end up being TOO bad ;) Though unfortunately, I caught a cold myself somewhere in the mix :( You win some, you lose some haha. 

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This was a lovely obs!! I love traveling/plane obs and the classy business man just makes it even more wonderful! Thank you for sharing :wub:

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On 12/25/2016 at 11:30 PM, groundcontrol said:

The holidays are upon us! :) And with them comes travel, with all its joys and burdens. No doubt you can see where this is headed ;)

One can scarcely travel during any time, but especially the winter, without encountering a wealth of sniffles and sneezes, and my experience was no different. It was late in the evening and I had been waiting at my gate for the past five hours or so thanks to an outrageous delay (I won't go into that rant, but it wasn't for weather and was for a rather stupid reason), and definitely a tad fed up, as was everyone else. So naturally when the call  to get ready for boarding came at last, there was much celebration. The people in my section of the boarding line were all conversing with each other in great relief as we waited, and this is where the good bit comes in...

The man next to me was traveling on last minute business, and so was dressed in a very nice suit. He was young, and though I'm terrible with ages, I wouldn't place his age much beyond 30. His hair was brown and a tad longer than you'd usually see on a businessman traditionally, but it suited him very well. Clean-shaven. He explained to me and the woman next to me that the delay had caused him to miss a business dinner that night, but between the three of us he was glad since he was feeling a tad "under the weather" (what a beautiful phrase lol). After I composed myself again after hearing that remark, I listened intently to his voice and could definitely detect some hoarseness and congestion, though nothing too major. While the three of us were speaking, his phone rang and sure enough it was business-related, so he spent the rest of the time before boarding on that call trying to straighten things out.  

But fear not, it didn't stop there! His seat was on the left of the aisle, one row up from mine at the window, so I could see him well. While I didn't look in his direction a lot during the actual flight since I was reading, I did catch a glimpse of him when the attendant came around to take drink orders. She brought him a cup of hot water and he took it from her, crumpled tissue in hand. I made a mental note of that. 

Now, the part you've been waiting for. By the time the pilot announced our final descent, I was done with my book and so I just looked around the cabin. We were flying at night and so many people were looking out the window and taking pictures of the moon, Business Man included. Suddenly, as he was snapping pictures, he dropped his phone into his lap and jerked forward with a sneeze into the v-part of the hand (you know, between the thumb and forefinger?). Even above the airplane noise I could hear it, a soft "he-SHUH". He sneezed three more times, and was seemingly better prepared this time, sneezing now into the elbow of his very nice suit. Then, he took out his crumpled tissue and gave his nose a gurgling blow. 

Flash forward to the taxi to the gate now, and Business Man fished out something from his pocket, presumably a pill, because he popped his head back and took a sip of water. Immediately after, he dug urgently around in his pocket, but he was too late. Hands occupied in searching his pockets, he sneezed uncovered but toward his chest, another "he'SHUH". After the first one, he had a whopping total of five more sneezes all into his well-used tissue, each one louder and wetter than the first. He blew his nose again, but didn't put the tissue back away. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed heavily. 

So as you can see, the delayed flight didn't end up being TOO bad ;) Though unfortunately, I caught a cold myself somewhere in the mix :( You win some, you lose some haha. 

Nnnnnn what a cutie.....<3

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On December 25, 2016 at 11:30 PM, groundcontrol said:

Immediately after, he dug urgently around in his pocket, but he was too late. Hands occupied in searching his pockets, he sneezed uncovered but toward his chest, another "he'SHUH". After the first one, he had a whopping total of five more sneezes all into his well-used tissue, each one louder and wetter than the first. He blew his nose again, but didn't put the tissue back away. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed heavily. 

My goodness, what a delicious scene! I wish I'd been on that flight instead of the one I just took today :P

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On 12/26/2016 at 9:31 PM, stifledsneezelover said:

This was a lovely obs!! I love traveling/plane obs and the classy business man just makes it even more wonderful! Thank you for sharing :wub:


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