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Perfume Disaster- Secret Santa for Kiaory


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Hey so this is my Secret Santa for @Kiaory. She wanted a female sneezer which I usually don’t write for so this was interesting to say the least, but I actually had a lot of fun writing this!!! I hope it turned out good and that you enjoy it Kiaory!!! Merry Christmas!!!


Alexa pushed around a cart around the loud crowded department store, filled with all sorts of Christmas goodies and treats for her friends and family.

She had been wandering around for a while as she was a bit reluctant to check out. It was not that she thought she had forgotten something but she realized that to get to the registers she would have to go through the perfume department.

Normally this wasn’t too much of an issue on a normal day as her allergy to the flowery odor was not severe but lately she had been feeling a touch sniffly and runny feeling like the beginnings of a nasty winter cold.

Now it didn’t feel too bad yet but Alexa knew that the beginning of her colds were notorious for being ridiculously sneezy and messy. She had already had to hold off a couple fits on several different occasions in the store and all her poor abused pink nose needed was something to tip it over the edge.

Maybe if she was quick she could avoid the annoying employees offering free samples of perfume long enough for her to safely get to the register and check out.

Giving a quick rub to her small pink freckled nose she began her treacherous journey through the perfume department keeping her eyes peeled for anyone holding a perfume bottle that could set off her tender pink nostrils.


Little did Alexa know one of the female employees had been keeping an eye on her taking interest in her predicament.  Lizzy had noticed the cute red head and her reluctance to enter the perfume department and had immediately taken interest noticing the way her cute little freckled nose was a lovely shade of pink.

She had been waiting patiently for the cute young women to enter her department so she could begin her attack on that sweet irritated nose.Lizzy could see the women was cautious looking for any signs of employees so she’d have to approach when the women let her guard down.

It wasn’t long before the women gave into a false sense of security believing she was alone and no longer anxiously looking around that Lizzy went in for the attack. Silently making her way towards the gorgeous red head a friendly smile on her face she greeted the women,” Hello Ma’am would you like to sample our new holiday fragrance.”

The women jumped giving a little squeak spinning around to face her,” Uhm well I don’t really think I’d be interested.” Lizzy had planned for the women to say no loosening the lid to the perfume beforehand. She grinned,” Are you sure?” She asked,” How about a little spritz?” Lizzy grinned holding out the bottle at an angle the entire lid coming off dumping the entire bottle on the front of Alexa’s shirt.

“Oh, I’m so sorry about that.” She said feigning innocence as she watched those freckled nostril flare suctioning in the flowery, the shade of pink darkening. “Ma’am is everything all right?” She asked trying not to grin at the women’s obvious discomfort.


“Oh, I’m so sorry about that.” The female employee said as she dumped the entire bottle of perfume down the front of Alexa’s shirt. Once the strong flowery scent hit her pink nostrils she knew she was done for as a strong tickle consumed both of her pink nostrils, “Ma’am is everything all right?”

Alexa opened her mouth to answer the women but the only thing that escaped her mouth were strangled hitching breaths of an oncoming sneezing fit,” Hih-hah….hih-ih…” He pink nostril flared widely desperate to release the sneeze she had been holding off on all day.

Once it seemed like she’d sneeze the intense tickle backed off slightly leaving her in a tortured itchy limbo. Her breath hitching as her tiny pink nostrils flared widely flooded with watery mucous.


Lizzy was watching in awe as the gorgeous women in front of her turned into a complete mess her eyes screwed shut as her breath hitched wildly and her nostrils flared and squirmed. When it seemed that the women would get the release her nose so ached for it appeared the sneeze got stuck.

She released a frustrated huff as she was so sure that this was it and she was going to witness the messiest sneezing fit she’d ever seen from anyone in her life. But Lizzy wouldn’t give up that easily waving a tentative hand in front of the women’s face to be positive she couldn’t see her.

Leaving for a moment she searched the perfume racks snatching the sample she was looking for grinning. She returned to Alexa who was still in a state of sneezy misery take the perfume bottle spraying the perfume directly into the irritated pink nostrils.


Alex snorted feeling a spray enter her irritated nose filling it with a spicy cinnamon scent and her poor nose just couldn’t take it anymore,”

haee'ckshoo!Eh...eh....eeeeeeh....eh'tshee!ehkshee!!ah'tchoum!!eh'tsheeeeeeeewwww!!Eh...eh....eeeeeeh....eh'tshee!htcheeeeeeeewwww!!!ah'tchoum!!h'tchi!!!hae'ttshee!h'tchi!!!h'tchi!!!,” The sneezes came barreling out of her pink nostrils nearly on top of each other, each wetter and messier than the last as she prayed the poor employee from before had left and no longer stood in front of her.

She had sneezed at least nearly a hundred times before the fit began to taper off stringy mucous dangling from her pink nostril connected to the young brunette employee in front of her as Alexa pale skin was set ablaze with embarrassment.


Lizzy grinned widely as the women launched into a massive spraying fit all over her face, she’d never imagined anything like this happening in even her wildest fantasies. Stringy bits of mucous clinging to her hair, face, and shirt.

The fit lasted about twenty minutes before tapering off the women looking mortified as she apologized profusely,” I ab so sorry I’b just allergic add I thigk I’b catchigg a cold add…”Lizzy stopped listening to her rambling after a bit digging through the pocket of her uniform pulling out a packet of tissue scrawling something quickly on the package,” It’s no trouble really, not the first time it’s happened.”

Hopefully not the last she thought to herself giving the women the tissues taking one for herself turning away letting giving her the privacy to get cleaned up. While she cleaned herself up, the women rushed off as expected but, she wasn’t too concerned by that, she got what she wanted.


Alexa quickly rushed off as the other the female employee turned to clean her face up feeling mortified as she checked out. Leaving the store, she pulled out the crumpled pack of tissues to blow her abused pink nose when something on the package caught her eye.

A phone number neatly scribbled onto the flimsy plastic that had the words ‘call me’ scribbled underneath. He cheeks flushed pink as a tentative smile tugged at her lips.



Edited by Voltrontrash1996
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Awww! :hug:Thank you so much! I love it! Merry Xmas (or whatever holiday you happen to celebrate) to you too.

PS: If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the idea for this particular scenario? I know my request was kinda open ended...

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Well I follow this blog on tumblr with sick fic prompts so I looked for one I felt I could handle writing for and thus this fic was born. I'm surprised it turned out as well as it did and I'm glad you like it. :)


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The scenario of sneezing due to an allergic reaction to the scent of a perfume department in store is a great one, and this is really well written. Thanks for posting :D 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is amszing, I love the double perspective in this. Amazing. I love allergy senarios and how she couldn't get the sneeze out 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 0:11 AM, Pollensneezes said:


Oh god I wasn't expecting to be asked to continue this...I dunno what to do maybe I'll play with these characters more lol. :razz: Glad that you liked it enough to want more.

On ‎1‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 1:12 PM, NoV said:

The scenario of sneezing due to an allergic reaction to the scent of a perfume department in store is a great one, and this is really well written. Thanks for posting :D 

Yeah I had a lot of fun writing it and was easier to write then I expected it to be. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

On ‎1‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 0:45 PM, Snzlover said:

This is amszing, I love the double perspective in this. Amazing. I love allergy senarios and how she couldn't get the sneeze out 

I'm glad that you enjoyed the double perspective, I was worried that it didn't turn out well as I kind of suck at doing that kind of thing. I really wanted to do a lot of teasing just because it's fun to write. Glad you enjoyed it.

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