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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Gift from me to you guys. (My OC, Genderfluid)


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*spotlight goes on a nervous Arty*

Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays. I know there been a lot of tragedy with celebrity deaths happening. R.I.P. to those we lost this year. Live your lives because it can go out that quickly. 

Now I haven't posted in like forever. I was scared before to post my oc Warrior because I felt no one liked my drawing of them and just didn't post anything. Stupid i know. But when one posts their art...and get no response or like one....its very disheartening. Anyway Im still sick but more congested and I thought it would be nice to put that through my baby Warrior. So i uh...hope you guys like them? 

Oh Gawd Please like!

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I love Warrior and I hope you post more of them in the future! Their hair and their overall style is just so cool.

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9 hours ago, spoider said:

big 'brows and big nose, they look pretty keen in my book ;)

Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I love your work. And you commenting makes me happy.

8 hours ago, Pyrus_Fangmon said:

Oh wow! I know this looks like just a scetch to you, but hot damn that is amazing!


4 hours ago, AnonyMouse said:

I love Warrior and I hope you post more of them in the future! Their hair and their overall style is just so cool.

I.... .I .....LOVE YOU!!!! And yes you'll see more of them. 

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3 hours ago, iety said:

This character is really cute!! I like their design so much I had to do a little drawing of them, I hope that's okay......


Ok. Remember if you show this to anyone or post it anywhere..... I get credit for their birth. :D 


Oh....my.....gawd!!!!!!!!!!!! No one had ever drawn my baby!!!!!!! Im glad my drawing inspired you!!!! I...i feel honored. I just.....*muffles screams of joy into her piLLOw*



Edited by ZombieArty22
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Arty, you created a very cool character! iety did an awesome job showing another side of them!

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6 minutes ago, AnonyMouse said:

Arty, you created a very cool character! iety did an awesome job showing another side of them!

I know right? Im still flailing!!!!! :D 

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