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Sneeze Fetish Forum

IMPORTANT: Change to RP Forums


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Dear Forum Members,

This post is to inform you that as of March 31st, all role-play activities will be moving to the Adult and Youth boards. 

The Staff first and foremost values the safety of all of our members while also valuing our existence as a community that accepts young people. When we introduced the RP area, it was in response to member requests for an RP forum. However, over time it has become clear that the area is both difficult to moderate and is also a place where persons of varying ages can interact in a way that can become inappropriate given the nature of the fetish for some members.

We understand that this decision may be disappointing for some members, especially those who are not validated and therefore do not have access to the Adult or Youth forums. The Staff have spent over a month discussing all the different ways we can continue to make this Forum safe for everyone and this solution was one of the compromises we came up with.

The current RP forums will remain open until March 31st to allow members to finish up any current RPs and then it will be locked. It will remain locked but visible for an additional few months (until the end of June 2017) to allow any member who wants to archive/copy and paste their RPs to a private saved document. After that time, the public RP forums will be deleted.

If you are currently participating in an RP that only includes validated members of your age category (13-17 or 18+), you may PM or use the CONTACT US! to ask the Staff to move your RP to the new RP area on the appropriate forum.

For unvalidated members who are frequent RPers, we apologize that this change is being made but we carefully considered all options to allow all members to keep RPing and decided that there was no logistically possible way for it to work. You will either have to wait for validation or move your RP activities off-forum.

Thank you all for your understanding! If you have any questions, please use the CONTACT US! button or PM a member of the Staff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As we are nearing the date that RPs will be closed to further updates/comments, I wanted to bump this thread up so that any members who are not aware of the impending change will have a chance to see this. As stated, if you have any questions about the changes, use the CONTACT US link to message the Staff. Thank you!

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