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Sleepless Nights


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Hi guys,

What happens when I get *very* miserable in the middle of the night?

I think maybe I could share and make my SFF friends happy;)

Ok, so seriously, it's the 4th night in a row...it's getting more than a little annoying. I've been sick with this nose/throat infection for about 6 days now. It's right above the place you swallow, so you can't really reach it, and just low enough to keep my nose relatively clear during the day. But for some reason, it is STUCK there, the infection not budging. And the result is a pretty inflammatory situation.

So during the day, I'm pretty much functional. But when i lie down to sleep...that's where it starts. The phlegm starts moving around the back of my throat, and it's too solid to get it loose, yet liquid enough to get right where it shouldn't be. The tickle triggers immediate responses and sets off dry coughing fits, so pretty much every time I start falling asleep, (and it's often given my state of exhaustion, and growing) my whole body contracts and reminds me that I have to stay awake. Ghaaa. Last night I finally managed to crash around 5 am...only to wake up literally drowning ; I had to rush to the bathroom and spent 45 minutes coughing and choking, spitting out some gunk, my nose running and eyes tearing from the strain. The itch and irritation reached some place in my throat where I could barely keep from heaving and had to concentrate in order not to be sick.

Anyways....fun fun fun! It is a quiet torture, not so much the coughing in itself which I can handle when it's not retching type coughing, but the desperate need to sleep and ensuing sleep deprivation.

I hope somebody out there enjoyed my description as much as I hated going through it;)

Cheers, you guys

PS : Oh, and by the way, for those of you into H/C, I did imagine s.o there to take care of me, but honestly I made him appear *after* I was done with the worst of it; had it been RL, I would have been so embarrassed by the hawking and the sounds I made!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Rhino,

Yes, thank you it's finally getting better. I had one better night, then another hellish one with no sleep, but finally I'm on the path to recovery. Yeay! I think it's mostly a matter of inflammatory response : the post nasal drip I constantly have, but to make my throat so utterly reactive to it, to the point of being sick, has to be because of the additional illness i had.  Sigh!

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