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Monster chest cold - self-obs


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I was fine on Wednesday, I know I was. Well okay. Almost fine, except for a tiny nagging rawness in my sinuses. 

On Thursday I woke up congested, voice lowered and stuffy. Went to work and more than one colleague asked if I was sick. Strangely, there was almost no sneezing, but around mid-morning, the coughing began, deep, barky hacking. By late afternoon there was no escaping it; I was sick. I stuck it out just until closing time, thinking I might feel better after a good night's sleep. 

But a good night's sleep may as well be a mythical beast, for now, with this damned cough.

On Friday, I woke up knowing I would never make it to work. My sinuses were full of dirty yellow gunk, the same as I was hacking up. I went through two boxes of tissues and spent the whole day either blowing my nose, coughing, or asleep. I finally started sneezing, huge, itchy, wet tissue-wrecking sneezes. The sneezing lasted only one day, but the coughing has continued.

I haven't had an uninterrupted night's sleep since I came down with this monster chest cold, or whatever it is. 

Spent the weekend sick in bed. Was afraid I'd lose my voice before Monday, when I had to attend an important meeting. Luckily it didn't turn into laryngitis. I attended my meeting, tried not to cough on too many people or surfaces, and left as soon as I could. 

I get these long drawn-out coughing fits that make me feel like I'm suffocating - I can't stop even to breathe, and I get tears in my eyes. If people are around I try to stifle it or keep it quiet, but that just makes it more painful.

Sometimes, right at the end, my cough turns loose and rattly, and I manage to cough up what's irritating my lungs, which is a great relief; other times it just sits there and I have no choice but to keep right on coughing.

I haven't needed my rescue inhaler in years, but I'm using it now. 

Have been literally too sick and too tired to think of making recordings. 

Hoping that I'm getting better. I think my voice is closer to my usual, though still a little weak and hoarse. If I try to talk too much at one go, the coughing starts again. Had a quiet day yesterday, and the coughing feels slightly less uncontrollable. Drinking a lot of water. 




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Sorry you are not feeling good, wish u a speedy recovery. Please if you can, a nose blowing recording or tissue pic would be appreciated. Thanks

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  • 4 weeks later...

Urg. Feels familiar...and wretched, especially when it's messing with much needed sleep. At the moment I have this weird laryngitis, like there's an infection stuck up in my nose and throat but nothing's getting out. It's a lot of pressure in my lower sinus, and I cough up yellow green gunk like you in the morning (fuuuuun descriptions, uh?;) but nothing else, no congestion or other symptoms of any kind. STUUUUCK!!! Angry!

Anyways, feel better!

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