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Am I my own wet dream? Wry self-obs


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Ok, so here it is.

I have almost constant post-nasal drip, which induces dry coughing spells whenever I lie down. I'm fine most of the day, but comes night time, I have to go to bed (oh really?) aaaand...so it begins. It's horribly embarrassing, by the way. If anyone's around, means I have to try and conceal all the very un-sexy throat noises one makes when trying to swallow phlegm that is --either too sticky too go down, or too runny to stop. *Hate* this.

The other thing it does, is it makes me cough for the first few hours of the morning. I try to hold it back, because coughing in public makes me so self-conscious --I've also noticed how I will usually rush to cover it by talking to the person right on the wake of the coughing fit, as to pretend nothing had happened and interrupted my sentence (?). It's a dry, kind'a cute cough, in the sense it's pretty discreet, except...in the morning, the phlegm seems to have gone down a bit lower in my lungs through the night, and there's a moment where my cough becomes kind of helpless and unproductive, and I have to choke harder for a while until I bring up a little (sorry for the details here;) (it's always impressed me, by the way, how miserable I can get, choking, until the tiniest bit a phlegm comes out and i think --that's IT?!)

Yesterday I was at *work* when that happened. So I held back, a little. *Not* pleasant, not a good idea. Also not very conscious, hafta admit. And I thought : this is really silly, I mean, one of two choices : either the person with me is one of us, and she'll probably...uh...enjoy it :blush:, or she's not, and she doesn't give a damn. So..WTF, uh?

Last note, about the title : well, my SO has absolutely no attraction for that. Should the reverse situation be true, I would be **all over him **, rescuing and cuddling, and enjoying my worst fit of H/C (seriously) Sigh. :drool:

So, what's the point of being miserable? I'm telling you, what a waste of perfectly good fetish material!! :twisted:


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