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A Thousand Little Drabbles [TYS' drabble thread]


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Nuh really sure how often I'll come back to this, but it might be a good way to start writing some snezfucker lit, which I've long meant to do. Really, I'm just afraid to show the true depths of my own perversion to anyone :lol: but I've decided that ought not to be a deterrent, especially since I don't have to share anything from my personal collection if I don't want to. :rofl:

Anyway, short drabblings will go here. Comments and criticism welcomed - it doesn't even have to be constructive. :lol:

The Voyeur

He was watching her dust.

She wore little - just panties and an old t-shirt - but she felt warm. Excited. She could feel his eyes on her, taste how much he wanted her in the air. She breathed it in.


She breathed in more dust, too, and finally the slim, slight feathery feeling in the front of her nostrils started to deepen. Spread. She welcomed it, sniffling audibly to try and help the feeling along. She wanted to draw things out, but she was also worried her nose would get stage fright.

When she sniffled, she could hear a sharp intake of breath from behind her. She knew he was watching her intently - aching to see her face but not daring to ask, at least not yet. She felt incredible.

Twin tears welled up in her eyes and traced shiny lines down her cheeks. The itch in her nose grew, and she turned slowly towards the bed, her breath hitching.

"Huh... Oh, this dust. *sniffle* I'm just suh... huh... so allergic!"

She looked into his eyes through her allergic tears, and the enraptured look she saw there was almost enough to send her over the edge right there. She'd never felt so much power over another person before. She felt such control. She wanted to feel this way all the time.

She sneezed, and she only wished she could have watched his face while it was happening.

"Huh-ESSCH! Huh-ESSCHOO! HaaaESCHOeschoo!!"

The first four came easily, and those that followed were harder won but no less satisfying for both of them.




hmmm... meh. 4/10, needs improvement. i'll try again tomorrow.

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure what happened to tomorrow's effort, but nice perversion insight there. Thanks TYS!

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