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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Your list & certain words

Kaze Wo Hiku

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We all have it. The words fetish related that we can't say, hear or write. I'm not asking anyone to say what's on their list, not the point of this ;) My question is are certain words only in one specific category? Like you can't say a certain word but have no problem writing it?

Example from myself. I do not like saying the word handkerchief, I avoid it at all costs and thankfully it doesn't appear in my normal vocabulary all that often. But I can write it no problems and read it as it's one of my major kinks. 

Wondering if anyone else fits into this. 

Edited by Kaze wo Hiku
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Well now that you mention it, I haven't said the word "sneeze" in... fifteen years. It's so weird, I just CAN'T say it. I can write it with zero issue and I can hear other people say it or talk about it but I myself cannot physically spit out the word "sneeze".

Granted, I have a few words that I can't say anymore that I haven't said in years or have never said but they aren't fetish-related so they're irrelevant to the topic, I think

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Yeah, I can kind of relate. "Sneezing" and "allergies" I'd rather not say but I could write, and I can't stand people talking about them but if they're written I'm mostly okay with it. The opposite with "sniffly" though, like, I could say it (probably lol), but I'd rather not write it, but I'd be more comfortable with seeing it written. If that even makes sense.

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Aside from the obvious ones, simple euphemisms like "holding it in" are tough for me. I can never talk about someone blowing their nose, either! Stifle is another one -- for some reason, I really don't like it, even if I'm saying it in a fetish context. I've got problem writing this stuff out at all, though. I think that in general, things that are hard to say will always be easier to type or write out, since it's a less physical/personal form of communication.

Edited by Sen Beret
typing mistakes!!!!
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2 hours ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

We all have it. The words fetish related that we can't say, hear or write. I'm not asking anyone to say what's on their list, not the point of this ;) My question is are certain words only in one specific category? Like you can't say a certain word but have no problem writing it?

Example from myself. I do not like saying the word handkerchief, I avoid it at all costs and thankfully it doesn't appear in my normal vocabulary all that often. But I can write it no problems and read it as it's one of my major kinks. 

Wondering if anyone else fits into this. 

A couple months ago I started a thread in Related Fetishes about not being able to say the word "handkerchief" (I myself can write the word, and I can sometimes bring myself to say it). Like many others here, I cannot say "sneeze."  The other thing I can't say is "blow my/your nose."  But the irony is that I don't have a fetish for nose-blowing at all!    

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I can write pretty much any word now. (Thanks, forum! :thumbsup2:) Some words feel a bit 'naughty' to write, but I can't think of any that are really uncomfortable anymore.  But yeah, there's a handful of words/phrases that are hard for me to say ('sneeze' and  'blow my nose' are probably at the top of the list.)

It used to be really hard for me to say 'allergies', but it's not anymore. (I have to say that word all the time at work, so I had to get over that one pretty fast :lol:)   I still hate to say that word in front of immediate family, though.

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