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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Very Early Self Obs (f)


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Well, this is fun. I can’t sleep. Writing this at 3 am, so if it’s not entirely coherent or something, please forgive me. I have a doctor’s appointment early tomorrow….or today really at 8:30, meaning I’ll have to be up by 6 if I want to get a shower in and be able to get over there on time. I also have no idea where to park, I’ve never driven my car over there…all the times I’ve had appointments, I coincidentally never had my car, so I’d like to spare some time to find a parking place this morning. But as I said, I can’t sleep. I tried very hard, I laid down, watched a little TV, turned the TV off, closed my eyes…tried to drift into every single soothing thought I could think of…nothing happened. I’m thinking maybe a little too much caffeine or that maybe I took my medicine too late in the day…or probably a little bit of both, but I’m all jittery.

Anyway, I was hugging my pillow, trying to fall asleep when I felt this small itch in my nose. I didn’t think much of it; my nose itches from time to time, as many of you know. So I just reached up with the palm of my right hand and rubbed it. However, that didn’t make it go away…the itch burned even more and without much warning, I sneezed a very high-pitched feminine “hiiih-chhhiiiisshh!” causing my body to thrust forward a little bit, though luckily not enough to throw me off of the bed. I sniffled and yawned, then rolled over towards the window, and tried again to relax. Not much luck there. My nose continued to torture me, as I rubbed it with both hands on either side, pinching it, doing whatever I could to subside the need to sneeze. I just, didn’t really want to…I was tired, and this wasn’t helping. Eventually I sat up for no reason at all, and rubbed my eyes, which were now tearing and my nose, and then sniffled twice…and finally the sneezes pushed their way through. I cupped my hands over my nose and mouth and sneezed three times, soft wet sneezes. Again, each sneeze causing me to rock forward and feel somewhat light-headed. Worn out, I sat there and let my sleepy head droop forward…which then of course, made my hair fall forward and tickle my nose further causing me to sneeze twice more. Annoyed, I sniffled, rubbed my nose, and tucked my long hair behind my ears. I rubbed my eyes and turned around to let my feet dangle off of the side of the bed. I then sat there for a moment, trying to decide if I was awake or asleep, and for a moment I did consider that I was asleep…but then another sneeze caught me by surprise, and I sneezed a loudish uncovered “Heh-iiiiissshhhooo!”, causing my whole body to jerk forward and my feet to land hard on the floor. Okay, fine. It’s a sign, I’m getting up.

I stood up and walked over to my computer, which is only about a 3 foot distance, but on the way I sneezed again, another loud “HAH---CHIIShhhhaaa!” I plopped down on my chair, and moved the mouse to get the screensaver to go away. It’s dark in here and my already irritated eyes didn’t appreciate the sudden glow of the screen, but I suppose they got used to it. I sat here checking various posts and such, sniffling every few seconds and rubbing my nose still. I crossed my arms and leaned on my desk, and then sneezed twice into the crook of my left elbow. I sneezed a few times while writing this as well. Mostly in singles with a good build up. I was thinking about recording a wav, but I thought I’d write obs instead since it’s been a while since I wrote some. Anyway, sorry that this isn’t as detailed as I usually try to write…I’m very tired. Hope you enjoyed some of it anyways.

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Bless you, Susie. Well described as always :)

Sounds like you've got some dust particles floating around the room and it'sgiven you a minor allergy attack.

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