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Sneeze Fetish Forum

He finally sneezed!


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The moment most of us wait for finally arrived-- I saw the guy I'm dating sneeze! We've only been dating for a few months, but I had never seen or heard him sneeze, despite his own admission that he has quite a few allergies (dogs, cats, the outdoors). I had been WAITING for what felt forever, when it finally happened! So a little description-- he's fairly tall, average size, with dark brown hair, brown eyes and a wonderfully medium to large sized nose that he rubs quite often (such a tease!) and a gorgeous smile. He was visiting me for the weekend, so we had plenty of together time for it to happen. He ended up sneezing FOUR times throughout the day; unfortunately EACH time was around other people, so I felt like I couldn't enjoy it properly! 

Obs 1-- 

We were driving around in my car, me driving with him in the passenger seat (my other friend in the back to ruin the day :P ) when all of the sudden he pitched forward into his elbow with almost no hitching-- just heh-NXT-chah! He half stifled but then let out a soft exhale. I said "Bless you!" and kept talking because I was partly trying not to drive off the road in excitement and also trying not to embarrass him because there were other people in the car. He sniffed quietly and said "oh, excuse me." I was SO excited, just replaying it in my mind. I normally don't like stifles but, since he only half stifles, there was something really attractive about him trying to hold them back but not quite being able to. 

Obs 2-- 

We had gone to see a show and were driving yet again (same people in the same positions) when he started rubbing his nose. As I mentioned earlier, he does this often and it's SUCH a tease because I'm always waiting for it, but usually nothing happens. Finally he pitched forward again- heh-NGXT-Ah!  while I was talking but he took a deep breath and sneezed again! Heh- HIXGNT-ah! and then said "wow, sorry!" and started sniffling a little bit, rubbing his nose. I quickly said "Oh bless you!" and fought with myself about offering him a tissue-- I probably would have if my other friend hadn't been in the car. I have no idea if he said thank you or not, because I was too busy screaming with excitement in my head. 

Finally, a short while after we arrived at my apt and went inside, my friend walked back to the bathroom while I started putting some things away. My guy was across the room from me, plugging in his phone when again he quickly stifled heh-NXT-ah!  This time, I didn't bless him and pretended like I didn't hear anything since I was making noise in the kitchen. I am not sure about his comfort level with blessing and sneezing, so I didn't want to make him feel too self-conscious. I'm sure it was because of allergies-- we had been outside a lot that day and he didn't feel or act sick in any other part of the day. Either way I was on cloud nine and really hoped for more. I still do! 

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Nice observation, you are really lucky! I know it'sounds a bit devious, but you can putting cat or dog hair on your clothes when you go outside sometime and watch the magic happen!???

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Good observation!  Seriously, your descriptions were excellent; I could really picture those situations in my head.  I'm thinking your "bless you"'s came out as rather surprised sounding?  For whatever reason I always like that, and I do especially like it when the "bless you" is preceded by "oh" or "ooh."

Again, nice observation. 

Edited by Luisa39
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13 minutes ago, Luisa39 said:

Good observation!  Seriously, your descriptions were excellent; I could really picture those situations in my head.  I'm thinking your "bless you"'s came out as rather surprised sounding?  For whatever reason I always like that, and I do especially like it when the "bless you" is preceded by "oh" or "ooh."

Again, nice observation. 

Luisa-- you're absolutely right!

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Lovely obs! I love how he excused himself! Hope to hear more obs in the near future!

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