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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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I'm not new here. I've had an account for a long time, BUT after I first signed up, I went through a real... I guess shit storm is the proper word for it. I lost my sister, I moved, my mother got incredibly sick and was in the hospital, my best friend from high school left her abusive husband and moved to another country, my mom was in the hospital again... there was just a lot going on in a very short amount of time. So I didn't really get to be active here. So I thought I would jump in here, now that life is a bit more stable, and try this whole 'being social' thing again.

So hi! I'm Sior, I'm in my early thirties, and I'm trash for a good trope like 'caught in the rain' or 'surprised with your allergen oH NO IT'S A THOUGHTFUL GIFT REALLY I LOVE IT', and I am always a whore for a good cold. My hobbies include crying over my favourite celebrities, creating scenarios where characters who should not ever catch colds do frequently, and sneaking sneezy content into vanilla role play without telling my writing partners that I have a kink. 

Talk to me about things! I'm always looking for more friends in the community. I promise I'll actually be active here this time! orz

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Man I loooooove a good cold. Welcome back, I'll just drop this here since you've been gone for a while.

To enhance your time here, if you could find a few minutes to look at read before posting — it contains lots of information and frequently asked questions that will help you understand how things work on the forum. You will also be able to see which areas you can currently access and which will become available to you when you are "fully validated" a bit further down the line. In that regard, the validation system is explained in how do I get validated?

(insert for members aged 13 to 17 -  In addition, as a younger member, your safety is very important to us, so please have a read of our internet safety post. )

If you have any questions that are not covered in the links, feel free to ask the staff using the "contact us" feature right at the top of the page.

We look forward to seeing you around, and enjoy the forum! :)

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2 hours ago, SneezyHolmes said:

Welcome back!

Thank you!


1 hour ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

Man I loooooove a good cold. Welcome back, I'll just drop this here since you've been gone for a while.

To enhance your time here, if you could find a few minutes to look at read before posting — it contains lots of information and frequently asked questions that will help you understand how things work on the forum. You will also be able to see which areas you can currently access and which will become available to you when you are "fully validated" a bit further down the line. In that regard, the validation system is explained in how do I get validated?

(insert for members aged 13 to 17 -  In addition, as a younger member, your safety is very important to us, so please have a read of our internet safety post. )

If you have any questions that are not covered in the links, feel free to ask the staff using the "contact us" feature right at the top of the page.

We look forward to seeing you around, and enjoy the forum! :)

Thanks so much for the helpful reminders. I promise, I won't be a loser who doesn't post. You know, like... like before. When I was a loser. Who didn't post. Ahem. 

2 minutes ago, Jeff1 said:

Love love love colds.  You are in good company!  Welcome... back!

I love allergies too, don't get me wrong, but nothing gets my motor running like a miserable cold. Thanks so much!

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Sorry you went through such a bad time, but welcome back and I hope you enjoy being a more active member!



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19 hours ago, Joal 555 said:

Sorry you went through such a bad time, but welcome back and I hope you enjoy being a more active member!




Thanks! I'm gonna try to contribute something worthwhile here. I'm a lurker by nature, but I'm going to fight those instincts real hard and post as much as I can.


18 hours ago, PennyLane said:

Glad you came back! I absolutely love your pic of Benedict!

I'm glad I did too! Thank you! I forgot I put him as my avatar. Lovely Bendybutt Cucumberpatch.


12 hours ago, pikachu78 said:

Welcome back enjoy your stay.

Thank you so much!

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It's like you pulled all of my preferences out of my head and posted them yourself :zippy:

Glad to see you back! I'm sorry to hear you had such s tough time recently, but I hope things only continue to improve for you, and we will be seeing you around the boards more often ^_^

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7 minutes ago, PuddinPop said:

It's like you pulled all of my preferences out of my head and posted them yourself :zippy:

Glad to see you back! I'm sorry to hear you had such s tough time recently, but I hope things only continue to improve for you, and we will be seeing you around the boards more often ^_^

Maybe I did! WOOooooOOOOoo!!!

Thank you! You'll definitely be seeing me more, especially after I get over the initial sense of shyness. Then you'll never shut me up.


Love your signature. Umbreon is my favourite Eeveelution and one of my favourite of the pokeymans.


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Welcome Siorlasair, so sorry to hear things have been bad recently, but sending positive thoughts for things to get better! Hopefully we will be seeing a lot more of you from now on. 

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2 minutes ago, Enkidom said:

Welcome Siorlasair, so sorry to hear things have been bad recently, but sending positive thoughts for things to get better! Hopefully we will be seeing a lot more of you from now on. 

Thanks so much! I appreciate the positive thoughts and the welcome. And yeah, I plan on it. I'm already planning on posting some of my drabbles, if I can track them down from the billion different flash drives they're saved on. 

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