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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Friend with cold


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Hi, I'm on holiday in Spain right now with one of my friends (of whom I have a crush on) and two days ago she as sniffling a bit and blowing her nose (she is one of those people who have absolutely no problem with Doing this in public) and last night she let out five sneezes during dinner (they were very wet and she just turned her head into her shoulder when she let them out). Anyway last night she began to complain that her nose was blocked (myself, my sister and her are all sleeping in the same bed) and she had to blow her nose over nine times (really nice and wet) anyway this morning she finally admitted she had a cold and has been sneezing and blowing her nose nonstop and we are gunna be together and sharing a bed together till Friday! :)

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oh man lucky you.  it'd be really hard to fall asleep if it was me. 

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Yeah she always sneezes either into her shoulder or her elbow and there is usually some spray that escapes :). We came back home last night and she was blowing her nose a ton on the plane journey back and the plane was really quiet since lots of people were asleep cause the flight was at 2 am so you could hear her really clearly. Unfortunately I don't seem to have caught it but she always seems to catch everything and I have a couple classes with her next year (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science) so I will probably be able to post a lot more observations of her. She's also got one of those really squishy noses that make a really wet sound when she squishes it. Which is always great.

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5 hours ago, WishUponAUnicorn said:

Yeah she always sneezes either into her shoulder or her elbow and there is usually some spray that escapes :). We came back home last night and she was blowing her nose a ton on the plane journey back and the plane was really quiet since lots of people were asleep cause the flight was at 2 am so you could hear her really clearly. Unfortunately I don't seem to have caught it but she always seems to catch everything and I have a couple classes with her next year (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science) so I will probably be able to post a lot more observations of her. She's also got one of those really squishy noses that make a really wet sound when she squishes it. Which is always great.

Wow, she sounds amazing, please post more of her! 

Does she sneeze into her elbow or shoulder depending on the length of her sleeve? I imagine someone with such wet sneezes wouldn't want to sneeze onto their own skin. 

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18 hours ago, ccv said:

Wow, she sounds amazing, please post more of her! 

Does she sneeze into her elbow or shoulder depending on the length of her sleeve? I imagine someone with such wet sneezes wouldn't want to sneeze onto their own skin. 

Yeah pretty much, I sat next to her in Spanish and Maths last year and she always seemed to sneeze into her elbow (we wear blazers) towards me so I could always feel a bit of spray which was nice.

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Ah, that does sound nice, thanks for replying! I imagine her sneezes must leave wet spots on her sleeve. Do you remember what she was wearing during the observation?

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  • 11 months later...
On 24/07/2017 at 4:19 PM, ccv said:

Ah, that does sound nice, thanks for replying! I imagine her sneezes must leave wet spots on her sleeve. Do you remember what she was wearing during the observation?

Sorry for the late reply, but i believe that it was a dress with quite thin straps. she was sitting at the head of the table and i was to her right (the direction she sneezed towards).

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3 hours ago, WishUponAUnicorn said:

Sorry for the late reply, but i believe that it was a dress with quite thin straps. she was sitting at the head of the table and i was to her right (the direction she sneezed towards).

No problem, thanks for replying! So I take it she was sleeveless then? Was there spray all over her arm afterwards?

Also, I'd love to hear more obs of her if you have any. :) Wish I knew someone who sneezed like that.

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On 28/06/2018 at 0:22 AM, ccv said:

No problem, thanks for replying! So I take it she was sleeveless then? Was there spray all over her arm afterwards?

Also, I'd love to hear more obs of her if you have any. :) Wish I knew someone who sneezed like that.

Yeah of course, ill try to remember next time something worth writing about happens

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