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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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So my bf is back And he still sick but as i thought he has a mental block 

He was all stuffed up And he was sniffling a lot 

We were actually arguing 

And he couldn't even shout And was coughing a lot And he needed to blow several times

And i couldn't stay angry at him 

so i invited him to my house 

and we were kissing And i Could feel on my lips that he was breathing by his mouth And he was saying all The time that i shouldnt kiss him couse he doesnt want me to get sick (couse we are going to The camp together) but we continue to kiss 

and suddenly he told me that he cant breath And it was just adorable and he was  saying that he should be in bed couse he feel like a crap

And he was so miserable And he barely stayed awake 

Then i drove him home 

Sorry that its so weirdly written but it has just happened And im still shoked ?

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