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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bush Allergies? (M, Self)

Ronald Napoli

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Ronald Napoli

Now let me begin by saying that I don't sneeze very often, maybe 1 or 2 times a week at most. Even chhinkni only gets 1 or 2 sneezes out of me if I am lucky. Today, I was going about trimming the bushes on the side of my house, and during that time I sneezed a total of 8 TIMES IN 2 HOURS! They were all single sneezes since I can't seem to sneeze in multiples, but I felt this constant irritation in my nose while I was trimming the bushes and pulling out the vines underneath them. I usually don't sneeze outside and I have this severe mental block because I always fear being heard when I sneeze. Whenever I feel like sneezing in public, I feel this subconscious urge to try to hold it back. But the urge to sneeze was so strong, each time I felt like sneezing my subconscious mental block was overridden and I ended up sneezing anyway. Is there a chance that I am actually allergic to the type of bush I was trimming? Let me know what you think!

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It could be possible that it was an allergy, but I'm no allergy doctor. I'm assuming you're not allergic to anything else? Perhaps you're developing adult onset allergies. I have, but with food.

I'd suggest conducting an experiment by trimming another of the same type of bush and seeing if there is any more repeat sneezing. Should be interesting to say the least. Did you enjoy the sneezes at all?

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Ronald Napoli
6 hours ago, insertwittyusernamehere said:

It could be possible that it was an allergy, but I'm no allergy doctor. I'm assuming you're not allergic to anything else? Perhaps you're developing adult onset allergies. I have, but with food.

I'd suggest conducting an experiment by trimming another of the same type of bush and seeing if there is any more repeat sneezing. Should be interesting to say the least. Did you enjoy the sneezes at all?

Oh I LOVED the sneezes haha. I even tried subconsciously holding them back because I have this severe mental block, but they came out anyway!

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Not sure...I mean, a high pollen day will get to me, but more headaches than sneezing *shrug*

I haven't found anything that I just sneeze and sneeze with...yet.

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Lovely obs! Thanks for sharing! And if you do follow the advice of experimenting to find out, I'd love to hear about the outcome!

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Ronald Napoli

I have an update for you haha. Yesterday, I was cutting the grass and trimming some bushes again. During the 2 hours when I was cutting the grass, I sneezed 5 TIMES, but they were all single sneezes. I used to dread having to do this, but now I LOVE doing it. I only seem to sneeze like this when I am doing yard work. And when I got into the shower after I cut the grass, I sneezed one big sneeze and that felt so good. Do you guys think I have some allergy to grass clippings?

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