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Woman whose nose started running when talking to someone at security


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There's a woman I've done various work with over the years in my field. She blows her nose a lot of the time, always has crumpled tissues with her, does long, protracted, snotty ones without compunction. When I've been to her house, there are boxes or packets of tissues in lots of places.

Anyhow, I saw her this week, and at the place we were at, she had to ask the guy at security about something. But while she was doing so, I could see her quite frantically looking in one pocket, then the next, and I looked up and saw a stream of quite thick yellow snot coming out of one nostril, running down towards her lip. She didn't quite find the tissue in time, and naturally the moment she did she put it straight to her nose and blew hard (a really nice and rich blow, incidentally). But she didn't manage to do it quickly enough to stop me, and presumably the security guard, seeing the snot running out.

It was such a treat to see.

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