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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My Boyfriend's Cold


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So I've been a lurker on here for awhile, but I finally decided to write my own post! Hope you enjoy. 

A few days ago, my boyfriend came down with a bad cold. He started complaining of a sore throat and that quickly progressed to a very runny nose, congestion, and a cough. His poor nose is red and chapped around the edges, and he complains about having to constantly blow his nose. For a physical description, my boyfriend is 6'1", muscular, and has brown hair cut very short (he is in the military). He does know about the fetish. 
This morning, we were laying in bed cuddling. I had my head on his chest and his arms were around me, when all of a sudden, he jerked forward and let out a half-stifled double, hxnt-choo, huh hxnt-choo. I blessed him and he smiled mischievously. About 30 minutes later, I was treated to another double, followed by 3 wet nose blows. He handed me the tissues afterwards for me to throw away. His nose was so red, and he asked me to get him some lotion to put on it since it was hurting him. He continued to sniffle all morning because he didn't want to blow his nose again since it was chapped. He ended up having too though, after another wet single while we were still laying in bed. I got up to make him some tea for his throat and to get him some more cold medicine. I hate seeing him suffer, but I can't help loving all the sneezes and nose blowing! He just sneezed another huh-isshoo, from the living room as I'm writing this!

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Ahh love this! I've been a lurker here for a little while too hehe, I like cold sneezes more than allergy sneezes so I definitely enjoyed! Thank you :)

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Oh my gosh, what a sight. :inlove::heart: I don't think a single one of my friends has gotten sick within the past three or four months, which is good, but almost no sneezes. :upsidedwnsmiley: Thanks for sharing, Ahynson! :) And welcome, both you and sandraa, to account-hood. Hope to see you guys around. :laugh:

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Thanks for the replies! I'm glad you guys enjoyed my post!

A little update... This evening we had dinner at his parent's house. As he was saying something to his mom, he was stopped mid-sentence by a sneeze. Like, "Can I have some more wa- huh, huh, ISH-HOO. Water please?" And Sneezed another breathy, huh, ISSH-HOO right after. I almost died right there on the spot! If we weren't at his parent's house, those sneezes would have led us straight to the bedroom ;) He was so sniffly all night and had to get up to blow his poor nose every few minutes. Let's just say I was in a hurry to get out of their house tonight. I hated not being able to touch him and cuddle up like I would at home. His mom was also asking about his symptoms and everything, and the two of them talking about it was driving me crazy. One the one hand, I love hearing him talk about how he's so stuffed up and sneezy, but on the other hand, he was talking about it with his parents which was super weird for me. Luckily we didn't stay long because he wasn't feeling good and he knew the whole situation was making me uncomfortable, and we spent the rest of tonight cuddling in bed watching Netflix where I was treated to several more up close sneezes and lots of nose blowing.

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I so feel you about the awkwardness of the parents doting on their sick son.  I swear it's happened more often than not when we see his parents. I joke my partner plans it :-)

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On 8/7/2017 at 3:18 PM, elements said:

I so feel you about the awkwardness of the parents doting on their sick son.  I swear it's happened more often than not when we see his parents. I joke my partner plans it :-)

Ugh I feel that too. My ex got the worst cold ever while he was back at home with his parents, and I came to visit/take care of him and I was soooo uncomfortable with his mom being there and talking about it. I just wanted him to myself! ;) 

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