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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Mr And Mrs Turner (female)


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This happened while I was working on other projects. I'm sick, that might have something to do with it, although in my case it pretty much settled in my chest. Bleh.

Anyway. :lol: Hope you'll enjoy.


When his wife cuddled up close to him, Steve first thought it was for pure affection. Not that they were the type of couple that usually displayed affection in public, but they were in the darkness of a movie theatre. But instead, she used his shoulder to muffle a sneeze. A wet one, from what it felt like. 

“Sorry,” she whispered and sat up straight again.

“Bless you,” he whispered back, but he was frowning. Beth had been sneezing a lot today, and it seemed to get worse rather than better. He glanced at her from the side and saw her raising one hand, pinch her nose and bob forward with one completely silent stifle, immediately followed by an audible, but far from loud. She let go of her nose and sniffled quietly. He noticed another development as well; she was breathing through her mouth.

Beth sniffled again and rubbed the back of her hand against her nose. Even with the only light source in the room being the screen, he could see that the wings of her nose started to turn pink.

Her nostrils flared as she sniffled again.

“Stop staring at me,” she whispered without taking her eyes off the screen.

“If you stop sneezing at me,” he shot back and Beth smiled. The smile only stayed for a second before the look on her face turned from amused to anxious.

Christ, was she going to sneeze again?

“Nnkth! NKKTh!”

Something wasn’t right. She could sneeze until she was out of breath when the trees were in bloom, and mowing the lawn was a sure way to turn her into a drippy, sneezy mess, but with less than a week left to Halloween, pollen was hardly the culprit.

He reached out and felt her forehead. Beth slapped his hand away, still more amused than annoyed, although there was annoyance in the gesture as well, but not before he could feel how warm she was.

“Let’s go home,” he murmured. “You’re sick, and frankly, this movie sucks.”

“I’b fide, hodey.”

“Nice try beautiful, I know you’re not ‘fide’,” Steve replied and stood up. Beth looked up at him for several seconds, her eyes glassy and her cheeks flushed. There was a glitter of moisture right underneath her nostrils but he wasn’t going to point it out, that would only embarrass her.

“Come on,” he said as if there was no discussion to be had in the matter, and she finally followed his lead. Luckily they were alone in the back row, and were able to leave without disturbing anyone.


When they got back into the empty foyer, Beth raised her arm and sneezed into the sleeve of her coat, not putting any restraints on this sneeze at all.


Steve chuckled.

“I’m glad you didn’t decide to lay that one on me,” he said. “My shirt is still wet from earlier.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I was actually going to kiss you, but then I suddenly had to sneeze, it came out of nowhere. Be grateful I didn’t sneeze in your face instead, it was up for debate for a moment.”

“So I was cheated out of a kiss, then you sneezed on me, but I still didn’t get a kiss?”

“Because I realised I’m probably contagious.”

By this time, they had reached the exit, and as they went outside he scooped her up in his arms and kissed her anyway. Right there on the street, and their ‘no affection displays in public’ principle be damned.

“You probably are, but in that case, I’m likely already infected. Let’s deal with one patient at a time. Now I’m going to drive you home and put you to bed, mrs Turner.”

“I quite like the sound of that.”

“The mrs part?”

“No. The bed part.”

He sighed theatrically.

“Of course.”

It coaxed a smile out of her, even though she had started to look like she was admitting the cold even to herself and, consequently, felt worse.

“I always like the ‘mrs’ part,” she assured him.

“I should hope so, or you’ve been faking it for the past twenty years,” he said.

“I never fake. Just so you know,” she said with a quick wink.

Before he could respond to this innuendo, she stopped on the sidewalk, both hands loosely cupped in front of her face.

“Oh God, I have to sneeze again,” she moaned and took several deep breaths before pausing, with her face frozen in a mask of itchy despair, before her features smoothed out and she exhaled, unsatisfied. “No, apparently not,” she muttered and rubbed her nose furiously. Rather than ridding her of the tickle altogether, this action seemed to make it worse, fanning a flicker into a flame.

“No, wait, yes… AaeSCHHoo! IssCHEW! Hehhh… heRISHHOO!”

“Bless you.”

“Ugh. Thank you. I hate sneezing.”

“Really? Could’ve fooled me, you’re doing an awful lot of it,” he joked. She gave his arm a light smack.

“You’re not funny.”

“Yes, I am. That’s why you married me.”

“You are too adorable, what a self-delusion.”

“Nah, I know you married me for my good looks and herculean strength.”

“On second thought, yes, you’re right, it’s because you’re funny.”

“What a burn.”

“Yeah, I’m hot tonight.”

“I can’t argue. At least around 101 or so.”






“Shut up so I can bless you.”

“I’m trying! HuhESSHHoo!”

Steve shook his head, growing serious again.

“You really sound terrible, Beth.”

“I think the other moviegoers probably agree,” she said and sniffled. “I don’t think I would have lasted the entire movie without giving a side show.”

“To be honest,” Steve said as he opened the car door, “the suspense in whether you would be able to stifle the next sneeze or not was more intense than anything on screen.”

“Well, I was so busy trying to hold back sneezes I didn’t pick up much of the plot.”

“There was no plot.”

“That may have contributed. Turn the heat up, I feel like I’m about to freeze to death.”

He did so, and she leaned back in the seat with her eyes closed. She looked completely whacked, and her nose was already at least one shade redder. He had a feeling she would be asleep by the time they got to the turnpike.


If she could stop sneezing long enough, that was.  


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Absolutely loved this sick story, it was done really well and i loved every minute of it, great work!!!

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Sneezing so constantly that she is unable to be blessed in a great touch. I don't think I'd have been able to remember much of the plot either :lol: 

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This was really cute! I'm not always in the mood for illness stories, but this definitely put me in one. I loved the sort of "pre-caretaking" you had going on, as well as the teasing. Characters being teased about their sneezes is already super cute to me, and having the teasing coming from the caretaker is even better. I know illness isn't always your thing either, but it's great that you're able to do it so well when you do decide to give it a shot. Thanks for sharing!

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Oh my god Chanel, this was BEAUTIFUL! And also really funny! I was chuckling the entire time I was reading, in-between melting from how adorable they are together.

12 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

“Bless you,” he whispered back, but he was frowning. Beth had been sneezing a lot today, and it seemed to get worse rather than better. He glanced at her from the side and saw her raising one hand, pinch her nose and bob forward with one completely silent stifle, immediately followed by an audible, but far from loud. She let go of her nose and sniffled quietly. He noticed another development as well; she was breathing through her mouth.

I love how he's noticing all these little details and getting concerned about it. :wub:

12 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

He reached out and felt her forehead. Beth slapped his hand away, still more amused than annoyed, although there was annoyance in the gesture as well, but not before he could feel how warm she was.

“Let’s go home,” he murmured. “You’re sick, and frankly, this movie sucks.”

FOREHEAD FEEL ALERT. Floating out to outerspace commencing in 3... 2... 1...

12 hours ago, Chanel_no5 said:

“Ugh. Thank you. I hate sneezing.”

“Really? Could’ve fooled me, you’re doing an awful lot of it,” he joked. She gave his arm a light smack.

“You’re not funny.”

I beg to differ, he's totally funny :lol: Both of them are so witty and I love how they interact with each other. There are too many parts that made me laugh to quote here, but really, amazing job! Your writing is always on point and beautifully detailed, AND you manage to do dialogue perfectly as well. Is there anything you CAN'T do, really? :notworthy:

Also, I really hope you feel better soon. Chest colds are the worst :(

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I also love Mrs Turner's sneezes and how they progressively get more violent and desperate, as well as the interaction between the characters. I also agree with Oolia: I think Mr Turner is hilarious, and one lucky dog :razz:.

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This was marvelous. The dialogue was sweet, funny and completely believable. This couple is so charming I would love to read more of them. 

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