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More Questions for Photic Sneezers

Masked Chaos

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So, inspired by zneeze's topic, I've thought of some questions that I have about the reflex, as I don't have it myself but always found it quite interesting.

Sorry in advance if this is a bombardment, but I thought I would take advantage of this opportunity.

So, without further ado, here are the questions for the survey-esq... thing.

How many sneezes does it trigger at once?

Does it have a cooldown time(yes I'm a game nerd) before it can trigger a sneeze again and if so how long?

Has it happened at any inconvenient moment for you, if so when?

Is it caused by anything other than very bright lights (such as the sun)?

Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer my odd questions. ^_^


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How many sneezes does it trigger at once?

Only 1.

Does it have a cool down time(yes I'm a game nerd) before it can trigger a sneeze again and if so how long?

It has about a two hour cooldown, I can't do it directly after a sneeze.

Has it happened at any inconvenient moment for you, if so when?

Anytime my parents are around really, but my mental block takes over before then.

Is it caused by anything other than very bright lights (such as the sun)?

The sun is the main cause but bright light can also be a cause if it is close enough to me.

Edited by MysteryGirl
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How many sneezes does it trigger at once?

-Most of the time just one, but sometimes two.

Does it have a cooldown time(yes I'm a game nerd) before it can trigger a sneeze again and if so how long?

-It definitely has a cooldown time.  After I sneeze, I can look at the light again and won't feel anything at all.  It takes at least an hour before I can do it again, but I've never really timed it.

Has it happened at any inconvenient moment for you, if so when?

-I'd say it's actually really convenient to have.  When I get a stuck sneeze, all I need to do is look at something bright to get it out.

Is it caused by anything other than very bright lights (such as the sun)?

-The sun is probably the main thing, but any really bright light will do the trick.

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How many sneezes does it trigger at once?

Just one. I think a few times it's caused a second hitch, but never a true double.

Does it have a cooldown time(yes I'm a game nerd) before it can trigger a sneeze again and if so how long?

It does for me. I think the shortest cooldown time between photic sneezes I've been able to get is 10 to 20 minutes, but that's when I'm deliberately trying to make myself sneeze. I don't think I've ever had more than two "natural" photic sneezes in a day.

Has it happened at any inconvenient moment for you, if so when?

Not really. When I was younger and didn't pay attention to sneezes, it was a thing that just sometimes happened. But now that I'm older and aware this is a thing for me, I either squint and turn away if I'm with people and don't want to sneeze or keep my eyes wide and towards the sun if I do.

Is it caused by anything other than very bright lights (such as the sun)?


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10 hours ago, Masked Chaos said:

How many sneezes does it trigger at once?

Does it have a cooldown time(yes I'm a game nerd) before it can trigger a sneeze again and if so how long?

Has it happened at any inconvenient moment for you, if so when?

Is it caused by anything other than very bright lights (such as the sun)?



Interesting questions. I have also been fascinated by photic sneezing.  One thing that doesn't seem to be mentioned is that the reflex can change in intensity over time, and I think it often gets weaker as you grow older.  I used to have it to a moderate extent - it would happen once a day (usually coming out into the sun after lunch), but now I'm lucky if it's a couple of times a year.   So my answers go back to the time when it was a more regular occurrence.

How many sneezes does it trigger at once?

Pretty strictly one, which is odd, because non photic sneezes can be  multiples.

Does it have a cooldown time(yes I'm a game nerd) before it can trigger a sneeze again and if so how long?

Very much so :  just once a day, I don't think I've ever had two photic sneezes in the one day.

Has it happened at any inconvenient moment for you, if so when?

As it's so infrequent, it has never been inconvenient.  Once a colleague I used to have lunch with asked me why I sneezed in front of a particular house.  In fact, it was a delayed photic sneeze - it would start to build up when emerging from the canteen into the sun, but we had time to walk out of the grounds, cross a road and walk down a side street before the sneeze would actually come - usually in front of the same house.

Is it caused by anything other than very bright lights (such as the sun)?

No, and I think only sun -- I never found an artificial light did it.



Thanks for the question, I'll be looking forward to reading the answers.

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12 hours ago, Masked Chaos said:

How many sneezes does it trigger at once?

Usually just one. Sometimes a double, but not often.

12 hours ago, Masked Chaos said:

Does it have a cooldown time(yes I'm a game nerd) before it can trigger a sneeze again and if so how long?

Haha, I read it as "cooldown period" because I'm a crime show nerd. :lol: Anyway. Between 10-30 seconds for a second sneeze, now and then the same amount of time works for a third and fourth, but then it usually takes a couple of hours. I'm still as sensitive to light, but the actual sneeze reflex doesn't kick in.

12 hours ago, Masked Chaos said:

Has it happened at any inconvenient moment for you, if so when?

When it happens while driving, that's pretty inconvenient... usually my mental block can stop it, but not always, and even so my eyes keep wanting to close.

12 hours ago, Masked Chaos said:


Is it caused by anything other than very bright lights (such as the sun)?

Reflections of very bright lights, like sunlight reflecting off water or ice (or tinfoil, of all things... :rolleyes: ). Sometimes even bright colours. It goes in cycles for me, sometimes I'm extremely sensitive and other times I have to look directly at the light source to react. Interestingly, I've noticed that the intensity also depends on the angle of the light source. Some angles are worse than others. 

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Thanks for all your replies so far :D

I'm not overly surprised by the number of sneezes, but I am surprised by how short a lot of your cool down times are.

I've really enjoyed reading over your responses. ^_^

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How many sneezes does it trigger at once?

1 sometimes 2 sneezes

Does it have a cooldown time(yes I'm a game nerd) before it can trigger a sneeze again and if so how long?

Yeah at least 30 min for me.

Has it happened at any inconvenient moment for you, if so when?

Not really inconvenient. I second the above poster; if I have a "stuck" sneeze then usually bright lights help me. : )

Is it caused by anything other than very bright lights (such as the sun)?

Actually it seems every bright light but the sun works. : /

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How many sneezes does it trigger at once?

Usually just the one, sometimes two.


Does it have a cooldown time(yes I'm a game nerd) before it can trigger a sneeze again and if so how long?

Probably, it usually only works once, often the first time I go outside in a day (when my eyes are unused to the light), or when I already need to sneeze it does the trick.


Has it happened at any inconvenient moment for you, if so when?

Nope, I've never minded sneezing in public.


Is it caused by anything other than very bright lights (such as the sun)?

Not really, unless you'd count a bright cloudy sky or a lamp, but I guess the presence of a bright light is why it's a PHOTIC reflection in the first place. 

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How many sneezes does it trigger at once?

Always at least two; sometimes three.

Does it have a cooldown time(yes I'm a game nerd) before it can trigger a sneeze again and if so how long?

I think it depends. It probably does if it's solely the photic reflex causing it, because I get used to the light. But if I need to sneeze anyway, I can pretty consistently use light to trigger it. :lol:

Has it happened at any inconvenient moment for you, if so when?

Sometimes the bright lights at the front of lecture halls get me during lectures. :/

Is it caused by anything other than very bright lights (such as the sun)?

Cloudy skies usually trigger it, and all artificial lights pretty much. Sometimes light reflected off of water, too.

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