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Various Drabbles - Fullfilled

frolicking periwinkle

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I posted a request for drabble threads and pairings earlier in this forum.  Feel free to look around.  Here are some of the requested pairings as well as a promised drabble.

Soldier – 1

John shivered as he woke up, the thick moist air of London penetrating the walls of the flat that he shared with Sherlock.  Times had never been boring, not since he met the strange consulting detective that was a self-asserted sociopath.  Before the scare with the hounds – well the fake hounds – John might have argued that the other man was simply afraid of being accused of having feelings.  But, the unabashed cruelty that it took to lock a soldier in a box and terrify him occurred. 

John had responded as he did while he was a soldier, burying the fear and panic way down.  But, after he let the rage and the uncontrolled terror out at his last therapy session, he knew that Sherlock was not one to be completely trusted.  And, he faulted himself for ever thinking otherwise.  People knew themselves better than he did – even though he usually thought himself a good judge of character.

Are you awake? –SH

I know you’re awake – SH

Come downstairs; Tea’s on – SH

John groaned as he looked at the text messages.  Rubbing  a hand over his head, he was acutely aware of the headache that he had not been able to shake since the day before. 

Dressed down to the shoes, he came downstairs, trying to keep his knees high and his steps normal.  “Heh-Schhifff!” he sneezed into his elbow as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Tea?” Sherlock appeared in front of him with a cup of tea, seemingly out of nowhere.

“Ah!” John yelped with a jump back.  He brought his arm up in a defensive position.

“Bless you, by the way,” Sherlock said as John took the cup.  Ignoring the indicators of surprise, Sherlock went and sat down on the sofa. 

Taking a sip, John nodded and went to sit down.  

“So now that you’ve got that all worked out with your therapist, I figured we’d have a relaxed morning and let you figure the rest out,” Sherlock said, leaning back with his eyes closed. 

Blinking rapidly, John wondered what precisely Sherlock thought he had talked about in therapy. 

“You know, not for anything Sherlock, it’s not typically a good idea to scare the wits out of a solider. “

“There wasn’t a way for you to get out. Besides, you were perfectly fine, safe and all.  It was only an experiment.”

John could feel his heartbeat speed up as he thought about the fear that he had felt being locked in that box, thinking that the hounds were going to get him.  “Heh-Asschhiff!”  he sneezed into his elbow again and gave a strong sniff. 

“Your eyes were blood shot and you skin baggy and sallow last night.  I could tell from your flush that you were either taking opioids or had it out at therapy.  The small tears in the wrists of your sweater told me that you had been trying to keep yourself society –normal, and the strain in your voice indicated that you had not been successful,” Sherlock explained his deduction.  “Now drink your tea and let your body reregulate.  Mycroft will be calling later today, and I’d prefer it if you weren’t a sniveling sneezing mess.”

John huffed with a small smile.  He had been correct, of course; he always was.  “Heh-Huffsschoo!” he sneezed into a cupped hand.  Grabbing a tissue, he gave his running nose a good pinch.  He’d be all right in the end.  Somehow he had the feeling that Sherlock would see to that.


Brilliance – 2 – Fulfilled for JustAnotherGuy

Penny loved her father more than anyone in her life, even more than her dog Brain.  But, she didn’t love how he would push himself beyond his extended boundaries.  His inventions could carry him anywhere, but really he didn’t always see what was right under his nose. 


Or what was in it. 

Sharing a concerned look with Brain, they raced behind her dad.  He was quick, his at best, but slowed by the cold he was certainly coming down with made it easier for them to keep up. 

The older man whirled around with a wet, “Heh-Shhhh!” 

She and Brain scattered and hid.  Generally, her father moved so quickly and was so focused on his job that they didn’t have to worry about hiding.  But, now, if he was going to be turning around quickly, then would need to find another way to keep him out of harms way.

Opening her computer, she pressed a few buttons and nodded as Brain put on his headset.

“Okay Brain, you know what to do,” she said, focused as the dog ran off in another direction.

Inspector Gadget ran across the top of the building.  “Go go Gadget Copter!” he said, reaching out for the hand-holds.  He was in hot pursuit and positive that he would catch the criminal soon.  “Heh-Shhh!” he sneezed suddenly, causing his personal helicopter to careen at the ground.

Eyes widened with alarm, Brain ran down several flights of stairs until he got to a fire hydrant.  Unscrewing the top, he sent a spray straight up which caught Inspector Gadget and caused him to shoot straight up and land on the next roof.

The spray also arched over and landed on the criminal, knocking him over and causing Inspector Gadget to believe that he had caught him. 

But, that wasn’t the only thing that he had caught. 

“More soup, dad?” Penny asked ladling another spoonful of chicken noodle soup into a bowl.

“Heh-Esshoo! Esshoo!” Inspector Gadget sneezed into his napkin. 


Manners  – 9 – Fullfilled for Alexandra Marie

Daisy was none-too-pleased with having a chaperone for her newest reap.  It was depressing enough that she wasn’t able to help alleviate the survivors of their guilt – which typically made its way to her in the form of cash.  But, the fact that it was Mason made it worse. 

Oh the boy was nice enough, and she was aware that he cared deeply for her.  But…

“Hesshoo!  Eh-Esk-sha-shoo!” 

He was sick.  And it was kind of disgusting about it.

“Hepsshooo!” he sneezed forcefully, not quite covered.

“Ugh, bless you,” she said, her sweet voice showing through the disgust she felt at his manners.

“I’b sorry, Daisy.  I don’t keep a handkerchief,” he said, giving his poor abused nose a mighty snort, which came out more like a snurp-sound.

“Well, maybe we can start with that.  And then we can clean up your appearance in general,” she offered, her saccharine sweet voice not quite helpful at all as she forced a smile at him.


Dead Center – 10 – Fullfilled for Matilda3948

“Tch-hoo!”  The delicate sneeze was followed by a wet sniffle, and a secondary sniffle.  She was lucky, she knew, that she worked in a well ventilated and air conditioned space.  Many other offices were built in a time before climate control was a thing, and didn’t have the budget to be updated.  But, “Heh-tchoo-hoo!”  The last bit of that sneeze was a higher pitch than the rest, pinched and utterly uncomfortable.

“Bless you, Molly,” a gentle tenor stated as it wafted into the room. 

Breathing out a sigh of relief she smiled as John Watson walked into the room.  It could have been worse.  It could have been Sherlock, with his snippy comments and snide remarks.  She would have to put on a mask – the usual one, where she didn’t go home and cry after she internalized the statements that she couldn’t deflect.

“Morning John,” she said with a smile.  “Brought some tea from home if you’d like some.”

John gave her a slightly uncomfortable smile, the one he always gave before he asked for something that he thought might be imposing. The balance to Sherlock who didn’t know or didn’t care when he was imposing.  “Actually, Molly, I thought that maybe I could use up some of your air conditioning.  Bloody humid today.”  He gave her that sheepish smile again.  “If it’s all right.”

The sneezy feeling was back and she brought her fingers up to her face while nodding frantically.  “Heh-Tchoo!” Another small sniff.  “Sorry, John.  Yes of course you may stay.”

The sheepish look melted to one of concern.  “Molly are you all right?  Summer colds are the worst.”

A nod.  “They are.  I am.  Nothing- nothing for you to concern yourself over. Seat’s over there,” she said, wiggling her delicately sensitive nose.  “Take what you need.”  She put her eye back to the microscope trying to analyze the sample while her symptoms were settled for a moment. 

A time later John decided to take her up on the offer for tea.  “Molly I’m going to,” he started, coming up from behind her, but not wishing to startle her. 

Unfortunately, at that exact moment, her sinuses exploded in a fit of tickles.  Concerned to sneeze on her sample she whirled around at just the wrong moment.  “Heh-Tch-HOO!” she sneezed, semi-freely.  Her eyes widened in horror as she realized that the spray would not be caught by the loose fingers that she had used to half-heartedly show decorum. 

Catching John full on in face, she gasped.  “Oh John, I’m so sorry,” she said, rushing for the tissues across the lab. 

Slightly exasperated, but certainly nothing that hadn’t happened in his career before, he no Molly it’s okay.  “I’m just going to get tea.  I think we’ll both need it.”

Sad soulful eyes looked at him, guiltily.  “I’m so sorry, John.  I agree – we need to have some tea.  A spot a tea and a rest would do us both good.”


Teapot – 11

John knuckled at his eye and sat down in his chair.  Logically he knew that he could not be coming down with Molly’s cold already.  There was an incubation time to disease.  But, whether it was the weather or he was already coming down with something, he felt worn out. 

“John, have you seen Molly lately?  She’s not answering at the morgue.”  Sherlock seemed quite put out by this.

“She’s ill.  Just a cold, but I sent her home.  She was in danger of contaminating her samples.”

Sherlock made a sound of disgust.  “I hate when she runs the risk of contaminating her samples.  It’s appalling.  She’s a professional.  She should know better. “

“Yiihh-Etcchoo!” John sneezed, clasping his hand over his mouth.  The force of the sneeze nearly folded him in half.

“Ugh. Don’t tell me she got you sick too,” Sherlock said in an accusatory tone.

“Now, Sherlock, you know that germs take longer than that to… to… Ehh-Aschooo!” he sneezed strongly.  He was vaguely aware of some sounds in the kitchen before a tray with a teapot and two cups was placed down on the ottoman.  Bringing his hands up to steeple over his nose and mouth he sneezed, “Teh-Choo!” 

“I was just making some tea when you came in.  And you look done in.  How about a nice cuppa and you take a nap.”  Sherlock poured the tea without another word and handed the cup over to John when he was ready.  “While you’re resting, I’ll check on Molly.  I need a fresh liver.”



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1 hour ago, sneezelover3 said:

Do u know harry styles?

I don't actually know who that is

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4 hours ago, Leafeon78 said:

Very good these are wonderful.

I'm glad you enjoyed them.  There are more.  I promise.  

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1 hour ago, sneezelover3 said:

What about the Dolan twins


Not a clue

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Handkerchiefs - 3

A deep breath expanded his large chest, even though the space inside felt restricted and dense.  A cough, then another and another were pulled from his chest, causing him to hold his handkerchief tightly over his mouth.  Fearful that he would infect the child in his care, he removed the handkerchief only slightly as he huffed a shallow breathe. "Heh-uhh... Huffchhhh!" he sneezed violently, barely able to catch his breath before another sneeze was upon him.  "Huffccsshhh!!"  

He sniffed wetly as he gave his nose a good rub.  

"Papa?" the young girl with bouncy curls, whom he had finally taken away from a life of servitude asked, opening the door to his room slowly.  "I'm sorry you're sick.  I have another handkerchief for you," she said, holding out her own handkerchief slowly.  This man had been so careful and kind to her, that she felt that it was warranted that she do the same.  

He smiled at her.  "Thank you, Cosette.  But, that is your handkerchief."  He pat the bed beside him, and helped her become settled before arching his body away from hers.  "Huh-Huffschh!"

"A tes soyez benis," she said gently.  "You can have my handkerchief, papa.  You need it more than I."

He smiled at the generosity, for she had not been taught such a thing before he had become her guardian.  And, yet, it came so easily to her.  "Should I sent a message to the carriage and let them know that we are not traveling tomorrow?  You ought not be in such a state." 

Big words from a small person.  Big words that showed that those whom had been caring for her did not treat her like a child.  They had taken her childhood, and it showed itself in statements such as that.  Worse yet, she was right.  But, the thought of letting Javert get close - the old wolf would track their scent in no time. They could not stay in the same place too long.  

"No, Cosette," he replied, clasping his handkerchief over his mouth again as more wet coughs worked their way out.  "We'll go as planned.  But, I may not be able to stay awake with you to look at the creatures and landmarks that we pass."  

A singular nod.  He was her papa, and he knew what was best - even if she disagreed. 

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Wolf - 4

The air was thick with humidity and the rainy season had come.  Wet coughs worked their way out of Javert, as he rested in his armchair in front of a slow burning fire.  He had placed a mustard plaster on his chest and tried to breath deeply through the tight feeling which threatened to strangle him.  The heavy feeling of malaise settled on him, and he knew that he had one it to himself.  He had heard that a man matching Jean Valjean's description had been seen in Paris and he had rode out for most of the night to meet a man who had seen him.  

The storm released while he rode back, the rain soaking him to the bone, and for naught.  While the man's form and stature were correct, the jawline and eye color were wrong.  "Heshhooo! Heh-Esshoo!" he sneezed, pitching forward as he caught the sneeze in his handkerchief.  The offending piece of cloth was become less and less useful, but he could not bear to sneeze into his hands.  

A gasp and another wet cough.  He sniffled, causing him to snort as the pressure in his head refused to shift.  Feeling utterly miserable, he rested his head back and tried to allow the fire and the mustard plaster do its job.   He knew he had to work in the morning, and he rested his eyes.  Another lead on Jean Valjean had come in from Calgary, and he wanted to see it through.  But, he knew that he had to rest, had to sleep.  He was unable to hunt like this.  

Feeling his breath hitch again, he brought the handkerchief up to his face as he pitched forward with a wet, "Hurchshoo!  Hess-Hoo!"  More wet coughs until he felt his body relax, claiming the rest it so desperately needed. 

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12 hours ago, frenchposie said:

Brilliance – 2 – Fulfilled for JustAnotherGuy

Penny loved her father more than anyone in her life, even more than her dog Brain.  But, she didn’t love how he would push himself beyond his extended boundaries.  His inventions could carry him anywhere, but really he didn’t always see what was right under his nose. 


Or what was in it. 

Sharing a concerned look with Brain, they raced behind her dad.  He was quick, his at best, but slowed by the cold he was certainly coming down with made it easier for them to keep up. 

The older man whirled around with a wet, “Heh-Shhhh!” 

She and Brain scattered and hid.  Generally, her father moved so quickly and was so focused on his job that they didn’t have to worry about hiding.  But, now, if he was going to be turning around quickly, then would need to find another way to keep him out of harms way.

Opening her computer, she pressed a few buttons and nodded as Brain put on his headset.

“Okay Brain, you know what to do,” she said, focused as the dog ran off in another direction.

Inspector Gadget ran across the top of the building.  “Go go Gadget Copter!” he said, reaching out for the hand-holds.  He was in hot pursuit and positive that he would catch the criminal soon.  “Heh-Shhh!” he sneezed suddenly, causing his personal helicopter to careen at the ground.

Eyes widened with alarm, Brain ran down several flights of stairs until he got to a fire hydrant.  Unscrewing the top, he sent a spray straight up which caught Inspector Gadget and caused him to shoot straight up and land on the next roof.

The spray also arched over and landed on the criminal, knocking him over and causing Inspector Gadget to believe that he had caught him. 

But, that wasn’t the only thing that he had caught. 

“More soup, dad?” Penny asked ladling another spoonful of chicken noodle soup into a bowl.

“Heh-Esshoo! Esshoo!” Inspector Gadget sneezed into his napkin. 

Aw man, this was short but sweet and I loved it! Thank you so much! Poor Gadget

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16 hours ago, sneezelover3 said:

Name some male celebrities u do know


I listed the pairings I do here.  I don't tend to write celebs; it feels like prying.

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Ooh, I enjoyed the Les Mis drabbles- especially the Valjean one. I liked how you portrayed him as such a gentle parent, and Cosette's sweetness.

I liked how you showed Javert's obsession working out in his thoughts and actions as well.

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Just now, RiversD said:

Ooh, I enjoyed the Les Mis drabbles- especially the Valjean one. I liked how you portrayed him as such a gentle parent, and Cosette's sweetness.

I liked how you showed Javert's obsession working out in his thoughts and actions as well.

Thanks!  I do love writing the two of them.  It's totally a me thing. :)

And that gif.  Hubba hubba!

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Two more tonight


Developments – 12 - for @HappySmile

With all of his close friends being sick, Sherlock knew that it was only a matter of time before he came down ill too.  He had carefully monitored his sleep and made sure to drink ample tea.  But, just as he feared he started to feel quite ill one morning a few days later.

Nauseous and dizzy with fever, he made his way out to the living area, wrapped in his bathrobe.  Slippers adorned his feet and he wished that he had put socks on as well.  “Eh…” he breathed in, realizing dejectedly that John wasn’t up yet. 

Quickly, he grasped a tissue out of his pocket and folded it over his nose and mouth.  “Hesshh!  Ehh-Hehh Esshessh!!”  He blew his nose lightly and gave a few coughs.  If John and Molly had felt this poorly he gave them credit because he had no idea.

Light footsteps came down the stairs.  John.

The sneezy feeling had returned, and he brought the balled up tissue back up to his nose.  “Hep-Shhesshh!”  He gave a congested snort. 

“Bless you,” John offered hesitantly.  “Aw, Sherlock, I’m sorry,” he said, placing a gentle hand on Sherlock’s shoulder and guiding him towards the couch.  “I’ll make some tea,” he said, going to the kitchen. 

Once the water was set on to boil, he opened the refrigerator.  “Didn’t get the liver from Molly, huh?” he asked nonchalantly. 

“Nah-ah… I didn’t want it contam… in … at- Hesshessh!”  He swiped, frustrated, at his nose.  “Contaminated.” 

John sighed.  “Sound logic.” 

“Of course it was,” Sherlock stated matter-of-factly.

“Of course,” John agreed, trying not to smile at his very trying friend.


Punishment – 13 - For @Alexandra Marie

There were few benefits to being a reaper, but one of them was definitely the healing rate.  Gashes and physical afflictions healed up in seconds.  Ailments were rare, but happened.  Luckily, these also healed up quickly.

Mason didn’t know why he generally felt disgusting.  He thought maybe he was coming down with something when he died and it was always lurking.  But, whatever it was, sitting at their general booth at the Waffle House feeling like death warmed over.

Rube was handing out their assignments, pulling post-its off one by one for them.  George and Daisy were bickering over something and Roxie looked as though she would be perfectly happen to knock their heads together.

A wavering tickle spread throughout his head and before he could do anything about it a wet “Hesshett!” sprayed all over the table.

There was a communal disgusted groan, as each of them chastised him for his lack of manners.  He wanted to ask Roxie for a ride home, but the look that she gave him, told him that although energy leeched out of him more and more by the second, there was no way that it was going to happen now.

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2 hours ago, Leafeon78 said:

Another excellent drabble these are very good. 

Thank you!!

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Stalling – 14

The rain came down and in from all sides.  It was as though the Heavens had released another ocean from above them.  The men were happy – and all were enjoying the fresh, crisp water that was a stark contrast from the warm salty water below them.   It mattered not that they were mere days from coming into port in England for a month.  They thought not at all about any change in command or change in the crew.  Right now they were cool and hydrated and happy.

Oppressive heat was not something that Jack expected upon coming to shore.  But, the rain had brought in a wave of oppressive heat that many seemed to be having difficulty dealing with.  To Stephen’s amusement, Jack was not immune to the humidity on land the way he seemed to be on the sea. 

“Are you ready to go to your estate?” Stephen asked, looking up from his book.  Light brown eyes peered over his wire framed glasses to his friend whose movements seemed too halting to be normal.

Jack took a deep breath, making eye contact with Stephen before turning around, hurriedly.  A handkerchief was procured from his pocket just in time to catch a wet, “He-CHOO!  ESSSHOO! Etch-HOO!” He cleared his throat and turned back around.  “I wonder, Stephen, if perhaps I caught cold in the rain. 

Stephen looked over his friend, who seemed to only be sweating from heat.  His movements, while halting, did not seem uncertain.   “I don’t believe so.  Perhaps it’s something in the heat?”

Jack looked as though he wanted to respond, but instead the handkerchief was brought back up to his face.  “Hetchoo!  Heh-Eh-SHOO!  SHOO!! Heh-SHOO! SHOO! Ugh…” The fit left him panting and he took a seat beside his friend.  “Stephen, if you please, look me over.  I cannot bring a plague into my home.”

With a simple nod, Stephen got up and got his kit.  After a bit he shook his head.  “You aren’t sick, soul.  It appears that there is something in the air that you are allergic to.”

Jack nodded.  “It explains the hot scratchy feeling in my…” he waved at his head and neck. 

“Sophie is expecting you the day after tomorrow. I do not me to interfere or being an imposition, but would you like me to travel with you?”

Jack looked up, sniffling.  He immediately regretted doing so and choked on husky coughs that were trying to expel the irritant.  “I thought you were going to visit Diana,” he answered.  The look that Stephen gave him told him to leave it go. Despite his interest to coax out of Stephen the story that put that look in his friends eyes, he knew better than to do so.  “Heh-Ehhh-EH-SHOO!”  The sneeze had made his brain feel fuzzy and he missed the initial sneeze.  “Shheee-SHOO!  ESSHOO!  ETCH-SHOO!”  He blew his nose lightly and immediately felt his head fill back up. 

“Stephen, not only would I be honored to have you at my side as I travel, I do not believe I could make it without you.”

A small huffed laugh emanated from Stephen as he gave his friend a humored look.  He knew that Jack would be just fine without him.  “Then I must make preparations for us to travel.  Do tell me what you need, joy.  You stay here and nurse your nose.  I’ll do the shopping and we’ll leave at first light.”

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