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Your New Super Saiyan Saviour Has Arrived!(bben9 Introduction)


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Hey all im sure you've actually seen my stories(the ones I keep shutting down cause of my writers block or im afraid people will hate, its pretty bad...)I never got the chance to properly introduce myself. You see, ive actually been with the forum for quite some time now.

I wanted to properly introduce myself, and say hi i'm bben9! I'm a huge Dragon Ball Z Fan. Im really obseesed with Super Saiyan, and Goku. He's my favorite and I really look up to him, hoping to be like him one day, but anyways the point is my goal is to write a whole serious with out stoping it completely. I just hope everybody can help with that. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope youll read my stories in the future. See ya around.


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Hello, bben9! I've seen you around, but it's nice to see you over here in Introductions!

I know you've been around for a little while, but if you haven't already, if you could find a few minutes to look at read before posting — it contains lots of information and frequently asked questions that will help you understand how things work on the forum. You will also be able to see which areas you can currently access and which will become available to you when you are "fully validated" a bit further down the line. In that regard, the validation system is explained in how do I get validated?

If you have any questions that are not covered in the links, feel free to ask the staff using the "contact us" feature right at the top of the page.

We look forward to seeing you around, and enjoy the forum~!

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