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Allergic Hell (I understand now LOL)


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Welp. I think it's finally happened, everybody. I have an actual allergy to something. And it's horrible LOL.

I never really could empathize with others when they feared pollen counts or talked about being absolutely fed up with their allergies. I'd only had a few fits caused by something random once or twice a year, usually when exposed to a certain smell or when I went into a certain environment. It happened so sparingly that I could really enjoy the experience when it happened to me. But now, for all those out there who hate their allergies, I'm starting to get it xD. I don't know if I'll ever understand what it's like for those of you who have severe allergies, but I'm getting a taste of the mild side of it, I guess.

I got back home from an internship about 4 days ago, and my family has a new dog. The dog is supposedly hypoallergenic. I am doubtful. But even now, I'm not sure it's the dog or if it's something else in the house.

Since the moment I got home, I've been on a downhill slide. I know I'm not sick, because there are moments during the day when I feel just fine. But then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, my nose will start to itch. And not just that pin-point, single area itch that means something's up your nose and tickling. This is like, full-on burning/tingling from my nostrils up to my sinuses. It's ANNOYING. When it's at its worst, I feel like I have to sneeze constantly. I've even rolled up a tissue and induced a few because it irritated me so much. I've never had my nose tickle like that. Just all the way through, from tip all the way back to the deepest parts, pulsing with this itchy feeling that won't go away.



And the snot. What the hell! IT IS EVERYWHERE. I've been sitting on the couch, minding my own business, only for my nose to literally drip onto my shirt so suddenly I can't even stop it x'DD. It just pours out of my face. What's worse, whenever I blow my nose to get rid of the tidal wave of liquid, it makes my nose tickle really badly. I usually sneeze once or twice immediately afterward on reflex. Which just makes me want to blow my nose all over again. A vicious cycle. My nose is so sore and chapped from all the wiping and rubbing TwT

My eyes are itchy/burning, my sinuses are swollen, I feel tired even though I know I'm getting decent sleep. My room seems to be safe from whatever is bothering me. I hide in here when I can, and usually start to feel better after about fifteen minutes. But man, my sneezes have been intense. I think my nose is onto something, and throughout the day, it tries harder and harder to get rid of whatever is tickling. The first few sneezes are usually pretty tame -- like, "hh'ESHH'uh!"

But by the end of the day, after I'm dozens of sneezes into (what is I guess) a prolonged attack, it's like my nose just gives up on all respectable measures of sneezing. My face contorts slowly, achingly, into whatever needy, snarled-up expression I wear when I have to sneeze, and then I double forward over my chest or even in half, if I'm standing, with something like, "H'EZSSCH'uuh!"

Each sneeze feels really great, but it's never enough. Nothing really gets rid of the feeling. That's probably the most annoying part about all of this xDD (Besides the fact that my family is making this whole situation a topic of conversation. UGHHHH.) Anyway, definitely going to see an allergist soon. I need meds (and to know what I'm even allergic to) if I'm going to survive this month at home LOL. And I hope someone out there enjoyed this, so my suffering isn't completely in vain x'DD.

On the bright side, I feel like I can write characters with allergies more accurately now :lol:

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Torn because allergies are right up my alley, but suffering is never good!! Wish you the best of luck with the doctor's appointment. Did you develop this dog fur allergy out of the blue? I've had a similar experience to ragweed. I grew up never having a problem, then moved to the East Coast and everything got worse (better for me, the fetishist XD)

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Uhmmm... I want to give you my sympathies, but I am also very hot and bothered after reading those detailed descriptions... :twisted: 

Hope you get some meds that helps though. It sucks when you have to suffer yourself. ;) 

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I've had similar things happen when I'm around cats, its completely annoying when it comes out of nowhere.  ive gotten allergy tested and they are usually pretty spot on as what specifically is causing the allergy.  i'm pretty sure the only hypoallergenic dogs are poodle mixes so maybe that's the issue without knowing what kind of dog it is....sorry you are suffering now with the rest of us mortals! haha.

on the plus side, the obs was really hot.




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  • 2 months later...
On 18.8.2017 at 6:39 AM, The Mad Hatter said:

My eyes are itchy/burning, my sinuses are swollen, I feel tired even though I know I'm getting decent sleep. My room seems to be safe from whatever is bothering me. I hide in here when I can, and usually start to feel better after about fifteen minutes. But man, my sneezes have been intense. I think my nose is onto something, and throughout the day, it tries harder and harder to get rid of whatever is tickling. The first few sneezes are usually pretty tame -- like, "hh'ESHH'uh!"

But by the end of the day, after I'm dozens of sneezes into (what is I guess) a prolonged attack, it's like my nose just gives up on all respectable measures of sneezing. My face contorts slowly, achingly, into whatever needy, snarled-up expression I wear when I have to sneeze, and then I double forward over my chest or even in half, if I'm standing, with something like, "H'EZSSCH'uuh!"

Each sneeze feels really great, but it's never enough. Nothing really gets rid of the feeling. That's probably the most annoying part about all of this xDD (Besides the fact that my family is making this whole situation a topic of conversation. UGHHHH.) Anyway, definitely going to see an allergist soon. I need meds (and to know what I'm even allergic to) if I'm going to survive this month at home LOL. And I hope someone out there enjoyed this, so my suffering isn't completely in vain x'DD.


Your message makes me feel controversial feelings. I understand the misery you are experiencing, but at the same time I would be ready to pay any prize to experience the same kind of pollen allergy symptomps by myself. Propably the main reason I feel like this is the fack I have never had any kind of allergies (my only experiences from inducing) and cannot know how it feels when you really cannot control your sneezes, itchyness and snot running. I hope you feel better, and thanks for a long, detailed and well written description. :) 

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