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Belarus Sneeze


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Belarus Sneeze

So, I’ve found this ”10-minute-do-not-laugh-challenge” 
-video on YouTube, which, as the title suggests, is all about Belarus (from Hetalia) sneezing, and the sneeze being looped over and over for about 10 minutes. And it is absolutely AMAZING ^_^! I’m honestly surprised that there are NO mention of this video ANYWHERE on this Forum. I mean, Belarus is really beautiful and awesome (sorry, Prussia :razz:), and is my favourite (and the most beautiful and cute and sexy and precious) female character in Hetalia. I *may* have a bit of a crush on her [blush.gif]. Apparently, the members here on Sneeze Fetish Forum don’t quite share my sentiments, though, as I’ve seen more fetish-y comments about the video on the YouTube comment section (not much) than on this Forum (none), which I find really interesting. The video is called APH – Ten Minute Challenge – Belarus Sneezing. The sneezing, I believe, begins at around 20 seconds into the video, and pauses some time after the seven minute mark for a few seconds. Why, I don’t know. Just thought some of you might like it, especially since the sneeze itself is a loud, five-syllable delicacy ;), sounding a bit like:


I also hope I didn’t come across as too rude or haughty, as that is not my intention, nor is it to criticize my fellow fetishists for not bringing this video to the attention of the online sneeze fetish community. My intention is purely to bring this fantastic video to the attention of my fellow sneeze fetishists myself. As one commentator on YouTube comment section said of the video: ”That… was THE… sexiest sneeze… EVAR!”

Take care and keep sneezing.


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By the way, here's the link to the video: 

And doesn't this picture of her look like she's about to sneeze?:IMG_2099.JPG.07e124ab8dbe5a1516cba381f7c5e4b4.JPG




Also, if any part of this topic is against the forum rules or should be altered, will the mods please let me know and conduct the necessary changes, should I lack the authority to make these changes myself? Thank you ^_^!



Also, just so you know, both of those images just happen to be of the chibi version of Belarus, she's not actually a child.

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