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2017 Solar Eclipse


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I got an hour to go here!!! I'm so damn pumped up and excited I can't contain it!! :D

My whole street gathered around with BBQ and bon fires just for this! On my goooooddddddd!!!!!!!!! :boom:

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Got 1 hour to go before it happen's here

Edited by Leafeon78
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It's happening here right now, but it's so cloudy, I can't see anything =w=

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Omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!! Squeeeeeee!!!!!

Why mother of Lunatone! That was incredibly amazing!!! I was crying and laughing so hard!!!

I got plenty of pictures and recordings and it was just pure magical! 



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It was 98.5% where I live, and my friends and I went outside, looked for a couple minutes, then started playing with an ant on the sidewalk. It was really cool but also really cloudy and difficult to see. It didn't really look any different to me than a normal day and if my school hadn't rambled on about it for weeks I would've just thought it was a normal day. My English teacher was convinced dinosaurs were going to come back to life plus she'd coincidentally planned our "World's End" lesson (it's a short story) for today :lol: It just wasn't anything too special for me, a lunar eclipse probably would've been cooler.

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Pretty far from the path of the total eclipse here and we got a partial eclipse but it wasn't that noticeable and I was pretty bummed because I'm a sucker for natural phenomena, I'm out there gawking at every meteor shower, just eat that stuff up!

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I thought it was really cool!! I enjoyed it far more than I thought I would, actually. I was at work when it happened, but I got to go outside and see it from there. The place that I work at was just a hair off from the path of totality, so I was lucky to be in a really good viewing area, without having to fight traffic, and the hordes of people that had poured in to the area to see this thing :lol:  It was partly cloudy all day, but the sky cleared up really well at just the right time for us, so we got lucky with that as well. You could see the stars ^_^  We were able to let a few of our patients come out and enjoy it too, which was really nice.

Edited by gingerdean
misspelled a word
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We got 80% in my neck of the woods. Me and my folks had a bbq and i got to make some chocolate nut bark everyone loved ❤️ It was cloudy before and after the eclipse but even though the forcast said it would rain, the whole eclipse there were only little fast moving whisps of clouds. We got so lucky, and everyone had a great time!

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