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A thank you gift for Ceruli~chan (OHSHC, Kyoya)


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Sorry it took so long, but here is my thank you gift for @CeruleanBlue for writing me some Tamaki! So anyway, ever since I read “LIGHTS OUT” By lalaland~ I have been extremely drawn to the idea of Tamaki blessing everyone in french. So yeah…. I did that here. Anyway, hope you like it, Ceruli~Chan!!!




HeH’Scchh!” Kyoya sneezed for what seemed like the millionth time while he worked. He didn’t even want to consider the possibility of getting sick, he just had too much to do. Meanwhile, while Kyoya was busy sneezing his head off, Tamaki was right by his side, blessing him every sneeze of the way.

“À tes souhaits~” He smiled, giving another blessing in french. He got ready for more, for he had been doing this all day.


“À tes souhaits~” He popped up beside his left shoulder.


“À tes souhaits~” This time he popped up beside his right shoulder.

“Tamaki…” He mumbled, starting to get annoyed. “Could you stop that? It’s very distracting. I am trying to do my work.” He sniffled, pawing at his nose and sighing when tamaki wouldn’t leave. “

“I can’t do that, Kyoya.” Tamaki tsked. “If I’m distracting you, then maybe that’s good. You really shouldn’t push yourself so hard. You do seem to be getting sick.” He sighed, shaking his head. Tamaki, being oblivious, had only noticed Kyoya’s illness by the 24th sneeze. However, he was also compassionate, and he cared about this best friend’s health. So he would bother Kyoya till he went to bed.

Kyoya only groaned in response, a mix of annoyance and exhaustion showing through it. He simply bent forward with the next sneeze. “Heh’Ggcht!” He sniffled and lifted his head, then turned. What he saw, sitting right in front of him, was Tamaki’s smug face with a smirk he knew all too well. He already knew what he was going to say.

“À tes souhaits~” He almost sang the words. He reached out his hand to place it over Kyoya’s forehead, but of course, once his hand reached about 2 inches away from Kyoya’s face, Kyoya simply slapped it away. “I have a lot of work to do. Don’t you have anything better to do?”

“There’s nothing more important at the moment than your health right now, Kyoya. Now if I could just..” He once again reached out to check for fever, and kyoya once again slapped his hand away.

“I told you, I’m fine.” He coughed. “Let me finish my work please.” He returned to typing on the computer, his glasses clouded with annoyance. “Heh’Tchhnt!” He snapped forward, pulling out a handkerchief and quickly pressing it to his mouth and nose. Tamaki opened his mouth to offer another French blessing, and Kyoya quickly responded with what he should’ve done in the first place. He placed a finger on Tamaki’s mouth to shut him up, but quickly realized that that was a mistake. Great. Now he’ll get that idiot sick. Wait, he wasn’t sick! He tried to reassure himself that Ootori’s do not get sick.

Tamaki pushed Kyoya’s hand aside. “Aww, Kyoya! It really seems like you need a break from your work. Also-” Kyoya gave him the ‘Don’t say it…’ glare. “À tes souhaits.” He smirked. Kyoya groaned and slouched in his seat, putting his hands over his face in annoyance. This, to Tamaki’s fortune, gave him the perfect opportunity to clamp a hand over Kyoya’s warm forehead, which was damp with sweat from kyoya’s obvious fever, and a hand over his own to compare.

“That’s strange…” Tamaki muttered, and Kyoya glanced up at him, confused. “I was certain you’d have a fever, but now that I checked, our temperatures are around the same…”

“...” He stared at him in disbelief.




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But before I get to the fic, can I just talk about "Ceruli~chan"? Because that's my new favorite nickname lol.

Anyway, to the fic:


Not to even mention that Tamaki blesses Kyoya in French which is extremely adorable~

12 hours ago, RachTheCool said:

Tamaki opened his mouth to offer another French blessing, and Kyoya quickly responded with what he should’ve done in the first place. He placed a finger on Tamaki’s mouth to shut him up, but quickly realized that that was a mistake. Great. Now he’ll get that idiot sick. Wait, he wasn’t sick! He tried to reassure himself that Ootori’s do not get sick.

Also, I love this part lol. Kyoya getting annoyed and just being so already done with Tamaki that he doesn't want to make it worse by getting him sick. And him telling himself that Ootoris don't get sick is so IC.


12 hours ago, RachTheCool said:

This, to Tamaki’s fortune, gave him the perfect opportunity to clamp a hand over Kyoya’s warm forehead, which was damp with sweat from kyoya’s obvious fever, and a hand over his own to compare.

“That’s strange…” Tamaki muttered, and Kyoya glanced up at him, confused. “I was certain you’d have a fever, but now that I checked, our temperatures are around the same…”

And I love that there's contagion (I mean, I could stop the sentence there lol) but neither notices because Kyoya's too stubborn and occupied denying it all and Tamaki's too busy worrying about him (and he's probably too oblivious anyway).


So I loved all of this. Thanks so much, Rach!

By the way, I'm actually close to finishing the next part of the Tamaki fic, I just haven't been very into the forum or writing fics recently, for some reason. But I'll try to finish it soon.

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14 hours ago, WolfPack said:

Ahh! They're so cute together! 😍

I love this and the fact that he blesses him in French. Keep up the good work!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I enjoyed writing this XD

2 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:


But before I get to the fic, can I just talk about "Ceruli~chan"? Because that's my new favorite nickname lol.

Anyway, to the fic:


Not to even mention that Tamaki blesses Kyoya in French which is extremely adorable~

Also, I love this part lol. Kyoya getting annoyed and just being so already done with Tamaki that he doesn't want to make it worse by getting him sick. And him telling himself that Ootoris don't get sick is so IC.


And I love that there's contagion (I mean, I could stop the sentence there lol) but neither notices because Kyoya's too stubborn and occupied denying it all and Tamaki's too busy worrying about him (and he's probably too oblivious anyway).


So I loved all of this. Thanks so much, Rach!

By the way, I'm actually close to finishing the next part of the Tamaki fic, I just haven't been very into the forum or writing fics recently, for some reason. But I'll try to finish it soon.

OML, I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!! What I'm more glad about is that you liked the parts that were the most fun to write, and that I personally liked! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, of course since this was meant for you. Also I'm glad you liked the nickname "Ceruli~Chan"! I thought it was cute XD. Anyway, if you want some more ouran (though I doubt you do), i gots a drabble thread thats JUST ouran that I'm waiting for people to notice.



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awww! this is so cute! I like the thing you added with tamaki blessing him in french, because it's a pretty cool detail! You did a great job as always!

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19 hours ago, RachTheCool said:

OML, I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!! What I'm more glad about is that you liked the parts that were the most fun to write, and that I personally liked! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, of course since this was meant for you. Also I'm glad you liked the nickname "Ceruli~Chan"! I thought it was cute XD. Anyway, if you want some more ouran (though I doubt you do), i gots a drabble thread thats JUST ouran that I'm waiting for people to notice.



Like I said, I haven't been on the forum much recently, so I totally missed that thread! I'd love some more Ouran, actually XD, since Ouran is hot as hell and even more so with the fetish. So I'll definitely check your Ouran drabbles out! :) 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/27/2017 at 9:30 AM, ihazakitty said:

awww! this is so cute! I like the thing you added with tamaki blessing him in french, because it's a pretty cool detail! You did a great job as always!

Hahaha, tamaki blessing everyone in french is like heaven to me. I just had to include that XD

On 8/28/2017 at 4:58 AM, CeruleanBlue said:

Like I said, I haven't been on the forum much recently, so I totally missed that thread! I'd love some more Ouran, actually XD, since Ouran is hot as hell and even more so with the fetish. So I'll definitely check your Ouran drabbles out! :) 

K thanks ill put more up soon

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