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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Is our fetish normal?


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Why not? As many times earlier in my life that I have questioned my sanity because of my love for sneezes and related things I have just sort of had to accept it as part of who I am. And obviously there are plenty of us with similar preferences, so we're not alone. I would say this is a relatively "safe" fetish to have. We don't hurt anyone (a sneeze may be a temporary discomfort, but shouldn't cause injury...) I understand that it can be difficult for other people to understand what attracts us to sneezes since it is usually seen as something gross. Well, I can't see the attraction in feet either (I suffer from a slight foot-phobia) but that's a generally known and more or less accepted fetish. So why would ours not be normal then?

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Of course it's not normal. That doesn't make it bad, but it's ridiculous to think this fetish (or really any fetish) is normal.

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I definitely found this video interesting, because for a long time I thought that I wasn't normal.

Furthermore, I would always feel so tense (down there) whenever someone mentioned they were getting sick, or that they needed to sneeze.

My face would always go red like I was doing something wrong..

I didn't understand what was happening to me, and why things had to be this way.

But this lovely man explained it with SCIENCE, and for once I think I understand that we were just born this way.

We may as well not only accept it, but embrace it. 

Edited by MaiMai
Removing U13 reference.
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11 hours ago, helyzelle said:

@murphy dee I meant 'normal' in comparison to other fetishes. Why would one be more 'normal' than another as long as they are 'safe'?

Oh, I wasn't replying to you, I was replying to the original post.

I mean I don't wanna bust out the dictionary or anything but a fetish is an abnormal fixation. That doesn't mean it's bad or evil or unsafe or anything like that. It's just not the norm, and that's fine. When people usually try and ask "Is our fetish normal?" they're really trying to asking "Is our fetish bad?" which, like I said, no, it's not bad. Just different.

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12 hours ago, murphy dee said:

Of course it's not normal. That doesn't make it bad, but it's ridiculous to think this fetish (or really any fetish) is normal.

As a matter of fact, there are far more people who have some sort of fetish, kink or paraphilia than people who are completely vanilla. "Deviance is the norm when it comes to sexual preferences", according to Dan Savage. (Source: PubMed)

So yeah, being kinky in one way or another IS normal, really.

(I object to the phrase "it's ridiculous to think that...", by the way.)

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3 hours ago, March Hare said:

So yeah, being kinky in one way or another IS normal, really.

I'm not talking about being kinky!! I'm talking specifically about the question posed in the first post - is our fetish normal? "Our fetish". Sneezing. Is getting turned on by sneezing normal. No, it's not. This isn't hard to get.

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I'm still new to my fetish if I'm to be honest... But I would rate this as pretty tame.

Is it normal? Nah, but whatever.  

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It's not normal, IMO. It's rare, but it's not any more abnormal than any quirk. I mean, everyone has their quirks and the fetish is just another quirk to me. I just don't tell anyone outside the forum about feeling like I have to go to the bathroom when I read about someone's sneezing and nose blowing. Or create a story about a character that sneezes and blows.

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It's pretty rare and quite a tame fetish. But having a fetish at all is pretty normal in the scheme of things, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I personally don't think that out fetish is "normal," as any fetish is uncommon, regardless of how specific it is. However, as many other people have said, it's one of the more "tame" ones, so is probably not so much more normal, as it is less weird than other fetishes, and even has some theories on why we find sneezing attractive.

Just giving my two-cents on the topic ^_^.

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It's not normal really.  I suppose "normal" would imply that a majority of people had this fetish and it was widely accepted as "the norm".  And I think we all know that ain't true.  But "not normal" does not necessarily correlate with "bad".  Everyone has their quirks. Everyone has something that makes them "weird" to someone else.  And I don't trust the people that say they don't. :laugh: And as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or as long as people don't become obsessed with it to the point that it interferes with their life, a harmless fetish really isn't the worst.

From the lyrics to "All In Together" by Professor Elemental:  "There's no such thing as normal, everybody's weird!"  Which is just a good life motto really!

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On 2-9-2017 at 2:37 AM, murphy dee said:

I'm not talking about being kinky!! I'm talking specifically about the question posed in the first post - is our fetish normal? "Our fetish". Sneezing. Is getting turned on by sneezing normal. No, it's not. This isn't hard to get.

You said, or any other fetish. Which is what I responded to.

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15 hours ago, March Hare said:

You said, or any other fetish. Which is what I responded to.

Okay...but yeah, my statement still stands. Fetishes aren't normal. Being kinky, like you said, is pretty normal at this point I think, but look at any fetish out there and it's just not.

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I think you guys are maybe arguing over semantics.

Is it normal to have a fetish? Yes. Is it normal to have any particular fetish? No.

Just like it's normal to own a car, but not everyone has a Ferrari.

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14 minutes ago, poiub said:

Just like it's normal to own a car, but not everyone has a Ferrari.

:laugh: Yes, good way to make a point. My Skoda is Ferrari-red though, does that count for anything? So is this the Ferrari of fetishes then? ;)

Anyway, isn't there a saying that  it's normal to be abnormal? :)

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1 hour ago, helyzelle said:

So is this the Ferrari of fetishes then? ;)

Of course it is. It's a luxury; it's easy to come by and you don't have to actively engage in anything if you don't want to. It can also be enjoyed through fiction, audio files and pictures. It's perfect. :yay: 

Poiub, I think your description was spot-on! :) 

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