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Messy Sneezes?


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Hi everyone.  I'm just curious how many people here like messy sneezes.  I know that spray's pretty popular, but mess...not so much.  But I admit that they're a guilty pleasure of mine, lol.  Who else feels that way too?

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I adore mess as well as spray! Honestly the more the merrier in my opinion lol! 

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I don't know if anyone knows Bambi from Amy Angelz but she has this wonderful spray / messy video on their store.

There are just some messy ones where she completely looses control of her sneeze when it comes out.

I like stuff like that, but just messes sometimes wrong me the wrong way so I guess my attraction to them is very specific.

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Absolutely love spray. Looking at the spray of a sneeze had always been an aspect I absolutely love, it's grossly satisfying!

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1 hour ago, SneezyKateM said:

How is spray and messy different?

Spray normally refers to just the spittle while Mess refers to..well..snot. 

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I prefer spray in real life, like when im sneezed on, whereas in stories, obs, videos I love mess and just how desperate people sound.

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Mess is the stuff of life. I feel like spray tends to be malodorous (depending on the oral hygiene of the sneezer). I much prefer good old S N O T.  I think  the situational embarrassment and vulnerability it adds to a sneeze is what does it for me. 

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I am a huge fan of both spray and snot. I'm not really sure why many people seem to love wet sneezes but not messy ones as it is the "gross" factor that is attractive to me. I also really enjoy seeing people wipe off their hand/arm/elbow after sneezing into it and I wish more people payed attention to this during observations.

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I love spraying over my gf.  Seeing her damn with spray is very exciting for me.  As for mess I'm luck and love it when she wipes my nose for me feel very loved and taken care of.

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On 9/4/2017 at 3:03 AM, sneezyroleplay said:

I prefer spray in real life, like when im sneezed on, whereas in stories, obs, videos I love mess and just how desperate people sound.

Ahhh~! I feel you, I just absolutely love it qwq <3

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On 9/4/2017 at 7:24 AM, iheartsneezn said:

Mess is the stuff of life. I feel like spray tends to be malodorous (depending on the oral hygiene of the sneezer). I much prefer good old S N O T.  I think  the situational embarrassment and vulnerability it adds to a sneeze is what does it for me. 

I get the smell sometimes too, and you can tell if the person has really horrible breath, it's pretty damn bad! I'll probably only like it when it's really from someone I find attractive. And oh my god how I get embarrassed when I try suppressing my sneezes in public, and they end up in a messy snotty situation D: It's usually when I don't want to cause attention to myself as I have quite a loud sneeze

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I love spray and feel that the wetter a sneeze the better, but I'm not super into mess, especially if it's coloured. I do, however, find it very cute when someone sneezes into their hands and then keeps them over their face because there is mess and they're embarrassed. This could be partially because I'm kind of a germaphobe and easily grossed out. If there is mess or spray, but I'm not attracted to the sneezer, I find it very gross. I also don't like sneezes that are super nasal, or noseblowing. 

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I loooove spay. Love it love it . Absolutely rhe best watching a  girl/woman (that im attracted to)  let her sneezes rip anywhere and everywhere. 

I love snotty mess too. The same applies. 

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On ‎3‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 7:06 AM, SneezyHolmes said:

I adore mess as well as spray! Honestly the more the merrier in my opinion lol! 

Same here. I love being a "human hanky". Being covered in it all is pure heaven.

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On 19/10/2017 at 8:39 PM, psychlone said:

I like mess, but only if it's not colored :nosad:


However, if its contrived, forced or deliberate then i actually find it a turn OFF.  


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I love mess. Though I could probably do without my own sneezes being rather messy themselves. Oh well. I'll live I guess :D

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