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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Tsunami Susan (f- gigantic)


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Reverse Surfing was a brand new sport, and one that was gaining popularity quickly.  And it would be all but an impossibility if it were not for one Susan Stoneheart.  

The blonde beauty had been just an ordinary girl until puberty hit, and with it, the mutant gene activated.  This gene was a mostly harmless new mutation that had struck the population several decades ago.  

A very small portion of the human population began developing supernatural sneeze power.  Men were twice as likely to develop it as women but women often had twice the total sneeze power.  Men were like hand grenades, women could easily be like a block of C4 in terms of destruction.  Luckily with this mutation came extended periods of build up as well as exceptional holding back prowess.  It was easy to see a sneeze coming, and injuries were minimal.

Susan however was an abnormality.  Her sneezes were on an altogether different magnitude.  And hence she was approached and Reverse Surfing was born.

Spectators lined the beach as the competitors sat on their boards hundreds of meters out at sea.  Waves washed below them, but they were focused more on the shoreline than what mother nature was offering.

Susan stride forward to the cheers of the audience, a feather in one hand.

She sniffed at its delicate frills as she began to slowly draw under her nostrils.  Her allergy began to take hold as her nose scrunched and twisted.

"Heeeehhhh..... Iiihhhh... Its cuh cuhhh coming.... " she exclaimed softly, a drone floating nearby taking a close up of her face.

The bikini she wore began to stretch tight as her chest puffed, filling with air

Huuuuhhhh.... Oh... Its going to be biiiihhh... Big!  Ahhh....

The surfers got ready.  Susan's body arched and twisted as the feather slipped inside her nostrils


Sand twirled around the beach


Umbrellas and hair were tussled from the wind


The water was pulled in slightly as her nostrils flared hugely


Her chest wobbled dangerously within her tight top... And then


A blast of air and sound that defied all logic struck the waterline.  It rolled back the ocean like you or I would roll a tortilla


Air continued to blast as the mounting wave rose higher and higher, rolling towards the surfers.  2 of them immediately were tossed like ragdolls having been standing too high and getting hit by the air.

The others clung low to their boards and rose on the water with practiced grace soaring out and into deeper water.

Susan gasped as she tried to recover.  The audience cheered with applause.

But strangely, her nose still tickled.

TBC?? :/


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Part 2:

Susan's manager ran on the beach and wrapped the poor girl under a towel, knowing full well just how much a sneeze of that magnitude could tire her out.  

He began shuffling her towards the stadium when she pushed him away, allergic tears in her eyes.

"Susan? What's wrong.... Oh shoot" one look at her face and he new the danger had not passed.  

"Haaahhhh... Ruhhh RUN!" She exclaimed

The danger now was where was she going to sneeze? Aiming at the water would almost certainly be fatal to the surfers who had been blown off their boards. Even the ones still mounted would be in danger if they didn't prepare for the treat properly.

"Huuuuhhhhh... Ahhh my nooohhh... Nose!! AHHH..." Her manager ran at a dead sprint for cover.

She could aim to close to the audience either, that would be catastrophic.  At this point, they started running anyways, the drone still recording had alerted them to the threat.  


It was getting so big.  Again her vision swam as her bouncing bosom threatened to escape with each shuddering breath.  Her nostrils itched amazingly.  Nothing else mattered but the urge to sneeze.  In a desperate move, she tossed herself on her back, face pointed at the sky, fingers clutching the sand

"Aaaahhh huuhhhhh huuuuuhhhh"

The sunlight hit her face and then


A blast unlike anything roared out of her petite frame.  Sand blasted away from the epicenter of her body creating a small crater with her in the center.  The air blasted into the sky, parting the clouds above her as a sonic boom struck the ears of the gaping audience.  She had literally affected the sky above her. But finally she felt spent and the itch was gone.

"Susan darling" said her manager greedily, "Have you ever considered Reverse Parachuting!?"

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Great story.  You love those gigantic sneezes and you incorporate them so well. Thanks for sharing these stories.

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1 minute ago, metalknight2099 said:

Great story.  You love those gigantic sneezes and you incorporate them so well. Thanks for sharing these stories.

I have a soft spot for the tension gigantic sneezes bring.  And the emotion.  And god I love a good build up.  Of course I may be biased because of my own sneezes :P

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Lol, yeah the tension is great. Yeah, I figure you would know the emotion involved. Lol, you not the only one. That's okay.  Who wouldn't want to hear your buildups and sneezes? ;)

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1 minute ago, metalknight2099 said:

Lol, yeah the tension is great. Yeah, I figure you would know the emotion involved. Lol, you not the only one. That's okay.  Who wouldn't want to hear your buildups and sneezes? ;)

Awe Shucks  👃💨

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This is an awesome story and a interesting concept as well that I don't think that I have seen done before.

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3 hours ago, SneezeloveronGirls said:

This is an awesome story and a interesting concept as well that I don't think that I have seen done before.

It's a pretty unusual idea for sure :P

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Love the story and the way you described the buildups. Curious how the reverse parachuting would work if you chose to continue this more ^_^

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37 minutes ago, InLivingColor said:

Love the story and the way you described the buildups. Curious how the reverse parachuting would work if you chose to continue this more ^_^

I am absolutely in love with your avatar lol

Yeah Susan might stick around for a few more stories :P

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