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Hawkgirl gets HomeSICK ( For ThePokeFan599)


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*SNIFF* Uh oh...

Thanagarians were tough.  Far tougher than their human counterparts.  But today, Shiera was feeling particularly weak.  

She stretched her glorious wings out to their full length, sitting up in bed.  Her muscles ached, and her vision was slightly blurry.  She sniffed again and rubbed at her red nose with the back of her hand.  

Shiera had always been a strong and proud warrior.  Bands of tight athletic muscle, hard as tempered steel, rippled across her back and arms as she concluded her epic stretch, now fully alert and sitting.  

"Ugh... I feel weaker than a Xaxian Bird Catcher" she muttered to herself.  Glancing out the window, she was again floored by the beauty of it all.  The Watchtower made for quite an impressive view after all, as she watched Earth slowly drift into view, the Northern Lights flashing.

Suddenly a sharp tickle invaded her nose, a violent twitching itch.

"Haahhh... Oh no I'm gonnaahhh... EEHH-HHEESSSHHOOO!" A powerful sneeze wracked her body.  Her wings fluttered out as her night shirt slipped lower on one shoulder, revealing her athletic body and smooth skin. 

Shiera suddenly shivered realizing she was fighting a chill.  "Am... am I getting sick?  OH NO!" She thought to herself, suddenly distraught.

Its true that Thanagarians were sturdy folks, but even they were not immune to certain unsavory pathogens.  Typically, a Thanagarian patrolling a planet separate from their own, had a potent nanite injection administered every few years back home to ward off alien disease.  Shiera just realized that it had been YEARS since her inoculation due date.

"Crap... I really screwed myseeeehhh... eh... myself this tihhh... time" she struggled to finish her sentence, a pulsing itch flaring her nostrils wide.  Her trembling nose started pulling in hitching shaking breath after breath.

"Haaaah... Ahhh... I'm gonnaaaaah! HHAAIIISHOO!!" Her body doubled over, revealing a hint of cleavage as her covers were blown off the bed.  

"Ugh" she thought as she struggled to the showers.  "Maybe a burst of warm water will help"


TBC? I've never done an illness story before.  I'm having a good time but I want to make sure I'm heading in the right direction.  PLEASE don't by shy with critique or preferences !

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Great fic, once again loving the way you're writing the build-ups and the characters. Very refreshing to see more female fanfics, too, so thanks for that ^_^

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Shiera shivered as she stripped off her clothing and strode under the boiling shower water. She had it turned up to the MAX temperature.  What would have been scalding for you and me was quite pleasurable to the Hawkgirl.  Honestly you would have needed napalm before it could have hurt her.

She let the water flow through her hair and down the athletic curves of her body, drawing her angels wings in close about her.  

The steam was flooding her sinuses and generally making her feel better, when suddenly a renewed tickle attacked her nose.

Her chest rose and fell, water streaming from her curves as she let this sneeze come freely.

"Heehhh... IISHHOOO!!" She doubled over as her wings fluttered outwards, splashing small droplets of water against the shower curtain.

"Oh again? Huh... Hhheeeeshooo!  AAAARSHOO!" Two more loud sneezes ripped from her trembling nose as her legs began to slip on the wet tile floor.  

Struggling back into her knees she once again exploded "Hasscheew!! HHHESSHOOOO!!" Once again her wings flexed outwards, this time with such force that the shower curtain was torn free, revealing her to a worried League Member.

Wonder Woman stood transfixed at the sight she was seeing.  She respected Shiera greatly as a warrior and had never seen her before in such a vulnerable way.

"Come on" said Diana like a stern parent. "Back to bed.  The League can handle it without you today" and she wrapped her friend in a towel.



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On 2017-09-07 at 4:23 PM, Show&tell said:

Shiera shivered as she stripped off her clothing and strode under the boiling shower water. She had it turned up to the MAX temperature.  What would have been scalding for you and me was quite pleasurable to the Hawkgirl.  Honestly you would have needed napalm before it could have hurt her.

She let the water flow through her hair and down the athletic curves of her body, drawing her angels wings in close about her.  

The steam was flooding her sinuses and generally making her feel better, when suddenly a renewed tickle attacked her nose.

Her chest rose and fell, water streaming from her curves as she let this sneeze come freely.

"Heehhh... IISHHOOO!!" She doubled over as her wings fluttered outwards, splashing small droplets of water against the shower curtain.

"Oh again? Huh... Hhheeeeshooo!  AAAARSHOO!" Two more loud sneezes ripped from her trembling nose as her legs began to slip on the wet tile floor.  

Struggling back into her knees she once again exploded "Hasscheew!! HHHESSHOOOO!!" Once again her wings flexed outwards, this time with such force that the shower curtain was torn free, revealing her to a worried League Member.

Wonder Woman stood transfixed at the sight she was seeing.  She respected Shiera greatly as a warrior and had never seen her before in such a vulnerable way.

"Come on" said Diana like a stern parent. "Back to bed.  The League can handle it without you today" and she wrapped her friend in a towel.



Yes. More more more :D


Diana looks after Hawkgirl tho??? Maybe???

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