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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My sister sneezed! :0


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Sooo... my sister came to my apartment the other night.  We were watching a movie together under the blankets when it happened.

She looks a lot like me, aside from her hair which is a bit more blond than red, and shoulder length.  She is a skinny beotch with an above average bust (For those of you who are interested in such details lol)

I remember she was holding the popcorn when she tightened up against me.  I glanced up and her nose was flared wide.

Ehheehhee... Hheeee!  Aaishho!  Hheiishoo!! 

Two quick ones as popcorn fell and we both laughed hysterically lol

She has always had smaller more polite sneezes than me T-T

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That sounds really cute!! lol Have to say, as far as I am concerned at least, your sneezes would be alot cuter to me :)

Quick question though, if I may? Does hearing your sisters sneezes make you feel awkward? It seems to be a common thread for our fetish that seeing or hearing family members sneeze is an uncomfortable experiance, as it is for me, so was just wondering if that is the case for you as well? It isn't the same with everyone though :)


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1 minute ago, Sneeze999 said:

That sounds really cute!! lol Have to say, as far as I am concerned at least, your sneezes would be alot cuter to me :)

Quick question though, if I may? Does hearing your sisters sneezes make you feel awkward? It seems to be a common thread for our fetish that seeing or hearing family members sneeze is an uncomfortable experiance, as it is for me, so was just wondering if that is the case for you as well? It isn't the same with everyone though :)


You are too kind! Stahp it lol

Huh! Well I feel a little awkward responding this way now... but no.  I've never been uncomfortable with her sneezes or anyones else's really.  If anything I've ways found them cute, even before I had really accepted this fetish.  

If she wasn't my sister, it would have been BETTER obviously, but yeah.

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17 minutes ago, Show&tell said:

You are too kind! Stahp it lol

Huh! Well I feel a little awkward responding this way now... but no.  I've never been uncomfortable with her sneezes or anyones else's really.  If anything I've ways found them cute, even before I had really accepted this fetish.  

If she wasn't my sister, it would have been BETTER obviously, but yeah.

Didn't mean to make you feel awkward, like I said, it isn't the same for everyone, some people are ok with family sneezes, some people like them, and some people really dislike them, that is probably the only negative for me about this fetish as seeing or hearing my family, my parents especially, sneezing makes me REALLY uncomfortable! But it's great that you are ok with your sisters sneezes! Means you don't have that negative aspect that I have :)

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Now that you mention it, my Dad sneezing would be a little less comfortable.  Weird.  I have no idea why.  Luckily I can't remember him ever sneezing period lol

Yeah, I've always thought my sis was adorable haha

So if you had a S/O sneeze with you, that would be ok? It has to be strictly blood family??

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22 minutes ago, Show&tell said:

So if you had a S/O sneeze with you, that would be ok? It has to be strictly blood family??

Oh yeah, without a doubt!! I mean.....I do have some good-looking cousins who's sneezes are pretty cute....I am trusting you with this knowledge!!! lol But yeah, close family sneezes are just......whew.....no thank you! I mean, the fetish is a pretty sexual thing so, hearing close family do something that, to us, is closely associated with sex or sexual feelings.....thats kinda awkward, and not something I can really escape or make known that it bothers me as I would get looks like, "What the hell is wrong with you?" lol. But S/O's sneezes, not a problem lol :)

Edited by Sneeze999
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2 hours ago, Sneeze999 said:

Oh yeah, without a doubt!! I mean.....I do have some good-looking cousins who's sneezes are pretty cute....I am trusting you with this knowledge!!! lol But yeah, close family sneezes are just......whew.....no thank you! I mean, the fetish is a pretty sexual thing so, hearing close family do something that, to us, is closely associated with sex or sexual feelings.....thats kinda awkward, and not something I can really escape or make known that it bothers me as I would get looks like, "What the hell is wrong with you?" lol. But S/O's sneezes, not a problem lol :)

Your secrets are safe with me! :P

I'm less interested in my SO sneezing (if I ever find a SO lol) than I am in having my SO enjoy MY sneezes

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1 minute ago, Show&tell said:

Your secrets are safe with me! :P

I'm less interested in my SO sneezing (if I ever find a SO lol) than I am in having my SO enjoy MY sneezes

Ok then....I will refrain from making you take the blood oath lol :P

It's kinda the opposite for me in that regard (not with the SO thing though...still searching lol) My own sneezes don't really do anything for me but seeing my imaginary SO (lol) sneeze would be heaven on earth for me! Even better if I know they are enjoying it also!.......we seem very compatible lolol :)

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Just now, Sneeze999 said:


:blushing: Hey there :blushsmiley:

*Sniff* your cologne is making my nose itch.. Huhh...

LOL! Can you imagine? Internet is amazing

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Just now, Show&tell said:

*Sniff* your cologne is making my nose itch.. Huhh...

LOL! Can you imagine? Internet is amazing

Oh no! Your not gonna....sneeze...are you? ;)

Man! That would be so cool! lol The internet is pretty damn cool, I must admit, you meet the nicest people :)

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1 hour ago, Ronald Napoli said:

Have you ever had a sneezing fit in front of your sister before lol?

No, not a proper fit

2 minutes ago, Thom said:

How many times did your sister sneeze? Did you sneeze around her too? 

Thanks for sharing! 

She sneezed just those 2 times during the movie, BUT!  She did also sneeze once more while she was making the popcorn.  It was louder than is usual for her.

"Hiihhhiiiishhooo!" Is more or less than sound I heard from the kitchen lol.

I did not sneeze that night, but I have certainly sneezed in front of her before.  Some semi embarrassing stories for sure :P

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Just now, Show&tell said:

No, not a proper fit

She sneezed just those 2 times during the movie, BUT!  She did also sneeze once more while she was making the popcorn.  It was louder than is usual for her.

"Hiihhhiiiishhooo!" Is more or less than sound I heard from the kitchen lol.

I did not sneeze that night, but I have certainly sneezed in front of her before.  Some semi embarrassing stories for sure :P

Is she more or less sneezy than you are? I'd love to hear those semi-embarrassing stories if you ever feel like sharing too :) 

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Just now, Thom said:

Is she more or less sneezy than you are? I'd love to hear those semi-embarrassing stories if you ever feel like sharing too :) 

I would say we were of equal sneeziness before I discovered my perfume allergy lol.  She was always super cute with her sneezes lol

Well sure! Why not.  I never even considered sharing OLDER obs before. Do I make a new thread?? Instructions not clear lol

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Just now, Thom said:

You can post here or open a new thread, its fine to post older obs! I know I love to hear any I can get! 

Ill post a new thread right away :)

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11 minutes ago, Thom said:

Hope you sneeze even while you're posting it :)

Lol, no such luck my friend! But the new thread is up :)

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3 minutes ago, Ronald Napoli said:

What does your sister think of your perfume allergy?

Lol I haven't really mentioned it to her

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