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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Lawn to Mow, A Nose to Blow


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The in-laws are staying with us this weekend, which means that everything in or around the house needs to be looking neat.


*sigh* Even the damn lawn.


Mowing the lawn usually doesn't bother my allergies until the fall, when the ragweed starts flying. That time is now, apparently.


My nose was a little itchy before I went outside, so I stuffed a handkerchief in my pocket before starting the mower. That lone hanky was put to very, very good use. 


Multiple times I would feel an overwhelming urge to sneeze come over me, so I'd stop the mower, quickly retrieve my hanky, and hold it a few inches from my face in anticipation. The sneeze happened once or twice, but most of these episodes ended in a false start and left my nose an absolute mess. Loads of clear liquid would threaten to gush from my twitchy nostrils the next moment.


Over and over, I'd blow my nose, astounded by the sheer volume of what I was able to eject from my face. This pattern repeated itself many times over the course of the mowing.


When the lawn was finished, I sneezed a few more times, blew into my soaked hanky once more, and stumbled my way back to the house. I immediately jumped in the shower, hoping it would wash off some of the pollen and clear my sinuses a bit.


That hope appears to have been half founded. My nose is still producing a mess when it's not completely stuffed up, so I'm currently laid up on the couch with a box of tissues. My tissues are now feeling the outpouring of nasal wrath that my hanky endured in the yard.


The in-laws had better bring some food, at the very least.

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Eat some soup and take pills for it. Even if it doesn't help much with allergies no one wants to have a sore throat for the rest of the day. I'm allergic to grass too, my mom thinks I'm allergic to dust as well though. But at least it's better than a cold.

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