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Tissues vs Handkerchiefs?


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Hey everyone, I'm sure this has been talked about a million times, but I couldn't find a recent post.

What do you prefer to sneeze/blow into: tissues or handkerchiefs? Why?

For those of you who use both, how do you decide when to use one vs the other?

For those of you who exclusively use one or the other: Are there exceptions to this? (this question is extra directed at people who will only use handkerchiefs, since there seem to be far fewer than people who will only use tissues)

Also, is there something else you prefer to sneeze into?

I use both handkerchiefs and tissues. I mainly use handkerchiefs if I'm alone and sneezing a lot so that my nose doesn't get sore, or if I'm somewhere crowded/very public so I don't have fumble through a bunch of tissues. Otherwise, I usually use tissues. When I'm not home, I try not to blow my nose in my handkerchief unless I really need to, because my sneezes are wet enough as it is and I don't desire to carry a soggy hanky around.

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What do you prefer to sneeze/blow into:  I prefer tissues. I don't mind handkerchiefs, but I just like being able to blow my nose into something and then be able to just toss my snot and germs away.

For those of you who exclusively use one or the other: Are there exceptions to this?:

If I have a cold or bad allergies and I'm visiting family, I'll use a handkerchief as its more formal and less messy.

Also, is there something else you prefer to sneeze into? I don't...mind sneezing into my hands or a towel, but I very rarely do that.


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What do you prefer to sneeze/blow into: i prefer handkerchiefs because they are soo soft and i can wrap them around my nose too. I find that if i use tissues, i just end up blowing a hole in them.

But i will use the branded large lotion tissues if i have got a big cold and if I'm out of handkerchiefs 

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1 hour ago, cjblo said:

Out of handkerchiefs? There is a remedy: buy more... 


I only have a certain amount that i take away with me in thr truck and if i dont have a cold then a handkerchief can last me acouple of days, usually i brimg about 10 with me aswell as the one on a monday morning in my pocket. At home i have about 30 

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1 hour ago, cjblo said:

@HankyrickHave we met before?

I was ricksneeze a while ago on here but that was a number of years ago

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I don't mind tissues I've never used a handkerchief, tissues there desposible, and most people have them in their pockets (fresh hopefully) last resort I use my sleeve or hands

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I prefer handkerchiefs and generally carry one everyday, I usually use them at home and out.

I prefer them as they're bigger and last a while longer and stronger to deal with colds etc. I change them pretty frequently (often more than once a day) if I've had to use one much.

I have a box of xl tissues at home, but only use tissues sometimes or very occasionally toilet paper, if I haven't got a hanky on me for a one off blow, or when I have a snotty cold and start to run out of hankies

I never carry tissues out though, I find that pointless

In terms of sneezing, it's unlikely I get a hanky out in time so normally it's uncovered or into my hand.

I almost never sniff though as I detest it, somehow seems really gross even though I will sneeze into the open all the time.


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I use to only ever use hankies but now I find tissues are good as like a supplement for hankies, not as a full substitute though

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I strongly prefer tissues. Mainly because I grew up in a household where we only used handkerchiefs or toilet paper. It's to the point where I have my own stash of different kinds of tissues. 

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2 hours ago, BlondeSneezer said:

I strongly prefer tissues. Mainly because I grew up in a household where we only used handkerchiefs or toilet paper. It's to the point where I have my own stash of different kinds of tissues. 

Are they all different brands or different colours?

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On 11/14/2017 at 2:28 PM, psychlone said:

Hey everyone, I'm sure this has been talked about a million times, but I couldn't find a recent post.

What do you prefer to sneeze/blow into: tissues or handkerchiefs? Why?

For those of you who use both, how do you decide when to use one vs the other?

For those of you who exclusively use one or the other: Are there exceptions to this? (this question is extra directed at people who will only use handkerchiefs, since there seem to be far fewer than people who will only use tissues)

Also, is there something else you prefer to sneeze into

I feel like on the contrary, handkerchief users are more versatile, alot also using tissues at times

Whereas in my experience, majority of tissue users never use/don't own any handkerchiefs

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What do you prefer to sneeze/blow into: tissues or handkerchiefs? Why?

I prefer to sneeze and blow into handkerchiefs. I think because they're so soft and absorbent. But I don't really know why!

For those of you who use both, how do you decide when to use one vs the other?

Since I only use handkerchiefs in private, I use tissues if there are other people around. Or if I'm super sick and think I'm contagious, so I don't have germs living in my hankies lol. I'll also use tissues instead of hankies if I have a bloody nose cuz I'm terrified of ruining my hankies. That's why I have some bandanas too. I don't mind dirtying up the bandanas at all. It's weird I know. 

Also, is there something else you prefer to sneeze into?

I guess "bandanas" might be the right answer to this question?? Or do those count as handkerchiefs? Lol. I use them for different things I guess so idk!

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19 hours ago, Hankyrick said:

Are they all different brands or different colours?

Oh yes. I have a few different brands/varieties in my stash. 

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18 hours ago, BlondeSneezer said:

Oh yes. I have a few different brands/varieties in my stash. 

Wow you must have a large stash then

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  • 1 month later...

I use tissues.  I'm too Sneezy and snotty to use a hankercheif - I use them up too quickly I don't like carrying used hankercheif around, and after using one a few times, it feels kinda gross to keep using it.  With tissues I can just throw them away after using it, and it's easier to carry alot of thenm around 

An exception I guess would be if I don't have any tissues at the moment I need one.  I don't have a deep objection to using hankercheifs, it's just easier to use tissues in the long run.

Anything I prefer?  Not that I can think of.  I have used lots of things if I can get a tissue.  I guess my top choices if I don't have tissues would be toilet paper, or hankercheif/bandana

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/16/2017 at 11:15 PM, BlondeSneezer said:

I strongly prefer tissues. Mainly because I grew up in a household where we only used handkerchiefs or toilet paper. It's to the point where I have my own stash of different kinds of tissues. 

If you grew up with them,why didn't you continue? Just curious.Not really unusual.

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On 11/13/2017 at 11:24 PM, Captain Carol said:

What do you prefer to sneeze/blow into:  I prefer tissues. I don't mind handkerchiefs, but I just like being able to blow my nose into something and then be able to just toss my snot and germs away.

For those of you who exclusively use one or the other: Are there exceptions to this?:

If I have a cold or bad allergies and I'm visiting family, I'll use a handkerchief as its more formal and less messy.

Also, is there something else you prefer to sneeze into? I don't...mind sneezing into my hands or a towel, but I very rarely do that.


I prefer and use only handkerchieves for sneezing and blowing,and have a large collections of mens' and ladies'.They're really better than tissues - less delicate,larger,scented if you like,better to cover a sneeze and always extras to offer a lady.And they're attractive when well-chosen and of high quality.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I prefer handkerchiefs.  They’re more absorbent, which is good because all my sneezes are wet.  Also if i’m coughing up stuff, again the handkerchief is more absorbent.  And if someone is smoking/sprays perfume near me I can use a handkerchief to cover nose and mouth so I don’t breathe as much of that in.  

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On 12/19/2017 at 8:30 AM, SneezyKateM said:

I use tissues.  I'm too Sneezy and snotty to use a hankercheif - I use them up too quickly I don't like carrying used hankercheif around, and after using one a few times, it feels kinda gross to keep using it.  With tissues I can just throw them away after using it, and it's easier to carry alot of thenm around 

An exception I guess would be if I don't have any tissues at the moment I need one.  I don't have a deep objection to using hankercheifs, it's just easier to use tissues in the long run.

Anything I prefer?  Not that I can think of.  I have used lots of things if I can get a tissue.  I guess my top choices if I don't have tissues would be toilet paper, or hankercheif/bandana

You really shouldn’t use toilet paper.  It’s rough on your nose and if you’re a very snotty sneezer/nose blower, you probably sneeze/blow right through the toilet paper.  If I was there with you, i’d offer you a clean, dry handkerchief.  

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I'm the same when it comes to toilet roll, I don't use it cos it's too rough on my nose

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/20/2018 at 11:04 AM, NYCgirl said:

You really shouldn’t use toilet paper.  It’s rough on your nose and if you’re a very snotty sneezer/nose blower, you probably sneeze/blow right through the toilet paper.  If I was there with you, i’d offer you a clean, dry handkerchief.  

Yea, you are right, and I do have those issues with toilet paper, but occasionally I have to use it.

That's very kind of you to offer if you were around.  I'd definitely accept it, thanks!

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