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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I'm Allergic to Adventure! (a home for all my self obs.)


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So...I've come to realize that something's going on with my nose. Growing up, I never sneezed a LOT...an interaction with a cat here, dusting there...but never anything BAD...until around last year. Things started to change...sneezing fits here and there, but I've never thought of posting my own obs...so that's what this will be!

WITH THAT SAID, let's go to three days ago, when I had to go to the grocery store---

I had to pass the aisle that was for laundry detergent, when my nose started itching like CRAZY. I couldn't pinpoint the exact detergent responsible, but it was STRONG, and was a floral scent. I..may or may not have...stayed in that aisle to, erm...peruse? Yeah. That's what I was there for...just...perusing through the now-super-interesting-aisle, taking a sniff here and there, when--- THERE. The tickle blossomed in the back of my right nostril. It was like nothing that I ever felt. Was it Gain? Downy? Who knows. All I know was, I was alone in the aisle, so I let it rip.

"Hehh...Hahh...HAACHOO!! HEAACHOO!!"  The tickle was relentless, and I suddenly gave a gasp.. No hitching. Just one BIG intake of breath, then... "HEAAACHOOOOOO!!!!!"  I bent forward with the power of the third sneeze, stumbling forward a step or two. Damn, it was THAT strong, folks... Without knowing the true source, I couldn't...umm..purchase anything new in that aisle. -_- Oh well. Next time, maybe! 

I find that this happens at a few other stores, too...and it's not just laundry detergent. Don't even get me started on my false-start frenzy at Lowe's... ;) 

Edited by HideAndGoSneeze
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Oh man! Talk about a cliff-hanger!! This was a wonderful ob's, made even more wonderful by the fact that you seem to...ahem.....have enjoyed it ;) I wouldn't mind hearing about your time in Lowe's :)

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Wow, what an obs! That third sneeze sounds like it must have been pretty intense :D Bless you! (And I wouldn't mind hearing about Lowe's either...)

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On 11/14/2017 at 7:33 AM, HideAndGoSneeze said:

it was STRONG, and was a floral scent. I..may or may not have...stayed in that aisle to, erm...peruse? Yeah. That's what I was there for...just...perusing through the now-super-interesting-aisle, taking a sniff here and there, when--- THERE. The tickle blossomed in the back of my right nostril. It was like nothing that I ever felt. Was it Gain? Downy? Who knows. All I know was, I was alone in the aisle, so I let it rip.

If I were in your shoes, that would be exactly what I’d do! I’m so glad everyone here feels so alike!:D

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 Bless you! I would have loved to have been in your company and witnessed those sneezes for real. Especially that last one. I love it when women sneeze so hard that they have to take a few steps back to maintain their balance. Once again: God bless you three times. I think I just developed a crush on you :wub:. I really hope you don’t mind :blushing::shy:.

Take care and keep sneezing ;).


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, sneeze lovers!

Apologies for the lack of updates, but I hope this self ob makes it worth it.

I had a fit...in the movie theater. I KNOW, I know...you're thinking, "Like in those stories?! The amazing stories on this amazing forum?!?!" ...Kiiiiinda? I don't know how to explain it...well, I do. Obviously...I explain it by writing.

There I was, with my friend (okay, potential crush--it was our first date DON'T JUDGE ME *blushes immensely*) and we went to see Justice League...during one of the scenes that would be a spoiler, but it involves a spaceship...I felt a rushing tickle in my right nostril. Holy crap, folks...it was like someone lit a firecracker up my nose. It came out of nowhere! My eye does this weird twitch thing, and I just... "HAH-CHOOOO!!" I muffle it in the sleeve of my sweatshirt hoodie...I hear him start to bless me, but I feel more coming, so I'm all "Wuh--wait---HAH-CHOO!"



"Geez! You alright?!"

I literally couldn't respond until the end...it was ten. TEN SNEEZES. In a row. My head was super dizzy, I was...SUPER embarrassed.  I apologized immensely, and he said he would be right back. I sat there...couldn't even enjoy the Flash...my favorite character...until I feel a nudge, and I look--- HE BROUGHT ME NAPKINS. 

FOLKS...I was---He---I---the--AHHHH. <3 It was super sweet.


....we may be planning date number two.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, my lovely people! I'm so sorry, I just realized that I never talked about my Lowe's experience like I teased about...


So, with me being in the process of moving (well, I mean by now I'm all done with that...YAY MOVING), I needed a few things...light bulbs, air vent thingys (I'M NOT GOOD WITH DESCRIBING THINGS, Don't judge me!), and so on... Well...It's a normal thing for me when I enter Lowe's or Home Depot, that I feel a burning tickle in the back of my nose. This one particular visit, however, was torturous.

The tickle was unbearable. Like...it was burning...it tickled so badly..it felt like something was pin-prickling the back of my right nostril. My nose kept twitching, and I kept getting these hitching breaths, but no sneeze. I tried looking up at the lights, but...they weren't that bright. So, I could feel my face having this pre-sneeze expression, and I hitch a few more times..but nothing. Guys and Gals, it was TORTURE. I was begging for a release of anykind...but it wasn't until I sniffled slightly that the tickle just...TOOK OVER...and I bent forward with a giant 
"HAAHCHOOOOOO!!!!!" that made me stumble forward slightly. 

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Bless you for those! Amazing ob's! Sounds like you have a very kind and sweet (potential) boyfriend! Sounds like a lucky dude :)

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12 minutes ago, Sneeze999 said:

Bless you for those! Amazing ob's! Sounds like you have a very kind and sweet (potential) boyfriend! Sounds like a lucky dude :)

Eh, didn't work out. But someone from my past came back in my life, so... I'm not getting my hopes up, just taking it slow and seeing if fate is giving us a second chance. 

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1 minute ago, HideAndGoSneeze said:

Eh, didn't work out. But someone from my past came back in my life, so... I'm not getting my hopes up, just taking it slow and seeing if fate is giving us a second chance. 

Oh well, either way it seems like an amazing experiance, hope you get to repeat it with that someone special someday :)

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  • 1 year later...

Hey all. Sooo... It's spring. Pollen count has been craaaazy high the last few days, and my nose and throat is feeling it. Been a sniffly, sneezy state lately, but today? False starts. UGH. such torture. Especially since I have a new job at a call center, every time I talk, my nose tickles like crazy. I have been needing to mute my phone more than once, only to just be in a hitchy, false start position. HNNNGH. Pollen is my enemy. Even right now as I type this, I feel like someoens taken a feather and lightly pushing it up into my left nostril. There's just... This forever tickle, making itself home in the back of my nose. I just want to sneeze and be done with it, but I'm not sure if I'll trigger a fit or not. 




I couldn't take it anymore. The tickle has been torture, as well as the hitchy buildup and false starts. I went into the bathroom, and thankfully no one else was in there... Good Pl twisted tp method... Never fails! The buildup before the first sneeze.. Woo! Lots of hitching, before I finally sneezed. It was such a relief! Sounded like "Hah-sheeww!!" followed by five more after that! I'm just glad it's over... For now! 

Edited by HideAndGoSneeze
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  • 8 months later...

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