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Sneezy Shower Thoughts


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Why do some people change the sound of their sneezes? For example, I can involuntarily sneeze in my usual vocal pitch but I can also vary the sound of my sneezes. How does one person's sneeze differ from the other? Do you think the sound of your sneeze has ever changed? I know my friend said her sneezes changed after voice lessons, etc.

So why do some people deliberately change their sneezes to sound more masculine or feminine around others in a given scenario? I guess I'm also interested in why the first person outside of this community would have ever considered changing their sneeze in public in the first place. 

Of all things to be hypersensitive of doing in public, why sneezes? Lots of people will have a certain sneeze in public and then it is totally different when alone. Why are even people without the fetish concerned about what their sneeze sounds like to others? Who cares, right? Seems like a strange involuntary movement to manipulate. I don't change the way my cough sounds, yanno? Is it just social conditioning?

I'm curious about your thoughts!

Tl;dr Why deliberately change the sound of your sneeze in the first place? Do you think your sneeze sound is the same as it's always been? Why do non-fetishists care about what other people think their sneeze sounds like?


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maybe they care what people think of their sneeze because it draws attention to them, or maybe because they think sneezing is gross. similar to how some people suppress their coughs in public, or leave the room to blow their nose.

I'm not sure if my own sneeze sound has changed. Never really thought about it.

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See you're thinking of sneezes in particular because we as a group focus on them but...why do we try to burp quietly?  Why do we avoid breaking wind in front of other people?  Why do many people get embarrassed if their stomach growls?   I would actually group all of those together under the same umbrella.  Like a burp isn't going to hurt anyone but I'm sure all hell not going to let one rip while I'm in the middle of the supermarket! So taking off my fetish glasses and looking at it from that angle it makes sense. We are all conscious of our bodily functions to a degree due to conditioning to be what is considered polite.

So I don't think society focuses on sneezes.  Society focuses on lots of stuff, our little group just happens to notice more when it involves sneezes.

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2 hours ago, SleepingPhlox said:

See you're thinking of sneezes in particular because we as a group focus on them but...why do we try to burp quietly?  Why do we avoid breaking wind in front of other people?  Why do many people get embarrassed if their stomach growls?   I would actually group all of those together under the same umbrella.  Like a burp isn't going to hurt anyone but I'm sure all hell not going to let one rip while I'm in the middle of the supermarket! So taking off my fetish glasses and looking at it from that angle it makes sense. We are all conscious of our bodily functions to a degree due to conditioning to be what is considered polite.

So I don't think society focuses on sneezes.  Society focuses on lots of stuff, our little group just happens to notice more when it involves sneezes.

yeahyeah! That's what I think as well; I just wanted to open conversation on why all of these things are viewed as rude or embarrassing unless suppressed or altered in some way. Interesting take. Thanks!

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I think there are many reasons why a non-fetishist would try and modify the sound of their sneeze in public. Mainly I feel that although a non-fetishist may be unaware of the sexual connotations, they might just be full on embarrassed about the attention that  a loud sneeze might bring, and so go out of their way to change it. People who are unembarrassed by 'making a scene' or generally drawing attention to themselves might not see that a sneeze can make the sneezer feel very uncomfortable when in public.

There is also the historical 'sneeze as a sign of weakness/illness' that some people really want to avoid. I have to say that people who are unable to modify the size or sound of their sneezes despite being in a situation that would greatly embarrass them is a big part of the fetish for me :D 

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