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I joined SFF pretty much because I wanted to have access to the Search ability which I could find easily enough on my Nintendo 3DS but couldn't use because I was not a member. Now I've finally gotten an account, and I can't find the Search anywhere. Was it removed or just never there in the first place and my 3DS just told me there was? If there isn't one, I'd like to know why not, because it seems obvious to have one. I often come on here because I specifically want one kind of story, and then I remember that I can't find one kind because there is no Search button, and if I really want one kind of story, I have to do this whole intricate search on Google that just turns out to be a wild goose chase because there is no stories like that! And then I think, "Why don't they just have a search button? If they did, I wouldn't have to spend all my time searching for something to finally find out it doesn't exist, I could just search and it'd say 'Nope, nothing like that!' and I'd be done and have plenty of time for other things!". 

So what I'm saying is, if you don't have a search button, why not? And if you do, where is it?

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Hey, @I-Am-Alone-No-Longer

We do have a search button, but the search function is only available to members after they are validated. Validation is a process of review that all members go through before they are afforded more privileges/areas of access on this website.

If you want to know what you have access to at your current membership level, please see the Membership Levels page.

If you want to know how the process of Validation works, please see the How Do I Get Validated? page.

You can also find more relevant information for new members in the Read Before Posting section.

As an aside, some stories use tags (things like Male, Female, Illness, Allergy) that help categorize certain subjects. If you click on a tag, the page should show you only content associated with that tag. So that could be a decent alternative to the search function that could help you sort through some stories in a more efficient way.

I hope this answers your question.

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What I would probably do, in the interim before you get validated, is put the following into Google:

site:sneezefetishforum.org your search term here

You can also do it this way:

site:sneezefetishforum.org "allergy" "supernatural"

There are a few ways to get around the lack of a search function before you're validated. Also, you'd probably be disappointed by the search function anyway. I've found it to be kind of broken and shitty, to be honest (no fault of the forum staff, it's just the software itself).

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  • 2 years later...

Hey so I'm trying to figure out why the tags won't work. I click on it and it says it's not available to my account. Do I have to be validated for the tags to work. If so then I guess I will just live with it.


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2 hours ago, NaiomeTheWolfla said:

Hey so I'm trying to figure out why the tags won't work. I click on it and it says it's not available to my account. Do I have to be validated for the tags to work. If so then I guess I will just live with it.


Was just about to email you but yes, you need to be validated as the tags work through the search function which you currently do not have access to.

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