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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The New Kitten, Cookie {First Write! [Part 1/ ???]}


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*Ok! So this is my first write, I’m pretty nervous and excited to become one with this forum! So, with that being said, I really do apologize if there are typos, messy bunching, etc.


Sandra rested her smartphone down on the bedside table, and she couldn’t help the smile that crawled along her face. She had just finished a call with her crush, Tali, who said she’d be coming over to spend some time after school. They were both juniors, Sandra with short blonde hair that tucked nicely behind her ears, and icy blue eyes that could make any guy fall for her instantly. Tali had long flowing brown hair that cascaded down her shoulders, and little dotted freckles over her cheeks and nose. She wore square glasses over her green emerald eyes, and a smile that made Sandra’s heart melt every time. Tali had been her best friend—well, more than best friend to her—for quite some time, and simply thinking about her made her heart thump rhythmically.

  She was so focused on her goey thoughts, that she didn’t even notice Cookie, her new little kitten, had stumbled onto her bed. Cookie purred with delight as Sandra stroked his long brown fur, but Sandra had her mind in other places. What would they do? What could they do? Sandra’s head began to swell with thoughts, all of which cut off by a knock on the door.

  She could feel her heart pounding in her throat. This was it. All she had  to do is go up to the door, and act normal. She set Cookie down, half running to the door; her parents were out of the house for a movie, but if not, they would’ve likely scolded her. It took her half of her strength to even swallow as she gingerly placed her hand on the doorknob and turned it.

  Blue eyes meet green, through those wonderful square glasses, as Tali stood there, smiling. She had two novels in her hand, the typical book worm Sandra knew and loved. She couldn’t help but take each and every freckle on Tali’s perfectly curved nose into account.

  “U-uh....hi Sandra!” Tali stuttered, snatching Sandra’s attention. Had she’d been starting? How long? Sandra quickly shook her head, shaking the thoughts out of her mind.

  “Hey Tali,” she replied casually—or, at least what she had hoped to be casual. Sandra stepped out of the way for Tali to enter, who gladly looked around at the moderate sized living room. Tali pushed her glasses up on her face a bit, a classic move by any cute nerd. 

  “This looks amazing! Did you have anything planned?” There eyes met again for what felt like a thousand times too little. Sandra ran her fingers through her hair, not really having much in mind.

  “Well, how about a movie?” Sandra questioned. Tali was already on the couch, her face lit up to the sound of a good movie. “That would be great Sandra!”

  “Alright! Let me just set up the DVD player,” Sandra walked over to the TV, kneeling down to check the cords. It was hard for her to even focus, her mind raced with thoughts of them snuggling together, watching a movie with popcorn between them. It would feel so romantic, her heart would probably grow wings, not to mention—


  Sandra whipped around, almost too fast for her own liking. Did...Tali just sneeze? If so, that just about had to be the cutest sounding—


  Sandra looked up to see Tali, silently trying to contain herself from sneezing; she was constantly pushing her glasses back into place, gently rubbing under her nostrils with the back of her hand. Her eyes were watery, and her nostrils flared by the slightest, which was way more than enough to put Sandra on the edge. She couldn’t help but stare as Tali’s eyes fluttered, tilting her head back just a tiny bit. Her nose twitched in this adorable way that Sandra just couldn’t describe. She only half regretted watching the whole thing happen.

  “h-hhh.....hih-hh-Hgnxt’shew!” She half stifled into her balled fist, but it was enough for her glasses to teeter on the tip of her nose. She siniffled wetly, yet quietly. Obviously trying not to cause attention.

  “Bless ya Tali, you alright?” Sandra almost struggled saying these words. Tali’s eyes darted up, her glasses slightly crooked from the previous sneeze. Her freckled cheeks blushed a nice pink, she stuttered though her sentences.

  “Y-yeah! I-I feel f-fine! S-sehh....hih-Sorry-HITISHOO!”

  Tali was able to catch the sneeze into her arm; bummer. It was enough for her glasses to fall on the floor, next to Sandra’s leg. She picked up Tali’s glasses, and met her absolutely adorable flustered face.

”Oh jeez! I’m so sorry! I swear I-I almost never sneeze like this!”

  “Tali, Tali, it’s alright. It’s not like you sneezed in my face or anything!” To be honest, Sandra would’ve enjoyed that, she would love to see her crush squirm with embarrassment.

 “I-I mean, other than cats, I’m not even allergic to anything!” She could barely get a grip on her embarrassment.

  This made Sandra swallow hard. Tali had no idea she had a cat! She had almost completely forgotten! What was she to say?

Whatever it was, she knew this would be a good night.


*So, There you have it! My very first write! Not much sneezing, sorry. But any advice is good advice! Would you guys want a continuation on this? I’m curious!

anyway, until we meet again! Hey 


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On 11/26/2017 at 8:58 PM, SD12 said:

Great story! Tali sounds so cute and does have Sandra have the fetish?;) I can't wait to see more!

Oh wow! Thanks! I thought-...... I mean-.....this means so much to me! I’ll be sure to post more when I can! Yes, Sandra does indeed have a fetish, which makes them the perfect duo! Thanks again!!

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Okay! So I decided to smash out part 2 of this thing, so of course this will be my second write! I added a bit of bold, hopefully, though it is a bit choppy here and there. Sorry in advance, but enjoy! (I also made an attempt to add a little more stuff in it.)



The sun was just making it’s journey past the horizon, and they had made it through two movies. Sandra learned that Tali was in love with detective movies, and would always figure out the culprit before the movie was even halfway through. Sandra was a bit glad to get up after the second movie, to be honest she was getting a bit worried squirming in her seat for every time Tali sneezed; she had a sort of thing for sneezing, but would never say a thing to anyone she met. After all, it seemed all to weird to be squawking about. 

“Guess what Tali?” Sandra cooed as the credits rolled. Tali turned around, her green eyes slightly watering and her adorable nose a bit red.

“Y-yeah?” She pushed her glasses further up on her face. 

“I actually have all five movies of this series! I’ve only seen the first two, and the other three are in my room. I have to go check on little Cookie anyways.”

“Cookie?” Tali cocked her head. Sandra’s heart stopped. Either that, or it was pounding so hard her chest went numb. There was no way Sandra just said that! It took half of her strength just to gulp and recover without looking like a total moron.

“Cookies! I have to check on the cookies!” She could feel sweat rolling down her neck.

“You have to…go check on cookies…in your room?”

“Yes! No! Wait!” Sandra could definitely feel her heart now; it felt like a jackhammer was performing CPR. “T-The recipe! It’s on my phone, in my room! That’s what I meant!”

Sandra held back a sigh of relief as she saw Tali’s eyes change with a look of understanding. “Ohhh. I gotcha!” Sandra quickly nodded in agreement before speed walking down the hall to her room.

Once the door was shut, she forced the air out of her lungs. “Smooth, Sand. You almost ratted yourself out there.” She glanced around her room; the two colors of the walls were orange and white, along with a nice dark brown accent to most of the furniture. There were two chairs, a queen sized bed with bedside tables on either side, and a nice white lamp that was taller than she was. In the corner, laid a small white bed, and a little ball of brown fur mewing away. Sandra knelt down, scooping up the tiny kitten. He had little black and white speckles, that almost reminded her of Tali’s little freckles. One of his eyes were green, the other blue. Sandra could feel him vibrate in her palms.

“There you are my little cookie!” Sandra half whispered. Cookie mewed in acknowledgement, curling his little tail around his body. A small aww escaped from Sandra’s lips as she placed cookie back down to rest. As she stood back up again, she heard an unforgettable noise emerge from the living room.

It was definitely Tali’s sneeze, though, she didn’t bother to stifle it like she usually would. She probably was in the mindset that no one could hear her.

“Hig’tcshoo! Eiieg’tcheww! h-heh! Aaaishew!”

The small fit continued, and Sandra’s heart skipped a few beats. She hurried into her drawer to grab the three movies, her phone, and a box of tissues. She gripped her hand around the doorknob, taking a deep breath before turning it. Okay. Whatever you do, don’t be an idiot. Act, Normal.

Acting ‘normal’ was not something that was in Sandra’s command system. She half skipped down the hall, box of tissues behind her back. She had to force fake concern into her voice to hide her giddiness.

“Gee Tali, I heard you from all the way down the hall! You ok?”

Tali’s face went beet red. She certainly looked lost in terms of words. Instead, she pushed her glasses further up on her face, which seemed to tickle the bridge of her sensitive nose. Her eyebrows furrowed, and Sandra could see her chest expand slightly. Though Tali tried her best to look under control, her breath hitched vocally between her teeth.

“h-hih…hih-hihn…snf…hih!” This was a fact about Tali; no matter how quiet or stifled the sneeze was, the build up was almost always audible and breathy, making the element of secrecy ruined. Nonetheless, she made her sneezes stifled with precision and carefulness.

“Hing’nxt! Hit-hngxt’shh! Hiie-ngtxt’ngxtshew!” That last double stifle caused a bit of spray into her balled fist, and she sniffled wetly. Sandra took the moment to whip out the box of tissues.

“H-here! Once I heard you start sneezing, I figured I would grab these,” If Sandra had thought Tali’s face couldn’t get much redder, she was surely wrong. Four more sneezes were dragged out, catching both of them by surprise; Tali only had time to stifle the last two.

“hih-Hig’ISHEW! ngh-hit’AISHEW! Hah…hit-It’chew! Hngxt!

Sandra was taken back a bit. Tali’s glasses had fallen off her face again, sprayed by the second sneeze. Tali didn’t bother to pick them up; she was all too embarrassed by herself, and buried her face in her hands with a whimper. Sandra walked up, placing the tissues on the armrest of the couch, and her hand on Tali’s shoulder. She knelt down.

“Tali, it’s alright. There’s no need to be embarrassed about sneezing. We all do it, last time I checked.” She found that what she was saying wasn’t making much of an impact, so she tried a different route. “Look. I’m allergic to dust, feathers, and pollen. That’s a lot, but I’ve learned to just roll with it.”

Sandra saw Tali’s face lift up a bit. “Y-yeah I guess…but…” she trailed off, blushing.

“But?” Sandra picked up her sentence for her, along with Tali’s glasses. She saw her blush deeper.

Tali whispered, though not really necessary. “C-can I trust you? You won’t………judge me?”

Sandra’s eyes lit up with hope. Was this going where she thought it was? Did they both share this fate? “Tali,” she forced herself to calm down, “How long have we been friends? I think you can trust me with your life by now.”

“W-well…” Tali brushed her hair behind her ear, averting her eyes. She wiped her glasses with a tissue before putting them on again, “E-ever since a k-kid I…I don’t know h-how…I don’t know why…but…er…um…….s-sn-…..i-its…”

“You have a thing for sneezing? Like a fetish?” Sandra couldn’t help finishing, drowned with hope. Tali buried her face blushing, and Sandra gave a sigh of relief, taking it for the answer she wanted.

“I-I’m s-sorry! I-I-I know its w-weird! I-I”

“Tali! Its alright! Don’t kill yourself over it!” She laughed when Tali started shaking her head. “Look, its funny because I can relate! We both share that feat!”

Tali’s head shot up. All the redness from her face seemed to have disappeared within five seconds. “You…what?”

Sandra nodded at her confusion. “We both have the same fetish Tali, which I think is amazing.” It’s been a while since Sandra heard Tali laugh, so this moment was cherished.

While they were still laughing away in embarrassment, Sandra slipped the moment to her advantage. “Well, at least I don’t have to lie about the cat now!” She giggled, but Tali stopped. Her green eyes had a glimmer of shock, a hint of anger, but flushed with hope. “You have a cat?”

“A kitten,” Sandra corrected. “His name is cookie, a little ball of fur. Your not…seriously allergic to cats, right?”

“Not seriously, just…sneezing,” Tali still blushed with the word.

Sandra was about to make a comment, when her phone buzzed with a text. It was from her mother.


Mom: Hey. Ur father and I will b out of town over the weekend, starting Friday night, tomorrow. Before u ask, yes, Talion is allowed to stay over on those days. Don’t break anything, we b back Monday when u come home from school. Luv u sweetie <3

Sandra tapped in an exited thank you, followed by a ‘love you’ response, before showing her phone to Tali. They both squealed. “Yay! All we have to do is get through school tomorrow!” Tali chirped.

“Yep…” Sandra half groaned. “Get through school…”

School. That was going to be a challenge. She had three tests that day, not to mention new library book checkouts for a project. But a thought made her smile. 

Yes… At least Tali will be there with her… 


Yay? kind of? I'm not sure. Let me know, please and thank you!

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Oh. My. Gosh.


This is the fricking cutest story ever!! It’s amazing, everything from cute Cookie and cute Tali and her and Sandra’s relationship is just so...!!! I don’t know how to describe it it’s so amazing!

Please please please continue this! I love it so much  :wub:

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On 12/3/2017 at 6:16 PM, Dill the Pickle said:

Oh. My. Gosh.


This is the fricking cutest story ever!! It’s amazing, everything from cute Cookie and cute Tali and her and Sandra’s relationship is just so...!!! I don’t know how to describe it it’s so amazing!

Please please please continue this! I love it so much  :wub:

EEP! Geez I’m getting noticed a bit faster than intended! Oh geez.....clam down me.....*breathes in a bag* I’ll get on the continuation a quickly as I can! Thank you so much!!!!!

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Hi there, and welcome to the forum!! What a great story to add here! You did a good job! It's super cute, and I can't wait to read more! 

Edited by HideAndGoSneeze
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**Thank you guys so much for the support! Many of you have asked for more, and i am glad to give you guys part 3!!



The sun was slowly crawling into the sky, past the hills by the time Sandra shoved her last book into her backpack. She hadn’t had much sleep, as usual, which was beginning to backfire; she was nowhere near prepared for the tests held today. Tali, on the other hand was leaning against the counter, brown hair in a long ponytail and eyes stapled to a class science textbook. She only lifted her head to glance at the clock every now and again.

“Nerdy Tali, always has her nose in a book,” Sandra cooed, causing redness to swell in Tali’s cheeks.

“You should try it…”

“Nah, dust, remember?” Sandra tapped her quite sizable nose, Tali averted her eyes in an even bigger blush. 

“R-right…Shall we be off?” She changed the subject quickly, Sandra didn’t argue.

sigh… “Why not?”

Tali closed her textbook, flaring dust in Sandra’s face. Her large nostrils flared, she could feel the dust dancing about inside. Sandra took two paces back, nose twitching angrily in protest. She didn’t have to look over to know that Tali was staring in awe, as she heaved air through her lungs.

“Oh Tali, I’m gonna snehhhh……Ihhhhhh……godda, godda sneeze…….hehhhhhh…..hahhhh…” Sandra was teasing Tali at that point, blinking back allergic tears that ran down her cheeks. Sandra started fanning her face, breath hitching like crazy. “hihhhhh……here it comes…hih-hihhhh…..HAAAAAATTCCSHOOOOOOH!” Half the air in her lungs was forced out her mouth and nose, doubling at the waist and into her arm. She sniffled wetly, scrubbing under her large nostrils with the back of her hand.

“S-sorry, my bad. I should’ve closed it lightly. I did get this from the library,” Tali tripped over her words, fixing her glasses. They made eye contact for a good two seconds before Tali quickly made it seem like she had always been putting her textbook in her backpack.

snffk. Don’bt be. Thdat feldt greadt!” Sandra’s voice was thick with congestion. She ripped two tissues from a nearby box, folding them over and honking her large appendage into them. Even then, both the tissues were warm and damp afterward. 

The tickle was still existent, but less angry and more annoyed. She sniffled again, just to make sure the tickle wouldn’t come back to bite her.

“Anywho. Lets go.” Sandra announced, swinging her backpack over her shoulder. Tali nodded quickly, taking the lead to hide her blush.

The school was about fifteen minutes walking, and it saved money and gas to walk or bike instead of drive there. As a Junior, she was just starting the basics on driving, Tali was convinced that she wouldn’t need a car to get to the places she needed.

“What’s the square root of twenty-five?” Tali quizzed her.

“Psh. Six. Give me a challenge.”

Tali stopped walking, turning to face Sandra. Her jaw was hanging, eyebrows raised. Sandra searched her expression in confusion, not knowing what crime she committed. By Tali blinking hard, Sandra recalled what she said.

“OH!! FIVE! I’m gonna fail so badly…” Sandra gaged laughing.

“Okay okay okay,” Tali thought up another question. “Which one is a noble gas? Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Argon, or Oxygen?’’

“I’m pretty sure………Argon?”

“hih……Hnnxgt! Ngxt’shoo! Itchxteww! Aastchshoo!” Was Tali’s sudden response. She sniffled dryly, breath hitching.

“Bless you Tali. I thought you were only allergic to cats!” She placed her hands on her hips as she walked. Tali rubbed her flustered little nose with her finger, the redness accentuating her dotted freckles.

“I thought so as well,” she began, the tickle backing off the further they walked. “To tell you the truth…something back there always causes me to sneeze when I pass by; when I was on my way to your house, the same thing happened…It was embarrassing.” Tali was careful to fix her glasses, not wanting to startle her sensitive nose. 

Mental Note: Find the mystery allergen on your own time. Sandra nodded to herself, smiling.

“By the way, Argon was right Sandra,” Tali giggled.


Together, the two passed the crosswalk of the slowly filling street. They walk up upon the series of buildings that made up the high school, pushing open the front doors. Most would say that Mondays were the worse of all, but to Sandra, it was surely Friday; that’s when the teachers seemed to be extra unforgiving, pilling her with either tests, assignments, or projects to begin. Not to mention this Friday for fourth-period Reading, they had to start a book project in the library. In order, she had a test in Math to start the day, A lab review in Science, Band, which seemed to be a break for her mind, Reading, a book project. Lunch, of course, the best part of the day, then onto Study Period; this was basically fifth-period, but can be used for any class—Sandra and Tali always met in the Athletics dome, where Tali practiced Basketball for her team. Afterwards, she had a test in German, and finally, Photography.

The bell rang. Tali tuned to Sandra, eyes of hope. “Catch you in Science?” She pushed up her glasses further on the bridge of her nose.

Sandra sighed, placing a hand on Tali’s shoulder. “I’m gonna die in Math…catch you in Science.”


Sandra tapped her pencil to the bubble sheet. She could’ve sworn that sweat was forming on her face, as she glanced at the test paper. I, Hate, Algebra. She scribbled in an answer, putting a little star near it to remind her to come back to it. This wouldn’t be such a big deal, if this was her seventeenth time doing so.

Her brain seemed to be occupied with gooey thoughts of Tali, the way he little nose curved complimented her small nostrils, even her nostrils themselves being dotted with freckles. She loved the sound of her desperate hitching voice, despite her trying to keep quiet. Sandra loved essentially every aspect of Tali, realizing she had let her mind wander for 35 minutes doing so. She glanced frantically at the clock, seeing she only had fifteen more minutes to work with. She didn’t waste a second.

There had to be three minutes left on the clock when Sandra finished, she whipped her paper over on the desk so it faced beginning up. That’s when she noticed the immense amount of dust that came with it. Oh no……ever heard of cleaning?!?

Sandra’s large nose quivered, she could see her own nostrils flaring. It was dead silent in the classroom, people finishing tests or faces in a book. Sneezing at this point would be absolutely awful, and embarrassing. Sandra’s nose was notorious for being the loud sudden explosion, causing heads to turn in the past; she even recalls making a freshman drop their lunch because of a pollen allergy.

She sniffled quietly, only sucking more dust deeper into her nose. It tingled like tiny feathers brushing about, Sandra could only place a finger under her nose. Truth be told, Sandra never really learned how to stifle a sneeze, unlike how Tali mastered it. She wasn’t in the front of the class, but the back; she was now second guessing which would be more embarrassing.

It was down to one minute until the bell rang, Sandra had all her stuff packed so she could take her binder and run once it did. She blinked back allergic tears, lip quivering. Her nose was absolutely furious with her; it was bleached red, looking like a toddler smeared paint along her nostrils. She felt her chest tighten, and clenched her thumb and forefinger over her large squishy appendage, holding her nostrils shut. She tried rubbing, massaging, and even scrubbing her nose, but nothing made it calm down. She was gonna blow.

Sandra let out a voiceless hitch, and two more short ones. Her watered eyes glanced to the left of her when she heard a faint whisper directed towards her.

“Psst. Sand.” It came from her friend, Preston; a tall, caramel-skinned boy, with hazel eyes, a broad chest, and shiny black hair that was in a classic Hispanic style. He slipped a snarky smile over at Sandra, who rolled her eyes. The itch in her nose was to much for her to be focused on other things. She pointed to her flaring appendage, and Preston immediately got the silent message. Sandra could tell, because he let out a cackle, which was drowned by the bell.

Sandra had never left a classroom so fast, Preston right on her heels.  She half sprinted down the math hall, binder close to her chest. By time she was about 6 doors down, she slowed, nose aggressively trembling.

“heeehhhhhhhhhh………hahhhhhhhh…..HIIIHHHHHHHHHHH…HAHHHHHHHHH….” Her chest expanded, squeezing her eyes shut.

“Clear out!” Preston yelled to his two other friends who had also caught up, Michel and Ross, “Sandra’s gonna blow!”

Like the Sophomores and Juniors they were, they pretended to duck and cover; Ross hid behind the cafeteria pillar, Michel slid under a display table, and Preston dived onto the ground, hands over his head like some military man. Sandra lifted her chin, inches from releasing a pure storm.

HAAAAAAAAAASHOOOOOO!!! RAAAAAAAAAAASHTCHEWWWWW!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAATCHOOOOOHH! HAH-AAAAAAAAAAAAAASTCHOOOOH! Hehhhhh……..HAHHHHHHH…..” Sandra exploded four times, gearing up for a fifth. She frantically fanned her face, sniffling wetly. Preston stood up, quickly placing two fingers under her quivering nostrils.

“HAhhhhhhh…..hehhhhhhhhh…..huh…..” Sandra finally let out a weary sigh, the sign for Preston to remove his fingers.

“All clear, great hustle boys.” Preston calls out with a smile. Michel is the first to emerge, bright blonde hair and electric blue eyes, voice with a thick Australian accent. He was the only other Junior besides Tali and herself. “Ah. Hurricane Sandra’s over apparently. And I bloody mean it too. Here.”

He handed her a silk handkerchief, which she gladly accepted and blew her nose into. Ross came up from her right, skin like creamy dark chocolate, eyes so brown they’re practically black, and the tallest of the four by a good half-foot. “Bless you.” His voice is like sweet baritone molasses, “You got quite the nose. Is it always like that normally?”

“Dust, Feathers, and Pollen causes it to get angry like that, yes” Sandra sniffles.

“Ah I bloody hate pollen,” Michel scowls angrily. “It get’s so annoying! Though, my skimpy Aussie sneezes are nothing to Sandra, that’s a fact and a half.”

The four of them laugh as Tali catches up, half running. “Art class went well! I drew a portrait of you!” Her emerald green eyes almost glow with pride.

“That’s great Tali! Can’t wait to see it!” Sandra’s eyes suddenly filled with confusion. “You usually take the back route, how’d you find us?”

Tai’s face goes red. “W-well……”

“That’s a bit obvious, Amigo,” Preston cuts in, “She probably heard you sneezing from the art wing!”

Sandra punches Preston’s arm playfully. “It’s not THAT loud…”

“Eeeehh, kinda is…” Michel tots his head.

“Whatever. Let’s just get to class. What do you guys have?”

“I got Gym,” Ross’s deep voice rang.

“French,” Preston chimed.

“I have Science with you two, obviously.” Michel folds his arms.

“Let’s not be late then,” Tali pushes her glasses up.

“Meet up at lunch?” Ross confirms.

“Lunch. Sneeze Squad Out!” Preston throws his hands up. Sandra throws him a threatening glare. “That is NOT, our squad name.” She snarls.

They put their hands together, smiles all around “Let’s Go Squad, RPMTS!” They cheer, throwing their hands up in the air and going their separate ways.


Tali stays right by Sandra’s shoulder, she can’t help but feel warm inside.


There you have it! Part four will be coming very soon! I have quite a few thoughts for science class..... evil grin... anyway, tell me what you think!

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Loving everything about your first story! I’m excited to see more if there is any!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for being gone for so long! I have been all over the place with my work. Also, quick little announcement, I am considering starting another story, featuring the usage of giants, so be sure to check it out when it comes. Anywho, here's part 4!



Sandra, Tali, and Michel were the last ones to file into the lab room as the bell rang. Instinctively, Sandra placed her binder on the desk and got out yesterday’s review worksheet, but paused when she saw everyone else with their binder’s on the ground. There were large microscopes on the table groups in front of them, and assignment sheets at every desk; surprise lab day.

“As you all know,” The teacher announced, “This unit we have been focusing on plant reproduction. Instead of reviewing the test like we always do, I decided to give you guys a hands-on break to poke around with the systems, and find out how plants reproduce on your own.”

There were murmurs of excitement and wonder, Sandra looked over to see Tali’s intrigued face; her green eyes almost glittered. Sandra herself wasn’t that amused or exited, partly because of her large nose was already twitching. She wasn’t in the mood for embarrassment.

‘First dust, and now this?’ She thought to herself and sighed. If there was one thing Sandra desperately needed to learn, it was stifling; she got quite messy with pollen, and could already anticipate the surprise and shock of some of her classmates. She glanced up, Michel was there with his classic Australian smug face.

“Looks like hurricane Sandra is looping back for round two~” he coed under his breath, crystal blue eyes sharp with playfulness. Sandra returned his glare, laced with annoyance.

“Don’t forget we’re in the same boat here.” She whispered back as the flowers were passed out. They were a deep orange, black stripes running along them. Long petals and weird yellow things that Sandra didn’t know the name of—all she knew was that it was the part to keep her quivering nostrils away from.

The class was divided into table groups, three at each table. Tali stood in the middle, shifting her glasses and reading over the assignment.

“Oh, so it’s a simple removal, and then we look at the cells up close. We need to remove the stigma first, using an incision here.” Tali adjusts her glasses yet again, pointing to a long, white, tube-like area of the flower with her tweezers. 

“Ladies first,” Michael snickered. Sandra elbowed him, pushing him up to the flower. He must have had himself under control at a far distance, because when he came close his little nose flared a peachy red. Sandra pressed her hand to her mouth, laughing at his internal struggle. She laughed even more at Tali’s embarrassment when she realized the scenario that was beginning. Her cheeks brightened and the flower trembled in her hands.

“O-oh! Are you allergic?” Her eyes had this tingle of concern and embarrassment that Sandra couldn’t tear her own eyes away from. Michel sniffled, eyes beginning to water slightly.

“ ‘ts fine, just a little bit. I got this.” He responded in a nonchalant matter, throwing a glance at Sandra. She smirked, grinning.

“Go on then, remove away!”

Michel swallowed, pressing the scissors up to the tube. He made the cut, using the tweezers to remove it from the flower as a whole. His nose was flustered red, he had to blink back allergic tears. As he placed the stigma under the microscope, his breath finally gave way. He hitched, fluttering his eyes shut, and drew in a sharp gasp.

“Heeshu! Heettshu! Hieeeshu! Hat-hat…Heeeeshu!” Michel turned around, burying his face in his arm. His sneezes matched his nose, quiet and small. She was pretty sure they weren’t even stifled, just…quiet. He sniffled wetly, and constantly to try and suppress his runny nose. “Pardon me. Snfffrk. Like I said, I got this.”

“You should have told me, I wouldn’t have made you do it!” Tali replied. Sandra could easily detect Tali’s fake confidence in her voice, her bright pink cheeks said it all. She turned to Sandra, who’s heart fluttered when they made eye contact.

“We have to be careful with the next part; we need to remove the anthers and view them under the microscope.” She handed Sandra the scissors.

“Ha! Look who gets the pollen part!” Michel chuckled, before blowing his nose wetly. Sandra glanced over at the diagram; indeed, the anthers were the skinny yellow tubes with the pollen things on the end. Sandra sniffled hard, rubbing her trembling nostrils with the back of her hand. She opened the scissors around the tube, Tali’s tweezers ready to remove it. By the time she made the cut, she realized her face was all too close to the flower when Tali pulled the anther up; the tip of it bopped her right under her left nostril, Sandra recoiled quickly, but all too late.

Her nostrils flared, allergic tears escaped from the corners of her eyes. Tali stood back, both concerned and amazed. She knew the bell couldn’t save her the time, the period had only started. Nonetheless, she tried to hold back. She fanned her face, sniffling and snorting quietly. She strained to try and keep her hitching silent, making an attempt to draw as little attention as possible.

“gonna…gonna sneeze…..oh god….gonna sneeze…” Sandra warned under her hitching breath. She placed a finger under her quivering nostrils, shifting her hand to squeeze them shut. She tried massaging and rubbing it in circles, but the squishy appendage was unstoppable at this point. She was going to blow.

Suddenly, Tali pulled the handkerchief out of Sandra’s pocket, pressing it to her face. She worked her fingers in a pattern that seemed to tame the storm on her face. Her body pitched forward anyway, sneezing directly into the handkerchief.

TCCHOO! Hah-IITCHOO!” Her nose rang, but muffled by the handkerchief and Tali’s hand pressed to it. It was still loud, but not as loud or stretched out as the sneezes from passing period. It did cause a few ‘bless yous’ from other students, as well as some giggles and snickers that passed. Tali quickly played it off by pretending to drop her glasses, handing the handkerchief to Sandra to hold on her own. Michel glanced between the two, eyebrows scrunched.

“How did you tame the beast?? The all mighty hurricane Sandra??”

Sandra saw Tali’s overwhelming embarrassment, she giggled to herself. “Don’t question it, just accept it for what it is!” She stated, nasally voice that had dropped a solid octave.

The rest of the lab went fairly smoothly, they got the information that they needed for any future tests or quizzes. Sandra didn’t notice this as she was packing up, because they were so quiet; Michel was in a sneezing fit. He must have been holding them back until the time when they got to pack up their materials, but Sandra was amazed.

“Heeshu! Hisshew! Heetshuu! Asstchu! Hirrshew! heh-Hesshu! hih-Haaashu!

The tiny fit continued into the bell ringing, the three of them filed out first, Michel had a tissue to his face. They walked down the hall and up two flights of stairs, and begun heading down the last hall to the band room.

“You alright Michel?” Tali asked, cheeks a bit red.

“Bloody pollen, I tell ya….Heeshu! snf. I sound like a girl…”

“And I’m glad that you came to that conclusion before I did,” Sandra laughed loudly. Tali chuckled, pushing her glasses up.

“Well, luckily, sneezing is not that embarrassing.” Michel said before blowing his little appendage.

“Speak for yourself…..” She muttered, rubbing her giant nose.

They all entered, Preston and Ross already waiting for them inside. Surprisingly, the five of them all played percussion; that’s how they met, anyway. Ross almost always claimed the timpani, Preston and Sandra worked snare. Tali was in love with any mallet instrument—Glockenspiel, Marimba, Xylophone, Chimes, you name it. Michael, who was yet in another fit of tiny sneezes, liked the odd percussion instruments—the triangle, the wood blocks, the cymbals; some of the instruments Sandra didn’t even know the name of. Like she thought, Band went on as a relaxing and fun period, a time for her to forget her worries and immerse herself in music.

It was truly amazing, candy to her ears, to hear everyone in harmony. She was almost sad when the bell rang, feeling worse remembering what period was next.

“Ugh, reading.” Sandra groaned.

“I have math,” Michel commented,

“Science,” Ross sighed.

“That leaves the two of us with you” Tali finished off.

“Alright!” Preston shouted like some leader, “RPMTS out! Meet up next period.”

They all exchanged murmurs of agreement, before breaking up and going their separate ways.

Today’s gonna be a sneezy day…Was the only thing flowing in her head. Nonetheless, she smiled.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update! So sorry I kind of died for a few weeks! A lot of stuff went on in my life and I just never had the time to sit down and write. As a bit of an apologetic gift, expect two parts to come out for this story quite soon, and another for the giant story!:D

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Glad you're back.  It's been a busy time of year and a little slow on the forum too, but I think now that the holidays are over, we will see more activity.  Plus it's flu and cold season.  That can't hurt, right?

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That's right. :D As promised, here are parts 5 and 6! (Bit of a mess warning?)



“Are you positive you’re gonna be fine?” Tali pushed her glasses up further on the bridge of her little freckled nose. Sandra simply shrugged, but her blushing face told a different story. They were standing in front of the huge, wooden library doors, Tali hesitant to even open them.

“It’s the library. There’s bound to be dust. There’s no way around it, I guess.” She used her ring finger to push her blonde hair behind her ear. She looked up to Tali’s red face, flashing her a reassuring smile. “This is the last period before lunch. Don’t you worry.”

Sandra placed a hand on Tali’s shoulder, about to say something even sweeter, but quickly removed it and whipped around to Preston zooming around the corner, backpack dangling from his shoulder. He slips in between the two, shoving the double doors open; this resulted in a wave of warm air and dust that enveloped the two. Sandra drew in a gasp, quickly pressing two fingers under her nostrils. Dust really did have no boundaries; she ended up having to flutter her eyes shut, gritting her teeth in a huge attempt not to sneeze.

She seemed to have it under control until they walked inside; Her nose quivered under her fingers, she massaged it with her hand. It was no where near Tali’s magical technique, but it kept her under for a good few minutes as she placed her backpack down and took a seat.


Sandra sniffled thickly, before blowing her nose as softly as she could. She stuck out like a sore thumb, feeling like a gross allergic mess. She couldn’t help lifting her chin either, all too close to the edge. Tali peered up from her book, fear immediately striking her face at the sight of Sandra fanning her pinkish nose. She banked over the table, leaning on her tip-toes in a silent pounce, pressing her right fist to the table as her left hand sniped under her flaring nostrils. Sandra gave a few muffled whimpers, tears spilling from her eyes. Never in her life had she been teetering this close to a sneeze, but something about how Tali worked her fingers around the rims of her nostrils seemed to calm it. Her mouth hung half-open, eyebrows scrunched.

At last, she let out a sigh, plopping her chin on the novel she was reading. Tali sighed as well, nose wrinkling when she went to mimic Sandra’s action. Sandra looked forward at her, seeing her sniffle slightly; It’s as if the sneeze had transferred to the poor girl. She placed her hand on her face, hitching silently, trying not to hitch through her mouth; of course, that was nearly impossible, so she she slipped a few desperate breaths.

“h-hih……hih! Nngxt’! Ngxt’k! hh-Nxxgt! Ngxt-tchew…” she pressed her finger under her nose, releasing four near-silent stifles. Sandra rubbed her own ticklish nose in awe.

“How do you even do that? I need to learn…” Sandra comments under her slowly hitching breath. Tali blushes, pushing her glasses back up.

“I-it’s just something I taught myself,” Tali whispered back. “I’m really sensitive, even though I have little allergies…I-I guess I kind of had to learn it…”

Sandra had a blush-inducing thought; having Tali pinned down, Sandra towering over her with a feather, working it around the rims of her small, freckled nostrils, and dragging out tiny sneezes as she giggled. Sandra smiled, eyes losing some focus as she was immersed in the thought…

She quickly shook her head from the gooey vision as Preston strolled over, slamming down a math textbook; they both jumped, a few shushes emerged from the library. 

“You finished your report?” Tali asked Preston, unaware of the tickle starting to fester in Sandra’s great nose.

“Psh. I did that Tuesday,” Preston smirked, flipping it open. This caused even more dust to swirl and gather around her flaring appendage. Her nose twitched, causing her to lift her head up and recoil back. She fanned her face, only seeming to build the tickle; something told her that this one wasn’t going to last that long before—


Her horrible attempts of stifles exploded, causing a ton of spray and mucus in her arm. A few heads shot up throughout the grand library, some with wide eyes of awe.

Sandra was hesitant to look up, meeting Tali’s eyes. Her glasses were tilted, probably from looking up so fast. Her green eyes were of concern and slight pleasure, mostly embarrassment. Preston snorted laughing, trying to suppress his noise with its hands.

“¡Salud! ¡eso fue ruidoso!” Preston laughed out loud, clenching his stomach.

“Wadz thad somb Mexican insuldt?” Sandra growled back, voice thick with congestion. This caused his laughter to evolve into gales. Tali chuckled too, having taken Spanish for two years.

“I-It means ‘Bless you, that was loud.’” She stated, blush slightly going redder. Sandra sighed, relieved that the tickle had now backed off enough for her to get her bearings. She chuckled back at the blush on her own face.


The period had come and left as quick as she had wanted, and before they knew it, the whole squad was met at the lunch table; Ross was banging out a beat with his fists and pencils, Sandra and Preston—being snare players— quickly joined in. Michel rolled his eyes, tissue still grasped over his nose. Tali opened her packed lunch next to him.

“You don’t know how sorry I am, Michel. Really. I should’ve known you—” Michel held up his hand, stopping her. He blew his nose lightly, before tossing it in the trash. His nose was a peachy pink, running slightly. It complimented his bloodshot eyes, which don’t look all too pleasant with a bright blue eye color. He sniffled, groaning as he dug trough his pockets.

“First of all, snrrk. It’s ndot your fauldt.” He took a second to search through his pockets, sniffling becoming quicker and more desperate. “S-secondly…….do…….d-do…y-yehhh….t-tissue…..I-I! Heeshu! Hisshew! Heetshuu! Asstchu!” His nostrils twitched before launching into a tiny fit, high-pitched and soft for a guy.

“R-Right.” She takes out a packet of tissues from her backpack, blushing. Sandra caught this, and once their eyes met, She blushed as well.

Michel’s tiny fit went on and on, the boys laughed and made girly remarks at him. He laughed as well—as much as he could before sneezing again, that is.

“You know what mate?” Michel threw on his native Australian Accent, even cuter being all stuffed up. “I’d rather keep my girly sneezes than have to d-deal…….with-Heetshuu! ….with Sandra’s problem.”

“¡¿Qué quieres decir?! Every man knows that big sneezes are more attractive,” Preston protested.

“Says who? Small sneezes can be attractive too,” Sandra shoots back. She eyes Tali without the other’s noticing; she buries her face, knowing what Sandra meant. Sandra simply joined the laughter.




The basketball net swished, Tali scored yet another 3 points against Ross. She was training for her game next week, and Ross was a good competitor. Sandra was perched on the bleachers, big nose resting in a book. Michel and Preston were further down, playing a card game. Being in the Athletics dome was nice; No one usually came in at this time of the day. Sandra glanced up from her book, a smile instantly forming.

Tali was a whole different person on the court. All of her hair was taught tightly in the back, and her feet worked magic; what she didn’t have in strength, she made up with amazing speed and agility—Ross wouldn’t be able to catch her if he tried. The way Sandra could see the competitive fire in her eyes was enough to make her heart explode; it was rare to have such a talented person in the Arts, Academics, and the Athletics. It made her so grateful to have her as a more-than-best-friend.

The bell rang, The five of them took the outside route to the main building.

“You seem ready for the game,” Ross’s deep voice catches Tali off guard.

“Hmm? Oh yeah! It’s against the Eastside Roadrunners, no big deal.” She flashed a huge grin, and Sandra was enveloped in awe. Ross smiled back, laughing. His dark-chocolate skin reflected the sunlight, giving life to his hazel eyes. Ross may have a deep, intimidating voice, but he was one of the softest boys of the squad. Though being the tallest by far, he loved to draw, and act, playing a big role in this season’s play. Ross turned around to the sound of panting; Michel was running to catch up, a handkerchief over his face. Ross’s eyes flourished with concern.

“Why didn’t you take the inside route?” He tilted his head.

“I got caught in a……..b-bloody…..Asstchu!Heeshu! ………h-hah-Hisshew!..I got caught in a bloody sneezing fit, I wasn’t about to get glares from the chicks in there.”

Sandra laughed. “Sneezing’s not embarrassing, he says,”

“Not unless your bloody crush catches you! No way!”

Tali turned her head at this, making eye contact with Sandra for a second. She blushes before turning around again.

“Again,” Sandra stated, “Speak for yourself.”

“Ooooooh~” Preston cooed. “Sandra’s gotta cruuuuush~”

“Spill. Now.” Ross smirked.

“Is it me?~” Michel beamed.

“What? No!” Sandra practically snapped at him.

“Is the guy in the squad?” Preston quizzed her. She hesitated, slipping a bit of a stammer. Preston smiled, “That’s a sí. 

The boys smirked, glancing at one another.

“Which one of us good-lookins’ is it?!” Preston pushed. Sandra finally slipped a piece of info that made the situation obvious.

“Who said it was a guy?” Sandra trailed off near the end, but it was all too late now. All eyes went to poor little Tali, her face as red as a rose. Tali’s eyes found the ground, fixing her glasses. Michel broke the silence with an ‘Awwwww!’.

“Oh! I can totally see that!” Ross laughed. Tali buried her face in embarrassment.

“This is beyond cute” Preston caught a tiny blush forming on Sandra’s cheeks, and he cooed. 

The group made it inside the main building, they all stood in a small circle. Kids were passing by left and right, making it almost a havoc to pass conversation.

“I got big game Sunday,” Ross nodded to the group, “see if you guys might come.”

“I’ll be tdere, snrrrrk.” Michel’s nasally voice hummed.

“You know it amigo.” Preston added.

“Of course, wouldn’t miss it!” Tali fixed her glasses again, nodding.

“Yep! Tali, meet me in the front at the end of the day, mk?” The boys all smirked at this, Tali blushed madly.

“Y-Yeah……” Tali finally smiled under her breath.

Sanda had never blushed so hard in her life; quite frankly, she loved it.


Sorry It was so short! I hope to be back on schedule with longer stories as soon as I can! Thanks for holding on!

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1 minute ago, Dylanthedynamic said:

Yes please continue! Tali is my favorite character and it'd be cool to see her sneeze more, but that's just me.

Oh, side note, maybe Tali can teach Sandra how to stifle perhaps with an inducing session? ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow. I have been DEAD. I decided to make it up through a new part, which feels like one of my longest and best yet! So sit back, get comfy, and.........yeah.....enjoy!



Sandra led the way after the bell rang, across the crosswalk and along the sidewalk that trails to the neighborhood in the distance. It was a bright afternoon, the skies were clear, the sun blazed a warm glow, yet the breeze was cool; a perfect spring day. Tali was only slightly behind, a grin spread evenly across her face. They were both talking about the oncoming school play, like the drama nerds they were.

“I’m definitely going for the lead part!” Sandra beamed. Her short hair bounced with every upbeat step.

“The waitress sounds cool, I think I might audition for her,” Tali gripped the reins of her backpack, a blush tinted in her freckled cheeks.

“I’m sure you’ll be able to get the part!” Sandra had begun walking backward to face her, now catching a slight, confusing flicker in Tali’s eyes. She slowed down a little bit, fixing her glasses. Her nose crinkled, and she tended to it with a light scrub, using the back of her hand under her vaguely pink nostrils. “Feeling itchy?”

“N-not sure…..hh-hhhh……..” Tali’s eyes suddenly fluttered, eyebrows screwing up. She sucked in a few hitches, chest tightening.

Hehhhhhh………h-hihhhhhhhh……….heehhhhhh! Heh!” She gritted her teeth at the last second, shoving a finger under her nose. Her finger bent at a joint under her nose, but it was too late.

“Hit’xxxxxxxtchew! Hiegxxngt! Ngxmp’chhh….nugh….scuse be….” Tali looked up to meet Sandra’s eyes, cheeks going hot with a crimson blush. She sniffled, scrubbing her nose with her arm. “Sorry, there’s always something over here that makes me sneeze….” She averted her eyes.

Sandra’s earlier mental note hit her mind suddenly. Her eyes light up, and she stops walking.

“Hey, I think I left something in the library…” Sandra fibbed. Tali tilted her head.

“Oh? Do you want me to—”

“Actually,” Sandra reached into her pocket, pulling out a piece of yarn attached to a house key. “Go ahead of me. Just unlock the door and pick a movie, ok? I’ll catch up.”

Tali glanced down at the key before taking it in her hand. “O-ok! Don’t be mad if I pick Detective Rain and the Dark Caverns!” She announced over her shoulder as she began jogging. Sandra chuckled at her giddy friend, watching as she turned a corner. 

The second she did, Sandra dived into the bushes. She raked her way through the leaves, until coming across something odd. It was a tall, thin plant, dotted with yellow at the top. It reeked of a strange odor, though to Sandra it was distinguishable: Goldenrod.

As if it were a Black Friday sale, Sandra frantically snatched up the plants and shoved them in an empty compartment of her backpack. She couldn’t help the smile on her face as she stepped out of the bushes, beginning a slow walk to her own house.

Mental note complete: check.


Sandra opened the door, to be greeted by Tali on the edge of the couch, knees tucked up to her chest. Her nose was red and chapped, and she was locked eyes with the little monster scratching at the couch.

“Aww, he’s s-so…….TshhhhyEW! Itssshhhh!……so c-cute!” Tali covered her twitching nose with a tissue, pitching forward with two quiet sneezes. Cookie was mewing, extending his voice over a long period of time while he struggled to scale the mountain of a couch.

Sandra was swift to scoop the little scruff of fur up, he mewed in protest. “Oh geez! I’m so sorry Tali! I completely forgot about this little guy!”

“O-oh, it’s……ihhhhhh………Tchng’xt! Nxg’mph!……it’s alright. He’s s-so………so…..snf…so cute! How old is he?”

“Just three weeks! Cookie’s a trooper, though. He loves to get into trouble.” 

Tali nods curtly, blowing her nose lightly on a tissue. Her face suddenly goes blank, eyes fluttering. She lifts her chin, quickly snatching her glasses off her face before doubling over.
HAAaaiishhh! Nnngxt! gxt’shhhhh…” Tali sniffles, blushing a bit as she placed her glasses back on her face. “Sorry. That came out of nowhere…”

“How are you able to do that so easily?” Sandra stated up front.Tali adjusts her glasses, moving her hair from her face.

“Do wh-hhh……….gxxt’mpch….Sorry. snf. Do what exactly?”

Sandra pointed to Tali when she stifled. “That! You saw my sorry attempt for a stifle at the library, you know what I mean!” Sandra placed her hand on her hip, Cookie mewing in her other hand. Tali gently knuckled her soft, pink nose, which was warm from irritation. 

“Oh I d-don’t know…..it’s kind of like holding your breath, yet letting the sneeze out at the beginning?……No, that’s not a great way to describe—”

Sandra stops her by holding a finger up. She throws her backpack next to Tali on the couch, before sitting down herself. She let's Cookie continue his grand adventure on the floor. “How about you just teach me?”

Tali’s face wen’t beet red at the question. She glanced at Cookie, who was now playing with the string of Sandra’s backpack. Her eyes meet Sandra’s again, sucking in a deep breath. “A-alright. I’ll need something that can induce a sneeze though…Hold on.” She looks through her own backpack until pulling out a long, brown, fluffy feather. Her blush deepens, especially when looking back at Sandra.

“Ohh, is it real?” Sandra tilts her head.

“I’m pretty sure it isn’t, it was from photography class….should….should we use it?”

“Heck yeah we should!” She beams, follow by an under-breath remark, “Geez, you seem exited to induce some sneezes out of me~”

“Sandra!” Tali’s eyes quickly find the floor, a crimson tint on her cheeks glowing. Sandra laughs, sitting up straight to face her. 

“Alright, tickle away.”

Tali tapped the tip of the feather right under Sandra’s spectrum, tickling the very bottom edge of her nose. Her breath instantly hitches in protest, eyelids slamming shut.

hh-hhh! h-T-Tali! Ehhh I’m gonna…..h-hh…”

“Visualize you’re at an assembly for a very important cause. Everyone is quiet while the speaker is talking, but your nose itches so much…you know you can’t hold it much more, the tickle is way too strong. You try everything: pinching and rubbing, or placing a finger under your nose, but nothing works.”

hhHHEH! T-TALI I C-CAN’T!” Sandra practically screams out, grabbing Tali’s wrist frantically with both her hands and moving the feather away. She draws in a huge gasp, eyebrows scrunching down and bringing her elbow to her face.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAGSHOOOH! EEEEEEETCHOOOOOOOO!…….h-hohhh god…snrrk…that was satisfying….” Sandra sighed in relief, still surprised by an amazing tickle that flustered her nostrils only seconds before.

“Sorry, did I overshoot it?” Tali giggled quietly.

“You talking about my nose tickling while tickling my nose did it. I think everyone at the assembly would be staring at me already.” They both laugh at the remark. Tali brings the feather back up, and Sandra allows her to gently venture into one of her nostrils. “h-hhhhh….c-careful….”

“Alright. Where was I? You feel on the edge of a sneeze, like it can’t wait much longer. you—”

“HHgstchAAAaaah!” She pitched forward, barely catching the sneeze in her hand. It had came out of nowhere, and Tali jumped as the feather stood halfway out Sandra’s nostril. Sandra’s eyes were squeezed shut, tears of itchiness running from them. “d-dohh…..t-tickle!”

“Don’t sniffle!” Tali warned, seeing the nostril with the feather twitching violently.


The feather shot out of her nose upon the first sneeze, but she still pitched with each one. The last two seemed to be more contained, almost like Sandra’s new version of a stifle. She looked to Tali in amazement, and Tali shared her pride.

“I definitely heard a stifle on the last two! I told you it wasn’t that hard!”

“You didn’t say anything about difficulty, Tali!” Sandra giggled, getting an idea. She focused into Tali’s eyes, a smile across her face. “How about we play a game?”

Tali rubbed her nose, glancing at Cookie tangled up in some string. “What did you have in mind?”

Sandra digs into her backpack, retrieving the two long plants. Tali’s nose instantly tints an itchy pink, crinkling in protest.

“Don’t s-sneeze yet…..do you have any feathers left?” Sandra manages to say, her own nose growing sensitive to the goldenrod.

“Two.” She pulls them out, “What for?”

“Let’s have a challenge. We put some of this pollen on the feathers, and tickle each other. The last one to get to ten wins.”

Tali blushed, looking into Sandra’s eyes. “I’m not allergic to pollen or feathers; you’re allergic to both! This seems out of balance.”

“Yeah? Well this was the plant at that one spot on the way back from school. This is what was causing you to sneeze back there,” Sandra makes a good point. “Plus, you said it yourself—you have a sensitive nose. I’m pretty good at tickling too. I’d say we’re on even ground.”

“Then you have a challenge. Last to ten.” Tali brushes both feathers on the plant, handing Sandra one. Once received, Sandra instantly snipes the feather under Tali’s nostrils. Her nose runs almost immediately, and she has to force her eyelids shut. She squeezes out allergic tears, drawing in a gasp. She pitches forward, turning her head from Sandra at the last moment.

“Hiingt’cmph-sheww! Hihhh…..h-hh…..” Tali fans her face, feeling a second sneeze slowly building on her without Sandra even tickling her. She pinches her pointer and thumb over her nostrils, massaging them; it only seemed to make the tickle worse, and she sucked in a few desperate hitches.

H-hh! Hhhhihhhhh! Aagm’txch!” She bends slightly this time, nose twitching like crazy. She sighs, sniffling gingerly and rubbing her pinkish nose with her finger. “T-tuhhh…two already? Your turn…”

Sandra only has enough time to snatch a few giggles before a feather makes it way to the rims of her nostril. It wriggles, Sandra can feel it buzzing along her nasal walls, springing up ticklish warnings to her large, flaring appendage. She grits her teeth and allows her chin to raise, but chuckles.

“Y-you…..heehhhhhh…..you underestimate m-my p-power to h-huhhhhh…..hold……b-back…..”

Tali’s eyes are challenging. It’s almost similar to her playing on the basketball court— this was a whole different challenge, on the other hand; her eyes were passionate, and cleverness loomed within.

“Oh geez Sandra,” she says, sounding seductively sympathetic, “You look like you’re gonna sneeze there. Is your nose tickling? I can see your nostrils twitching so much…..I can’t help but feel sorry for your poor nose. It really looks like it can use a good sneeze right about now…why are you denying it? You know it’s coming: that itchy feeling that slowly builds in the back of of your nose, just so hungry for some relief. Why don’t I help you out there?” 

“W-whehhhhhhh…..wow T-Tali….y-you’re really in f-for this challenge……..” Sandra’s nose trembles, viciously close to a fit for sure. Tali knew Sandra at this point, she was a fast learner to pick up that psychological phrases always got her. Even if Sandra didn’t have to sneeze at all, a spiel as grand as that would surely build a tickle in her nose. That being said, Sandra’s nose was absolutely furious with a starving tickle.

Ehh! N-need t-to……” Sandra trailed off, swallowed by breathy hitches as she struggled against the urge. Her eyes squeezed shut, and a few drops of mucus slide own her lip.

“What was that?” Tali used her free hand and teasingly cupped it around her ear, as if she didn’t hear.

“I-I deed tuh……ehhhh….I deed tuh sdeeze!” Sandra answers Tali, a blush fizzed on her cheeks and her red nose going redder. Her voice was altered from being congested, and the tickle had just gone all too far. Tali removed the feather, letting the little yellow dots in her nose finish the job.

ehhhh……….IHHHHHHHH! HAH! HASHOOOOOOH!” Sandra exploded, pitching forward into her arm. She yanked her chin up in the air again, sucking in another huge gasp with a crinkling nostril.

“Well there’s one,” Tali teased.


“Make that two.”

Sandra couldn’t take it; the itchiness f the feather suddenly leaving, allowing the pollen to gnaw on her nasal walls aggressively. She frantically fanned her face, tears sliding down her cheeks. Her nose crumpled along what was usually a smooth slope along the bridge of her nose, a surefire sign of an incoming fit.


Sandra lost more control with each sneeze, praying that with each gasp in between would follow with her last sneeze. At seven, her wish was granted, leaving her nose itchy and still on edge. She sniffled constantly, denying the final after-fit sneeze that almost always came. She was already at nine, and didn’t want to just blow out in one go. Tali scoots close to Sandra, pressing her side up to her. The roles have practically switched, Sandra’s desperate pre-sneeze face going crimson with a blush.

“S-stuck……….” Sandra merely whimpers, sniffling thickly with her hand hovering.

“Well Sandra,” Tali says in a matter-of-fact tone, “If you give in to this last sneeze, you’ll loose. But I could help you out of getting stuck, with a bit of Tali-magic~”

‘Tali magic.’ What was she talking about?! Sandra honestly didn’t care. She didn’t care about the challenge anymore, either. All she really wanted to do was get this last sneeze out; it was abusing her poor, not-so-little nose, and her red, flaring nostrils.

“So is that a yes?” Tali cooed into her ear, practically whispering. Sandra’s response was to nod her head as frantically and desperately as she could, until Tali giggled. She pressed her hand down on Sandra’s shoulder, moving herself up. She bended over, performing the unthinkable.

Tali kissed Sandra.

She kissed her.

Right on the tip of her nose, too.

It was enough of a push to cause Sandra’s nose to crinkle, panting a few last hitches. She gritted her teeth and slammed her tongue to the roof of her mouth, pithing forward only by a few inches

Extchgk!…heh.” This sneeze came from Sandra, shockingly. It was a tiny stifle, and nothing more, not even spraying Tali’s face. Tali looked impressed at the sheer minuscule amount of volume that came from it, despite her usually gargantuan nature. 

“And ten. Bless you Sandra.” Tali said, a blush clear on her face. She ripped two tissues from a nearby box, pressing them to Sandra’s large nose. Sandra blew her nose, not to her usual extreme extent to rid all the mucus, but enough to satisfy Tali. She throws it away and presses ‘play’ on the remote, continuing where she left off in the movie. She is right up against her best friend’s side, practically cuddling her on the couch.

Sandra scoops the little kitten, Cookie, up from the floor, holding him close to her chest as he purrs.

“Oh yeah,” Tali says softly, cheek resting on Sandra’s arm. “About……the question you asked a month ago…”

Sandra can feel herself sweating. That was when Sandra asked Tali to be her girlfriend, after school one day, out in the courtyard. She remembered how terrified Tali was, to the point where she ran from her and never talked for a week straight.

Sandra’s heart thudded in her chest, and visible beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She had never received an answer that day.

“I’m tired of running away…..I’m ready now……so…..yes.” Tali barely whimpered, squeezing Sandra.

Sandra’s at a loss for words. She can’t put words with emotions that tangle in a cluttered mess. Therefore, it all comes out in the form of one tear that slides down her left cheek. Tali wipes it with her thumb.

“…….th-thanks……….babe….” Sandra says with a watery voice.

“……No problem sweetie,” Tali replies, moving her hand down to stroke Cookie.

This day was officially marked the greatest day of her life yet.


The adventure of Tali, Sandra, and little Cookie is open! By that, I mean that I am open for request regarding the characters, and little scenarios they can do! So that being said, don't ever be afraid to comment an idea for a new scenario! Have a great day!

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On 2/11/2018 at 8:43 PM, Queen of Spaids (or Kita) said:

Wow. I have been DEAD. I decided to make it up through a new part, which feels like one of my longest and best yet! So sit back, get comfy, and.........yeah.....enjoy!



Sandra led the way after the bell rang, across the crosswalk and along the sidewalk that trails to the neighborhood in the distance. It was a bright afternoon, the skies were clear, the sun blazed a warm glow, yet the breeze was cool; a perfect spring day. Tali was only slightly behind, a grin spread evenly across her face. They were both talking about the oncoming school play, like the drama nerds they were.

“I’m definitely going for the lead part!” Sandra beamed. Her short hair bounced with every upbeat step.

“The waitress sounds cool, I think I might audition for her,” Tali gripped the reins of her backpack, a blush tinted in her freckled cheeks.

“I’m sure you’ll be able to get the part!” Sandra had begun walking backward to face her, now catching a slight, confusing flicker in Tali’s eyes. She slowed down a little bit, fixing her glasses. Her nose crinkled, and she tended to it with a light scrub, using the back of her hand under her vaguely pink nostrils. “Feeling itchy?”

“N-not sure…..hh-hhhh……..” Tali’s eyes suddenly fluttered, eyebrows screwing up. She sucked in a few hitches, chest tightening.

Hehhhhhh………h-hihhhhhhhh……….heehhhhhh! Heh!” She gritted her teeth at the last second, shoving a finger under her nose. Her finger bent at a joint under her nose, but it was too late.

“Hit’xxxxxxxtchew! Hiegxxngt! Ngxmp’chhh….nugh….scuse be….” Tali looked up to meet Sandra’s eyes, cheeks going hot with a crimson blush. She sniffled, scrubbing her nose with her arm. “Sorry, there’s always something over here that makes me sneeze….” She averted her eyes.

Sandra’s earlier mental note hit her mind suddenly. Her eyes light up, and she stops walking.

“Hey, I think I left something in the library…” Sandra fibbed. Tali tilted her head.

“Oh? Do you want me to—”

“Actually,” Sandra reached into her pocket, pulling out a piece of yarn attached to a house key. “Go ahead of me. Just unlock the door and pick a movie, ok? I’ll catch up.”

Tali glanced down at the key before taking it in her hand. “O-ok! Don’t be mad if I pick Detective Rain and the Dark Caverns!” She announced over her shoulder as she began jogging. Sandra chuckled at her giddy friend, watching as she turned a corner. 

The second she did, Sandra dived into the bushes. She raked her way through the leaves, until coming across something odd. It was a tall, thin plant, dotted with yellow at the top. It reeked of a strange odor, though to Sandra it was distinguishable: Goldenrod.

As if it were a Black Friday sale, Sandra frantically snatched up the plants and shoved them in an empty compartment of her backpack. She couldn’t help the smile on her face as she stepped out of the bushes, beginning a slow walk to her own house.

Mental note complete: check.


Sandra opened the door, to be greeted by Tali on the edge of the couch, knees tucked up to her chest. Her nose was red and chapped, and she was locked eyes with the little monster scratching at the couch.

“Aww, he’s s-so…….TshhhhyEW! Itssshhhh!……so c-cute!” Tali covered her twitching nose with a tissue, pitching forward with two quiet sneezes. Cookie was mewing, extending his voice over a long period of time while he struggled to scale the mountain of a couch.

Sandra was swift to scoop the little scruff of fur up, he mewed in protest. “Oh geez! I’m so sorry Tali! I completely forgot about this little guy!”

“O-oh, it’s……ihhhhhh………Tchng’xt! Nxg’mph!……it’s alright. He’s s-so………so…..snf…so cute! How old is he?”

“Just three weeks! Cookie’s a trooper, though. He loves to get into trouble.” 

Tali nods curtly, blowing her nose lightly on a tissue. Her face suddenly goes blank, eyes fluttering. She lifts her chin, quickly snatching her glasses off her face before doubling over.
HAAaaiishhh! Nnngxt! gxt’shhhhh…” Tali sniffles, blushing a bit as she placed her glasses back on her face. “Sorry. That came out of nowhere…”

“How are you able to do that so easily?” Sandra stated up front.Tali adjusts her glasses, moving her hair from her face.

“Do wh-hhh……….gxxt’mpch….Sorry. snf. Do what exactly?”

Sandra pointed to Tali when she stifled. “That! You saw my sorry attempt for a stifle at the library, you know what I mean!” Sandra placed her hand on her hip, Cookie mewing in her other hand. Tali gently knuckled her soft, pink nose, which was warm from irritation. 

“Oh I d-don’t know…..it’s kind of like holding your breath, yet letting the sneeze out at the beginning?……No, that’s not a great way to describe—”

Sandra stops her by holding a finger up. She throws her backpack next to Tali on the couch, before sitting down herself. She let's Cookie continue his grand adventure on the floor. “How about you just teach me?”

Tali’s face wen’t beet red at the question. She glanced at Cookie, who was now playing with the string of Sandra’s backpack. Her eyes meet Sandra’s again, sucking in a deep breath. “A-alright. I’ll need something that can induce a sneeze though…Hold on.” She looks through her own backpack until pulling out a long, brown, fluffy feather. Her blush deepens, especially when looking back at Sandra.

“Ohh, is it real?” Sandra tilts her head.

“I’m pretty sure it isn’t, it was from photography class….should….should we use it?”

“Heck yeah we should!” She beams, follow by an under-breath remark, “Geez, you seem exited to induce some sneezes out of me~”

“Sandra!” Tali’s eyes quickly find the floor, a crimson tint on her cheeks glowing. Sandra laughs, sitting up straight to face her. 

“Alright, tickle away.”

Tali tapped the tip of the feather right under Sandra’s spectrum, tickling the very bottom edge of her nose. Her breath instantly hitches in protest, eyelids slamming shut.

hh-hhh! h-T-Tali! Ehhh I’m gonna…..h-hh…”

“Visualize you’re at an assembly for a very important cause. Everyone is quiet while the speaker is talking, but your nose itches so much…you know you can’t hold it much more, the tickle is way too strong. You try everything: pinching and rubbing, or placing a finger under your nose, but nothing works.”

hhHHEH! T-TALI I C-CAN’T!” Sandra practically screams out, grabbing Tali’s wrist frantically with both her hands and moving the feather away. She draws in a huge gasp, eyebrows scrunching down and bringing her elbow to her face.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAGSHOOOH! EEEEEEETCHOOOOOOOO!…….h-hohhh god…snrrk…that was satisfying….” Sandra sighed in relief, still surprised by an amazing tickle that flustered her nostrils only seconds before.

“Sorry, did I overshoot it?” Tali giggled quietly.

“You talking about my nose tickling while tickling my nose did it. I think everyone at the assembly would be staring at me already.” They both laugh at the remark. Tali brings the feather back up, and Sandra allows her to gently venture into one of her nostrils. “h-hhhhh….c-careful….”

“Alright. Where was I? You feel on the edge of a sneeze, like it can’t wait much longer. you—”

“HHgstchAAAaaah!” She pitched forward, barely catching the sneeze in her hand. It had came out of nowhere, and Tali jumped as the feather stood halfway out Sandra’s nostril. Sandra’s eyes were squeezed shut, tears of itchiness running from them. “d-dohh…..t-tickle!”

“Don’t sniffle!” Tali warned, seeing the nostril with the feather twitching violently.


The feather shot out of her nose upon the first sneeze, but she still pitched with each one. The last two seemed to be more contained, almost like Sandra’s new version of a stifle. She looked to Tali in amazement, and Tali shared her pride.

“I definitely heard a stifle on the last two! I told you it wasn’t that hard!”

“You didn’t say anything about difficulty, Tali!” Sandra giggled, getting an idea. She focused into Tali’s eyes, a smile across her face. “How about we play a game?”

Tali rubbed her nose, glancing at Cookie tangled up in some string. “What did you have in mind?”

Sandra digs into her backpack, retrieving the two long plants. Tali’s nose instantly tints an itchy pink, crinkling in protest.

“Don’t s-sneeze yet…..do you have any feathers left?” Sandra manages to say, her own nose growing sensitive to the goldenrod.

“Two.” She pulls them out, “What for?”

“Let’s have a challenge. We put some of this pollen on the feathers, and tickle each other. The last one to get to ten wins.”

Tali blushed, looking into Sandra’s eyes. “I’m not allergic to pollen or feathers; you’re allergic to both! This seems out of balance.”

“Yeah? Well this was the plant at that one spot on the way back from school. This is what was causing you to sneeze back there,” Sandra makes a good point. “Plus, you said it yourself—you have a sensitive nose. I’m pretty good at tickling too. I’d say we’re on even ground.”

“Then you have a challenge. Last to ten.” Tali brushes both feathers on the plant, handing Sandra one. Once received, Sandra instantly snipes the feather under Tali’s nostrils. Her nose runs almost immediately, and she has to force her eyelids shut. She squeezes out allergic tears, drawing in a gasp. She pitches forward, turning her head from Sandra at the last moment.

“Hiingt’cmph-sheww! Hihhh…..h-hh…..” Tali fans her face, feeling a second sneeze slowly building on her without Sandra even tickling her. She pinches her pointer and thumb over her nostrils, massaging them; it only seemed to make the tickle worse, and she sucked in a few desperate hitches.

H-hh! Hhhhihhhhh! Aagm’txch!” She bends slightly this time, nose twitching like crazy. She sighs, sniffling gingerly and rubbing her pinkish nose with her finger. “T-tuhhh…two already? Your turn…”

Sandra only has enough time to snatch a few giggles before a feather makes it way to the rims of her nostril. It wriggles, Sandra can feel it buzzing along her nasal walls, springing up ticklish warnings to her large, flaring appendage. She grits her teeth and allows her chin to raise, but chuckles.

“Y-you…..heehhhhhh…..you underestimate m-my p-power to h-huhhhhh…..hold……b-back…..”

Tali’s eyes are challenging. It’s almost similar to her playing on the basketball court— this was a whole different challenge, on the other hand; her eyes were passionate, and cleverness loomed within.

“Oh geez Sandra,” she says, sounding seductively sympathetic, “You look like you’re gonna sneeze there. Is your nose tickling? I can see your nostrils twitching so much…..I can’t help but feel sorry for your poor nose. It really looks like it can use a good sneeze right about now…why are you denying it? You know it’s coming: that itchy feeling that slowly builds in the back of of your nose, just so hungry for some relief. Why don’t I help you out there?” 

“W-whehhhhhhh…..wow T-Tali….y-you’re really in f-for this challenge……..” Sandra’s nose trembles, viciously close to a fit for sure. Tali knew Sandra at this point, she was a fast learner to pick up that psychological phrases always got her. Even if Sandra didn’t have to sneeze at all, a spiel as grand as that would surely build a tickle in her nose. That being said, Sandra’s nose was absolutely furious with a starving tickle.

Ehh! N-need t-to……” Sandra trailed off, swallowed by breathy hitches as she struggled against the urge. Her eyes squeezed shut, and a few drops of mucus slide own her lip.

“What was that?” Tali used her free hand and teasingly cupped it around her ear, as if she didn’t hear.

“I-I deed tuh……ehhhh….I deed tuh sdeeze!” Sandra answers Tali, a blush fizzed on her cheeks and her red nose going redder. Her voice was altered from being congested, and the tickle had just gone all too far. Tali removed the feather, letting the little yellow dots in her nose finish the job.

ehhhh……….IHHHHHHHH! HAH! HASHOOOOOOH!” Sandra exploded, pitching forward into her arm. She yanked her chin up in the air again, sucking in another huge gasp with a crinkling nostril.

“Well there’s one,” Tali teased.


“Make that two.”

Sandra couldn’t take it; the itchiness f the feather suddenly leaving, allowing the pollen to gnaw on her nasal walls aggressively. She frantically fanned her face, tears sliding down her cheeks. Her nose crumpled along what was usually a smooth slope along the bridge of her nose, a surefire sign of an incoming fit.


Sandra lost more control with each sneeze, praying that with each gasp in between would follow with her last sneeze. At seven, her wish was granted, leaving her nose itchy and still on edge. She sniffled constantly, denying the final after-fit sneeze that almost always came. She was already at nine, and didn’t want to just blow out in one go. Tali scoots close to Sandra, pressing her side up to her. The roles have practically switched, Sandra’s desperate pre-sneeze face going crimson with a blush.

“S-stuck……….” Sandra merely whimpers, sniffling thickly with her hand hovering.

“Well Sandra,” Tali says in a matter-of-fact tone, “If you give in to this last sneeze, you’ll loose. But I could help you out of getting stuck, with a bit of Tali-magic~”

‘Tali magic.’ What was she talking about?! Sandra honestly didn’t care. She didn’t care about the challenge anymore, either. All she really wanted to do was get this last sneeze out; it was abusing her poor, not-so-little nose, and her red, flaring nostrils.

“So is that a yes?” Tali cooed into her ear, practically whispering. Sandra’s response was to nod her head as frantically and desperately as she could, until Tali giggled. She pressed her hand down on Sandra’s shoulder, moving herself up. She bended over, performing the unthinkable.

Tali kissed Sandra.

She kissed her.

Right on the tip of her nose, too.

It was enough of a push to cause Sandra’s nose to crinkle, panting a few last hitches. She gritted her teeth and slammed her tongue to the roof of her mouth, pithing forward only by a few inches

Extchgk!…heh.” This sneeze came from Sandra, shockingly. It was a tiny stifle, and nothing more, not even spraying Tali’s face. Tali looked impressed at the sheer minuscule amount of volume that came from it, despite her usually gargantuan nature. 

“And ten. Bless you Sandra.” Tali said, a blush clear on her face. She ripped two tissues from a nearby box, pressing them to Sandra’s large nose. Sandra blew her nose, not to her usual extreme extent to rid all the mucus, but enough to satisfy Tali. She throws it away and presses ‘play’ on the remote, continuing where she left off in the movie. She is right up against her best friend’s side, practically cuddling her on the couch.

Sandra scoops the little kitten, Cookie, up from the floor, holding him close to her chest as he purrs.

“Oh yeah,” Tali says softly, cheek resting on Sandra’s arm. “About……the question you asked a month ago…”

Sandra can feel herself sweating. That was when Sandra asked Tali to be her girlfriend, after school one day, out in the courtyard. She remembered how terrified Tali was, to the point where she ran from her and never talked for a week straight.

Sandra’s heart thudded in her chest, and visible beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She had never received an answer that day.

“I’m tired of running away…..I’m ready now……so…..yes.” Tali barely whimpered, squeezing Sandra.

Sandra’s at a loss for words. She can’t put words with emotions that tangle in a cluttered mess. Therefore, it all comes out in the form of one tear that slides down her left cheek. Tali wipes it with her thumb.

“…….th-thanks……….babe….” Sandra says with a watery voice.

“……No problem sweetie,” Tali replies, moving her hand down to stroke Cookie.

This day was officially marked the greatest day of her life yet.


The adventure of Tali, Sandra, and little Cookie is open! By that, I mean that I am open for request regarding the characters, and little scenarios they can do! So that being said, don't ever be afraid to comment an idea for a new scenario! Have a great day!

Ooooh, open you say? *mischievious grin*

Maybe you could try to have Sandra tickle Tali's nose to the point where she can't stifle




Someone could tickle someone's nose, but at the last second they put a finger under the persons nose and maybe that could go on for a while.


All of this is up to you though! I don't want you to feel like you are obligated to do this for me, but I would be one happy camper!

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I should have said this ages ago when I first read it, but this is a fantastic story! You have a real talent, not just for putting words together but also for finding interesting scenarios to explore. If this is your first, I can't wait to see what else you come up with! :)

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