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Sneeze Fetish Forum

While sittting in my car


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I had to work for a couple hours this morning.  Because it was unseasonably warm outside, my nose felt a bit congested (I have allergies).  No sooner had I pulled into the work parking lot than I sensed a vague tickle.  While I didn't think such a faint tickle would blossom into a sneeze, my body had other ideas...I suddenly took a deep, involuntary breath and sneezed into my hand.  The sound was like "heh-chuhh!" with the second syllable quite high-pitched in a "feminine" way.  As most of my co-workers are blessers, I could virtually hear the "bless you's" I would have gotten had my sneeze occurred in the office.  Unfortunately, however, I have a mental block, so :nosad:.  That would never happen.


Edited by Luisa39
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Lucky it didn't come out while you were driving... might have been dangerous :scared: I do like it when a very faint tickle gradually gains strength and then becomes a full sneeze :D 

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4 minutes ago, NoV said:

Lucky it didn't come out while you were driving... might have been dangerous :scared: I do like it when a very faint tickle gradually gains strength and then becomes a full sneeze :D 

I'll tell you, my sneezes while driving are the only loud ones I ever sneeze.  I mean, just the thought of sneezing so loudly with others present for me is :blushsad:.

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Bless you! Sounds like it was a lovely sneeze, I would hate for it to go unblessed. I just had a fit (!) sitting in my driveway so I can sympathize, though I'm glad for my mental block.

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47 minutes ago, Anonymouse said:

Bless you! Sounds like it was a lovely sneeze, I would hate for it to go unblessed. I just had a fit (!) sitting in my driveway so I can sympathize, though I'm glad for my mental block.

Oh, thank you!:)  Bless you, too (many times, since you had a fit)!

Edited by Luisa39
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Hello Luisa,

Bless you :) don't worry about it too much.

 Perhaps if you are able to sneeze more often in public, it won't be a problem to overcome your mental block?

You shouldn't think about how loud or quite they sound, okay?

Nobody will judge you for your sneezing.

It's normal and maybe someday your co workers will bless you too? :) 

Good night and best wishes to you.

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1 hour ago, taléya** said:

Hello Luisa,

Bless you :) don't worry about it too much.

 Perhaps if you are able to sneeze more often in public, it won't be a problem to overcome your mental block?

You shouldn't think about how loud or quite they sound, okay?

Nobody will judge you for your sneezing.

It's normal and maybe someday your co workers will bless you too? :) 

Good night and best wishes to you.

Aw, thanks!!

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Since the episode yesterday morning, I've had a stifled sneeze and a rare double sneeze.  The double was like "Ah-choo...Ah-choo!"  Yes, my fall allergies are acting up.  I just took some Claritin D.

Edited by Luisa39
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