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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Dad Sneezing


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Hey guys so I'm new here and this is my first time posting obs. This one is actually from my dad. So here goes. This is going to be long.

So it's safe to say that in my family my dad is the sneeziest. He doesn't sneeze all the time but when he does he keeps on sneezing. There were times that he sneezed at least 20 times in a row. But that's for another time. 

So this ob happened last year. Me, my mom and my dad were watching tv on the couch and my dad had his arm around my mom. My dad kept sniffling and rubbing under his nose from time to time. I wasn't sure what was making him feel so sneezy but it looked like he was coming down with a cold. Anywas fast forward I got up to go to the washroom and when I was coming back I could hear my dad saying to my mom that he was going to sneeze. 

Instead of going there I stayed back and watched it from the other room. My dad had a terribly sneezy expresion his eyes were half closed head tilted backwards and his hand was up halfway as if to catch the sneezes. He has such poweful sneezes and he never usually covers them up. I'm not sure how to spell it but I think his sneezes sound like ARRAAASSSHHOOOOOO. 

And he sneezed and sneezed I think dad sneezed about 8 times in a row and my mom blessed him and asked him to blow his nose. But he was done he still looked sneezy even after he blew his nose and then all of a sudden he was about to sneeze again and I think last min he decided to sniffle them againts my moms shoulder. Haxxxnt. Haxxnt. Haxxnt. Came out 3 sniffled sneezes. He slowly brought his handkerchief as if blowing might trigger another fit and slowly blew his nose.

After that I returned to the room and after about 30 min dad sneezed a double. Unfortunately that was it for the night. And he did develop one of the sneeziest colds in history. 

Maybe I'll tell you'll more obs about him in the future. 

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2 hours ago, Ariel said:

Came out 3 sniffled sneezes

You probably meant, "Came out 3 STIFLED sneezes."

In any case, this was a lovely obs, thanks for sharing and welcome to the Forum!

Hope you have a wonderful time here! :D

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3 hours ago, WolfPack said:

You probably meant, "Came out 3 STIFLED sneezes."

In any case, this was a lovely obs, thanks for sharing and welcome to the Forum!

Hope you have a wonderful time here

Haha yeess that is what I meant. I typed this using my phone and I didn't realise the mistake until you pointed it out. So thanks for that and thank you. I have a feeling that I'm really going to enjoy being here. I finally feel like I belong xD 


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8 minutes ago, Ariel said:

Haha yeess that is what I meant. I typed this using my phone and I didn't realise the mistake until you pointed it out. So thanks for that and thank you. I have a feeling that I'm really going to enjoy being here. I finally feel like I belong xD 


OMG! Same! That's how I felt when I first joined the forum.

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I knoww. I mean for the longest time I wasn't even aware that there were others like me. I mean I felt like a weirdo for liking sneezes. I've had this for as long as I remember and I didn't know anybody else who liked sneezes. I was terrified that someone would find out. After finding this forum goshh you have no idea how relieved I am to know that there are other people out there that I could finally talk to about this. 

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@Psyneezy When he started to sneeze the first four sneezes had about a 10 second gap in between. But I think the last four sneezes got stuck and he was like Ahhhhh Ahhhhhh huhh Ahhhhhhhhh and he was rubbing his nose furiously trying to get those sneezes out. His sneezes are usually pretty strong but the last four sneezes he blasted them out spraying and all. I think some got to my mom as well because he was holding her close while he was having the fit. 

There's plenty more obs of my dad having his all so famous sneezing fits. I'll upload soon :)

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