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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How Do You SNEEZE?


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I'm just curious...

What do you prefer? Suppressing your sneezes? Or letting them lose?

Uncovered or covered? If so, using what? 

For me, I usually stifle since I hate sneezing around in public.


So, your turn! :razz:

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I prefer to let them loose when I'm alone but I always cover when in public, usually with the crook of my elbow or my shirt collar. 

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When I'm in public i try and catch my sneezes in a handkerchief. If I'm on my own then i just let them go

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In public, my mental block kicks in and stops any urge to sneeze. In private, I just stifle silently.

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I prefer to not suppress them, and to sneeze uncovered. Sometimes in public I can get away with sneezing uncovered if I turn away from other people, but if not then I use a hanky, my non-dominant hand, or if I'm wearing a sweater I might sneeze into the collar-ish area.

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In public, I usually either stifled completely or I'll sneeze really quietly into the sleeve of my sweatshirt. In private, I just let them out how they come. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I always stifle completely silent unless I'm sick then I might just sneeze because I'm scared of making myself worse

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I'd like to suppress/stifle them, but I'm not really able to, and the few times I am able to, it ends up making my nose and sinuses hurt.

In public I always cover -usually with tissues.  If I'm alone I sometimes sneeze uncovered.

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