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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Can you help me..?


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Hello everyone :)

I feel a bit uncomfortable to ask you for an advice via the forum, but maybe you can help me?

My situation: My brother suffers from bad chronic coughing since he was a child. 

He gets some medicine if it is required. But the last days it seems to get worse. 

He can't talk without coughing or cleaning his throat and I have to admit, it hurts me too, because I can see how incriminatory it is for him.

My brother would never told me, but I know it.

Have you any advices, tips that could help him / us that could help him or make him feel better? 

Thank you all and have a nice day.

love, taléya**


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Hi, taléya**,

I personally think that the best people to offer advice on how to help him would be his medical practitioners. Most - if not all - of our forum are not medical professionals, therefore will not be qualified to offer you any medical advice. In fact, I would like to discourage anyone from offering any medical advice, if I may. 

I do sympathise with your situation in regards to your brother, but I am not entirely sure what useful information you will get from this thread. Aside from advising things like tea, honey, and lemon, I'm unsure what else people will be able to recommend. 

I do hope things improve for your brother and he does get things that can help.

Wishing you all the best. 

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1 hour ago, PuddinPop said:

Hi, taléya**,

I personally think that the best people to offer advice on how to help him would be his medical practitioners. Most - if not all - of our forum are not medical professionals, therefore will not be qualified to offer you any medical advice. In fact, I would like to discourage anyone from offering any medical advice, if I may. 

I do sympathise with your situation in regards to your brother, but I am not entirely sure what useful information you will get from this thread. Aside from advising things like tea, honey, and lemon, I'm unsure what else people will be able to recommend. 

I do hope things improve for your brother and he does get things that can help.

Wishing you all the best. 

Hello PuddinPop :) 

I am so sorry if my posts was not right here.

I won't do it again.

The next days we will see a doctor, for sure.

I was so insecure because the last days my brother felt worse.

I know I cannot get any medical advices here but you helped me with your advice to try lemon. 

Thank you very much. Wish you all the best too and have a nice day.

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