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"Your Office After Class" (unspec. gender)


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So I let myself get inspired by the obvious, because that’s kind of what I do. :whistle: I’ll keep it vague enough that you can project whatever you like to it, though. Setting is university and scenario is very much consensual, but it does involve a teacher/student relationship, so if you find that too inappropriate, no need to read on. 



You are so mean.

Yeah, yeah, I know, the pollen count is way off charts and you’re suffering immensely, but you sure know how to use that misery to your advantage, just to wind me up. I knew I should never have told you about this kink of mine; I know you have a penchant for teasing. But this? No, I never would have imagined this. God, you’re mean.

I’m not sure if you skipped your allergy meds altogether this morning, but it definitely appears that way. Your eyes are rimmed with red and watering constantly. It looks like you want to rub at them with both hands, long and hard, but somehow manage to restrain yourself. Probably with the long-time allergy sufferer's awareness that it will only make matters worse.

Your nose is in an even worse state. It has a slight but increasingly more inflamed shade of red, and your nostrils keep twitching and quivering, as if desperately begging you to sneeze and rid them of all the torturously tickly pollen lodged within. Every few seconds, your hand wanders up to rub, pinch or lightly brush against your miserably itchy nose, and while I’m sure you need to, I can’t help but feeling it’s at least in part a deliberate move. Why would I think that? Maybe because you keep turning in my direction each time, giving me the best possible view of those flaring, feverishly hot nostrils. You know exactly how much I’d give to be touching that delicate, allergic nose right now. Not to help you hold back the sneezes struggling to come out, though, but to tease them out of you. Maybe with a feather. Given how sensitive your nose looks, I would only have to brush the feather against the edge of your nostrils once to set off a whole sneezing fit. One helpless, allergic sneeze right after another, harsh, spraying moans of satisfying, exquisite agony…

You trail off mid-sentence, breath starting to hitch. My heart skips a beat.

“I’m so s-sorry, I have to sn-sneeze…” you say, your eyelids fluttering, and a single tear trickling down your cheek. “My… my ahh… allergies are so bad t-today…”

Another hitching breath, pure desperation, and then, oh God, you send a quick glance my way – along with a self-satisfied, mischievous grin.

Then you double over with a rapid allergic fit, punctuated with wet sniffles and hitching gasps. I’m sure everybody in this lecture hall feels bad for you.

If they only knew it’s carefully arranged.

Your office after class. Message received.


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Chanel....god... *bows down*  These unspecified gender, slightly voyeuristic lovely piece of fet have totally been my jam lately.  Please keep it up :heart:


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I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a slight thing for professor/student relationships, no matter how wrong it can be. This reminded me of that thing I have for it. It's absolutely wonderful and I wouldn't mind reading more with it in the future. 

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Ummmmm..... I ummmm.... maaaaay possibly have had a particular prof character in mind.  :blushing::ninja:  Maaaaaaybe  :shifty::innocent:


Very nice!!

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On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎29 at 1:55 AM, Kaze wo Hiku said:

Chanel....god... *bows down*  These unspecified gender, slightly voyeuristic lovely piece of fet have totally been my jam lately.  Please keep it up :heart:


Jam on. B) Will be more where that came from, sooner or later. ;) 

On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎29 at 2:06 AM, Alabaster said:

This is so good. You should absolutely keep going!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! :) 

On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎29 at 0:10 PM, helyzelle said:

Oh goodness, does this have to be a oneshot? 

Hmmmmmyeah. At least for now. :P  But I do take bribes. :lol: 

On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎29 at 0:23 PM, Sophie83540 said:

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a slight thing for professor/student relationships, no matter how wrong it can be. This reminded me of that thing I have for it. It's absolutely wonderful and I wouldn't mind reading more with it in the future. 

Hey, as long as it's just a fantasy, there's nothing wrong with it. :) I'll probably get back to the idea again from time to time. :thumbsup: 

On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎29 at 11:25 PM, tma said:





Ummmmm..... I ummmm.... maaaaay possibly have had a particular prof character in mind.  :blushing::ninja:  Maaaaaaybe  :shifty::innocent:


Very nice!!

Hehehehe, so did I, but that's the beauty of these kinds of fics - you can use them for anyone you'll like. :P I'm glad you enjoyed. :P Aaaaand... I laughed out loud when I saw the sudden B in your outburst. :lol: Like... :blink: "where did that B come from...??"  :rofl: 


On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎30 at 5:51 AM, tenderwarrior said:

This is so amazing. Ugh. The way you describe allergies is just the best. You nail them so perfectly. I love this so much.

Thank you so much!! I may have much too much fun writing allergies... it's probably not healthy. But it's fun. :D 


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34 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Hmmmmmyeah. At least for now. :P  But I do take bribes. :lol: 

Oh you do, do you? Not sure I have a whole lot to offer as a bribe though. I don't write and I don't draw... I may be able to turn up the flattery though, does that work? 

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3 hours ago, HideAndGoSneeze said:

Allergies... You... Story... Umm...Good...  Words... Failing... *blushes*

Hahaha, awww, thank you so much!! I'm so glad you liked it! It's always a pleasure to use words to make others lose their words. :P;) 

2 hours ago, helyzelle said:

Oh you do, do you? Not sure I have a whole lot to offer as a bribe though. I don't write and I don't draw... I may be able to turn up the flattery though, does that work? 

Turning up the flattery may very well work as a bribe, yes.  :yay::laugh: 

2 hours ago, Ben Drowned said:

mind blown and aI thought it was a student v student relationship oh well I'm still amazed by your work

Thank you. :) Nah, if it's written by me, the sneezer will always be the teacher, not a student. :lol: 


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5 minutes ago, Chanel_no5 said:

Hahaha, awww, thank you so much!! I'm so glad you liked it! It's always a pleasure to use words to make others lose their words. :P;) 

YOU DID! It was amazing, like your other works of art! <3

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Honestly this is so good. I reread it. Also I am a professor and while I’d never ever do this with my students, I can imagine doing it with my old professors 😉 so descriptive!

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10 hours ago, TsundereKushami said:

Oh god that third paragraph where you get all descriptive? That's the best part. 

Thank you! I had a lot of fun writing that one..! :yay: 

3 hours ago, Alabaster said:

Honestly this is so good. I reread it. Also I am a professor and while I’d never ever do this with my students, I can imagine doing it with my old professors 😉 so descriptive!

Aww, thank you!! :D I think it's probably more common for students to have fantasies about their professors than the other way around. I'm neither, but throughout my school years I always had a crush on one teacher or the other. Never on fellow students, always the teachers, the wise and experienced and mature ones.  :lol: I think it's more an idea than a person you crush on in those situations. If it actually happened it would be a world of complications (not to mention how incredibly awkward and embarrassing it would be if this particular scenario happened), but as a fantasy... :naughty: Oh yes please.


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On 11/29/2017 at 5:25 PM, tma said:

Ummmmm..... I ummmm.... maaaaay possibly have had a particular prof character in mind.  :blushing::ninja:  Maaaaaaybe  :shifty::innocent:

Dear god I did :lol:


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Chanel, this lit my pants on fire!!! 🔥 So well written! Phenomenal!!! Loved it!

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This was really fantastic - I'm also partial to professor/student stuff (just professor stuff in general, really) and this was beautifully written. Thank you for posting :heart:

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